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Your Name: Brandy DeRose

Title of Lesson: Water Conservation Projects
Grade: 4th
NOTE: Please list at least two complete standards your lesson plan covers. [Common Core State Standards
(math and language arts), Next Generation Science Standards (science), Arizona State Social Studies
Standards (social studies)].
4-ESS3-1. Obtain and combine information to describe that energy and fuels are derived from natural
resources and their uses affect the environment
Concept 1: Changes in Environments
Describe the interactions between human populations, natural hazards, and the environment.
PO 1. Describe how natural events and human activities have positive and negative impacts on environments.
Conduct short research projects that build knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic.
Provide an overview/synopsis of the lesson and the topics that it will cover. Make sure to provide a reason
why you selected this to be relevant for a unit on sustainability?
Describe what you want students to know/be able to do as a result of the lesson.
For example, Students will be able to
Students will be able to incorporate cause and effect relationships that are routinely identified and are used to
explain change. (4-ESS3-1)
Students will be able to describe how natural events and human activities have positive and negative impacts
on environments.
Students will be able to conduct short research on conservation of water in Phoenix and will be able to
complete a research based project pertaining to water conservation in Phoenix.
What measures will you use to know if you students met the objectives?
I will have an exit ticket that asks students to state five ways that they could conserve water in their homes.
Evidence of mastery is if they list 4 out of 5 correctly.
I will have my students write three complete paragraphs answering the prompt questions provided. Evidence
of mastery shown if they receive 20 out of 30 points.
I will have a set rubric for each option for conservation projects. Each will be worth 50 points. Evidence of
mastery is indicated if they receive 35 out of 50 points.

What will students need to know prior to completing this lesson and how will you access their prior
Students will need to know examples of water conservation. Students will need to know how much
residential water Phoenix generally uses in a day. Students will need to know how much water they use in
their homes each day. Students will also need to be able to accurately read bar graphs and charts as well as
know how to create them. Students will need to know how to use their iPads efficiently in order to conduct
their research.
List of required materials.
Phoenix Water Conservation Efforts Youtube video.
Worksheet that explains the options for the water conservation projects.

List of key vocabulary terms.
Conservation: Preservation, protection, or restoration of the natural environment, natural ecosystems,
vegetation, and wildlife.
Residential: Designed for people to live in. (homes)
CAP: Central Arizona Project
Generation: All of the people born and living at about the same time, regarded collectively.

Procedural Steps (Step by step instructions for teaching the lesson):
I would open this wrap-up lesson by showing a video. The video I will display is the Phoenix Water
Conservation Efforts to show how Phoenix currently conserves water. This video will help my students
understand that through this entire unit, water conservation in Phoenix is our ultimate goal. I will explain to
my students that water conservation is in fact important for the entire world, however we can never start too
small in our efforts. I will have my students write down three ways that Phoenix is conserving water based
from the evidence in the video. The students will then Think-Pair-Share with a partner what they have found
most interesting about the video.
Next I will ask several questions in which I would instruct them to write 3 paragraphs to turn into me. The
questions I would prompt them are:
1.What are the overall benefits if the majority of the Phoenix population conserved water in their homes?,
2.Would it make a large impact directly, or would it take time?
3.What are the benefits if every city in the United States conserved water in their homes?
4. Now that you know some tips on conserving water do you plan to share this information to the members
of your household to try to get them to use less water? Why or why not?
5. How will conserving water in Phoenix help future generations?
I will then explain what their unit projects will be. I will give them a handout that explain the four options in
which they may choose for a research-based take-home project. Then they will have about an hour to
brainstorm ideas as well as to conduct research.

These four options are:

1. Creating a diorama showing the benefits of conserving water in residential homes in the Phoenix
2. Writing a five paragraph essay describing how they choose to conserve water in their everyday lives,
providing daily steps they would take after learning about water conservation. One paragraph needs
to be focused on creating an invention or a new way to conserve water in Phoenix and to explain this
3. Create a newspaper article that states the overall benefits of water conservation in the city of
4. Create a cause and effect book that shows non- conserving water in Residential Phoenix vs.
conserving water in Residential Phoenix.
I will close this lesson by restating the objectives that the students were able to conduct research on water
conservation, to explain cause and effect relationships to explain changes, as well as the students were able to
describe how human activities can positively or negatively impact the environment. I will then give my
students an exit ticket. This exit ticket will have my students listing five ways that they could conserve water
in their homes.

List any references you used to create this lesson. If you borrowed ideas from any lesson plans please note
them here. Use APA format.
Provide a complete explanation of how your lesson plan connects to futures, system, strategic, or values
thinking. Define the way of thinking you selected and used in this lesson plan. Remember, this should be
included meaningfully in the lesson plan.
This lesson plan connects to futures thinking. Futures thinking is thinking about many actors that could
potentially affect our future generations to come. I have incorporated it into my lesson by infusing the topic of how
might water conservation be beneficial to future generations that live in Phoenix. I have also stated to my students
that individuals are working to conserve water every day and that new ideas and concepts are essential for the
process. I have asked my students to conduct research-based projects that will inform and urge others to begin
conserving water in their homes to benefit their citys water and its systems or to explain ways that they plan to
conserve water in their homes, even having chances to invent new ways to conserve water.

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