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Hitting the Mark using Physics

Connor Noland

Academy for Math, Engineering and Science
October 25th, 2014

Abstract: Using a ramp and a marble, I found the horizontal velocity of the marble as it leaves
the ramp and then calculated where it would land on the floor in order to place the target in the
correct spot.


This lab was carried out to determine where a marble rolling down a ramp would fall
without actually rolling it off the ramp. Instead, using various formulas and constants,


the target can be placed in the correct spot.

Some of the equations used in this project include
Xf = Xi + vix t + axt2 Yf = Yi + viy t + ayt2
Xf is equal to the final position along the x axis, Xi is equal to the starting point of the
x axis, vix is equal to the initial velocity as the marble leaves the ramp. T is equal to
time, ax is equal to the acceleration of the marble moving along the x axis. Yf is equal
to the final position along the y axis, Yi is equal to the starting point of the y axis, viy
is equal to the initial velocity as it leaves the ramp. Ay is equal to the gravitational

constant, which is 9.8 m/s2.

The length of the ramp that has been measured in relation with the speed of the
marble is 10 cm. The time was recorded on how fast the marble traveled 10 cm,
which could then be used to calculate the horizontal velocity. The marble was
released a little ways up the ramp, leaving the last 10 cm to be measured. Another
detail to take into consideration is the height of the table from the ground. This was
measured as being 0.915 m. Using the data collected, the horizontal velocity and
subsequently the area where the marble will land will be found and will allow the
target to be placed so that the marble will land in the center.

The marble was rolled from the same spot each time

Only the last 40 cm was recorded

The time was recorded in seconds
I switched teams when I switched classes, so I am using my current teams
data. When I worked with my previous team, we hit the 50 on the bulleye.


The first thing to do was to find the

initial velocity of the marble as it left the ramp, which was represented as vix. This
was done by taking the distance that the marble traveled that was recorded, which
was .4 meters, and divide it by the average time of the table, which was .431
seconds. This resulted in the vix being .928m/s. The next step was to find the hang
time of the marble. This was found by using the equation Yf = Yi + viy t + ayt2 .
Because the viy is equal to 0, the resulting equation was Yf = Yi + ayt2, then

plugging in the variables resulted in 0 = .915m + (-9.8m/s2) t2. Simplifying this

equation resulted in time being equal to .432 seconds. The final step is to find the
final position the marble will reach on the x axis. Using the equation Xf = Xi + vix t
+ axt2, and because ax equals 0, the resulting equation is Xf = vix t. Plugging in
the known variables results in Xf = .928m/s * .432s, which results in Xf equaling
40cm away from the ramp, meaning that putting the bulleye 40 cm away from the

ramp would result in the marble landing on the 50.

In conclusion, it was found that placing the bulleye 40 cm away from the ramp
would result in the marble landing on the 50. This was found by using the
equations outlined in the THEORY portion of the report and with constants and


data observed.
Joseph Oliveiras data.

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