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Do violent video games contribute to youth violence?

A. Introduction
a. Attention Strategy Show images of video games
b. Exigence Our society revolves around technology which causes video games to
become more and more realistic. These violent video games encourages forceful
and violent behavior to the consumers. The main consumers for violent video
games are in fact teenagers. Each year more and more ways of producing and
playing video games are created. This causes people to question video games. Do
violent video games influence young people to act aggressively?
c. Stakeholders The video game industry, the teenagers and kids (the gamers),
families, organizations/companies
d. State Thesis Video games has been arguably one of the most entertaining and
lucrative products of all time with the United States. Despite the success of these
video games, people have complained about these games becoming too violent
and explicit, while others argue that having violent and explicit games are
beneficial to society.
e. Preview Negative impacts v. positive impacts of violent video games
B. Body
a. Violent Video Games are a negative product to society. The future of
entertainment revolves around technology. Video games become more and more
realistic. The main consumers for violent video games are teens. These games
encourage killing and fighting enemies. Overplaying can incite young players to
act violently.
i. Violent video games require active participation, repetition, and
identification with the violent character. With new game controllers
allowing more physical interaction, the immersive and interactive
characteristics of video games can increase the likelihood of youth
ii. Young children are more likely to confuse fantasy violence with real
world violence, and without a framework for ethical decision making,
they may mimic the actions they see in violent video games.
iii. Video games often reward players for simulating violence, and thus
enhance the learning of violent behaviors. Studies suggest that when
violence is rewarded in video games, players exhibit increased
aggressive behavior compared to players of video games where violence
is punished.
b. Violent Video Games are a positive product to society. Video games have been
blamed for causing numerous acts, however this does not consider the other
factors that could contribute to these incidents such as, abusive families, peer
pressure, exposure to media violence, and so on. In fact, these violent video
games have been linked to improving a variety of skills.

i. Playing violent video games reduces violence in teens by serving as a

substitute for rough and tumble play. Playing violent video games allows
teens to express aggression and establish status in the peer group without
causing physical harm.
ii. Playing violent video games provides a safe outlet for aggressive and
angry feelings. A 2007 study reported that 45% of boys played video
games because "it helps me get my anger out" and 62% played because it
"helps me relax."
iii. Violent video games provide healthy and safe opportunities for children
to virtually explore rules and consequences of violent actions. Violent
games also allow youth to experiment with issues such as war, violence
and death without real world consequences.
A. Reflection/Evaluation
a. Against
i. (Care-Based Approach)- Violent video games should be banned within
the United States in order to reduce the violence in our society. These
games can lead to violence amongst each other and damage against
c. For
i. (Utilitarian Approach)- Violent video games provides people with the
opportunity to explore and experiment on violence without physically
doing it to our society. This is better for society.
C. Conclusion
a. My thoughts When video game violence or violence in movies comes up as a
subject in a news story about a violent act, people are always quick to point their
finger at the TV or console and put blame on game creators. But I feel as though
a lot of the time we are missing the point. No, of course you shouldnt let a 5year-old play Grand Theft Auto or let your teenager play any game for endless
hours and not socialize. But when it comes to media violence, which is becoming
more and more prominent in our society, we have to take charge and
communicate with our kids about it from the time they are in diapers to the time
they leave our home. Because whether we like to believe it or not, eventually
those innocent eyes will be exposed to something whether at home, school, a
friends house or passing by a video store.
b. Summary In the world of video gaming, the debate about violence is
perennially argued and never quite resolved. One faction contends violent games
invite real-world brutality, and the other faction defends violent games as
innocuous. Advocacy groups are formed, advocacy groups are mocked, and the
debate swirls on no closer to reaching a conclusion.
c. Concluding Remark Some people say video games rot your brain, but I say
they work different muscles that maybe you dont normally use.

Reference Pages:
Granic, Isabela, Adam Lobel, and M.E. Engels Rutger C. The Benefits of Playing Video
Games. American Psychologist (2013): 66-78. Academic Search Complete. Web.
14 Sep 2014.
Zawacki, Kevin. Playing Violent Video Games Makes You a Better Person, Study
Says. The Daily Beast (2014). Web. 14 Sep 2014.
Do Violent Video Games Contribute to Youth Violence? Violent Video Games (2014).
Web. 14 Sep 2014

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