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Jodi Copyak

Anthropology | Human Origins

Research Paper
Two Modern Theories of Human Origins
The two modern theories of human origins that exist today are two theories that seem
possible but have missing links. 1What is a modern human? Well it starts with the discovery of
Hominins. Hominins are two legged apes of which modern humans are related to. Really there is
a belief that they are our ancestors. Milford H. Wolpoff is a biological anthropologist, whom was
trained at the University of Illinois, he came up with a theory of his own belief of human origins.

In his theory he explains that while populations of early human ancestors are located in Asia,

Africa, and Europe there was some kind of great event that happened that made existing species
evolve into what we call modern humans. He explains these genes did it independently and no
other species had a part in this.

The second theory was brought to attention by Christopher Stringer and Peter Andrews.

Stringer, who holds a PhD in Anatomical Science and in DSc in Anatomical Science both from
Bristol University. And Andrews, who is a British paleoanthropologist and gained a degree from
the University of Toronto. These two men believed that human origins was a little more complex
than Wolpoffs theory. In their theory they stated that only one species evolved from the H.
Heidel bergensis. Then throughout the years this new species travelled to Asia and Europe. While
1 Humans: from the beginning, Christopher Seddon,2014
2 Dr. Potter, Lecture on modern human origins, May 21, 2015
3 Dr. Potter, Lecture on modern human origins, May 21, 2015

in Asia and Europe they either mated with the locals or ended the other species. Than at last
modern humans were born.
The next thing I want to argue is the lack of evidence in both theories. One more than the other.
But first lets talk about the timeline. 4Modern Human Fossil records are found in Africa as early
as 200,000 years ago. In Asia and Europe fossil records are found 100,000 - 50,000 years ago. In
Australia fossil records are found from 50,000 40,000 years ago. Then finally records in the
Americas/New World are found 15,000 12,000 years ago.
As you can see, we can place modern humans in Africa 200,000 years ago. By just looking over
the timeline of fossil records, one can quite possibly believe or paint a picture if you will, that
modern humans started in Africa. Then the species somehow migrated over to other areas of the
world. This evidence helps Stringer and Andrews theory that there was one and only one
speciation. How else can we explain that modern humans were in those areas? Well Wolpoff
argues that there is still evidence that hasnt been discovered yet. He believes that with time,
more and more fossil records will be found. His idea is that there are fossil records of Modern
Humans in Europe and Asia that are as old as 200,000 or even older. So should we keep digging?
Evidence is a huge part in this argument, its the only way we can really wrap our minds
around what happened. There are many species that are found that overlap with the modern
human theory. 5For an example, when Homo Neanderthalenis fossils were discovered it was
found that they are more related to modern humans than they were to apes. Therefore,
Neanderthals were part of our evolution. There are even fossil records of them overlapping with
modern humans. So we see existence of their characteristics in modern human remains. What
4 Dr. Potter, Lecture on modern human origins, May 21, 2015
5 Humans: from the beginning, Christopher Seddon,2014

does this mean? Well we know that modern humans and Neanderthals had to of bred together so
they created some kind of linage.

One of the arguments that Wolpoff said for his theory is it would be assumed that the

native populations around the world have adapted to their environment. So if the other theory is
correct, then how did the new species overcome a population that was already settled? He
believes that if there were invasions, there should be traces of this. But what we have found now,
doesnt support it. But what we can find later, in the future, can.
Stringer and Andrews also have arguments for their theory as well. They believe that
there was only one species that evolved and migrated out of Africa. This new species, we know
them as modern humans, moved to other areas of the world. Once in the new environments
something happened to where modern humans became the fittest of all species. Anthropologists
speculate that some of these other species were exterminated by the modern humans or maybe
they just were left out to fend for themselves. Stories cannot be proven to be true about this, but
it is good theory because as time goes on, more and more modern human fossils are found.
While other species of the sapiens gene is still being searched for.
The evidence I brought up is just a brief over view of what is believed and what is
speculated. But the evidence that really stands out to me is the evidence of Neanderthals and
modern humans existing at the same time and breeding and that modern human fossils have been
found in many different countries. The poof, they are gone. What happened to them? Maybe out
casted from new populations of modern humans? Also, Africa is also known for having more
variation in the genomes. So we know that Africa was really where modern humans were born. I
would have to agree with Stringer and Andrews. It is possible for a population to migrate over
6 Milford Wolpoff, , Multiregional Evolution of Humans

and make a place their own. By taking over the society and becoming the fittest population.
Wolpoff has some good points but they just cant seem make sense. How can a species just turn
into a modern human? At the time of the Homo gene transitioning into modern humans, how can
each population do that around the same time? The more I write about this theory the more I
have questions. So that really tells me that Wolpoffs theory doesnt really work in my mind. I
can see modern humans fighting for land and fighting for resources. I also believe that since
modern humans were more developed with tools and hunting skills that they were able to
survive. They had the strength and the brain capacity to make a population go extinct, whether it
was by mistake or not. Six, or more, species all replaced by one.
My conclusion would have to be the agreement with the Replacement Model. I truly
believe the modern humans were able to evolve into an area better than other species. I cant
truly give my opinion on what happened to the other species because there is no evidence to
really show what happened. The most valid evidence for me, are all the fossil findings of modern
humans; Africa 200,00- years ago, Asia 100,000 years ago, old world 60,000-40,000 years ago.

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