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Question: How does pride affect people in the Odyssey?

Jolene- On, it says, Pride makes us self-conscious. When we
think so highly of ourselves, we tend to protect our status rather than strive for something
better. Pride forces us to focus on the downside instead of the upside, no matter how
significant. What if I failed and everyone saw me? Having pride in the Odyssey brings
attention to yourself and the gods will notice. You would not really want the Gods to
notice you because then they will try to make your life miserable. For example, when
Odysseus stabbed Polyphemus in the eye, which was on Page 110, Polyphemus said,
...grant me revenge on Odysseus of Ithaca! Let him never reach his home, or if the other
gods decree that he must, let him come late, after long suffering, with all of his comrades
dead, and let him find trouble waiting for him at home! He wanted to be famous and
have all this pride but all of that caused him to spend a ten year journey home when it
could have been about two to three months.
Jenna- On page 85, it shows Odysseus throwing a disc to prove that he was not a
merchant because they judged him by his appearance. He was kind of showing off but he
didnt mean to, he did it in anger but when you have a lot of pride you dont really pay
attention to if you are bragging or if you are just trying to show your achievements. Also,
according to it says, When pride is at stake, individuals are
motivated to work longer and harder to achieve success. Odysseus wanted to get to
Ithaca and if he did not make it back he would lose his pride as king. That made
Odysseus determined to survive his journey.
Talulla- It is better to have too little pride because then the gods will help you and
take pity on you. For example, on page 45 Penelope says, Athena, child of Zeus, whose
shield is thunder, if ever my husband burned rich thighbones of oxen to you, please
protect my son. Penelope does not have any pride because she is pleading to the gods for
help. If you have to much pride then you will get into trouble. On page 39 it says, Ajax
was wrecked. Poseidon drove his ship upon the rocks of Gyrae. He pulled himself from
the sea, and might have still survived, but he boasted that even the gods couldnt drown
him. Poseidon heard this and split the ledge he was standing on so he fell back into the
brine and perished. Ajax was so proud that he could defeat the gods but the gods heard
this and he died. On it says, Pride can often blind you. Thats why
pride is bad sometimes: Too much of it can prevent you from dealing with obstacles that
might trip you up. This quote shows that pride will make you think that you can do
anything which is dangerous.
Lauren- Having a lot of pride has many pros and cons. However, having less
pride is better than having more. For example, on the website,
having too much pride can lead to you making unwise decisions, and judging people

incorrectly. Like Jenna said, on page 85, the man judged Odysseus incorrectly because he
thought he was better than Odysseus, and concluded that Odysseus was a merchant.
Evelyn- Reason 1: When Odysseus had very little pride, he was able to succeed
in surviving. For example, he acknowledged that he needed help, and pleaded for the
gods for help when he crashed into rocks and was injured from the impact.
Book Quote: Hear me Lord of the river. I come to you in great need. Show mercy calm your currents and let me swim to shore. (pg. 71)
Web Quote: Odysseus' pride is demonstrated by his taunting of Polyphemus. Odysseus
rarely admits guilt...Odysseus, however, is not the only one guilty of pride in The
Odyssey. The suitors' prideful behavior does not go unpunished nor does the pride of
Odysseus' crew.
Theme: Having a little pride is okay, but too much pride is hurtful
Subject: Pride
Subject Connection to Theme: Pride can help boost your self-confidence but too much of it and
you will be getting into trouble
Connection to Book: Odysseus had a lot of pride, being so brave, strong and clever. He did not
really brag about it but he did show off sometimes. For example, on page 85, he was vengeful
and he threw a disc to show how strong he was.
Research: Pride makes us self-conscious. When we think so highly of ourselves, we tend to
protect our (self-assigned) status rather than strive for something better. Pride forces us to focus
on the downside instead of the upside, no matter how significant. What if I failed and everyone
saw me?
Citation: the Odyssey by Gareth Hinds

Question: Did going through so many troubles help Odysseus learn to think that his
troubles are not over?

Jolene- As you may know, Zeus did not like the other gods to be overly happy or
to think that they can finally relax and think that their troubles were over so you can
never be truly happy. That helped them think differently to think that they could not slack
off and they always had to be on guard. For example, on page 59 when Odysseus left
Calypso he probably thought, Oh finally I can go home, but he did not think about that
Poseidon would punish him for leaving Calypsos island.
Jenna- No, because on page 112 it says, We sighted land--Ithaca! I thought my
troubles were over, and I left the helm to sit and rest my legsThe winds unleashed,
battered our ship and blew us, wailing, back from our homes, all the way back across the
sea to Aeolia. Odysseus thought that he could rest and let his crew do the rest of the

work because they were so close to Ithaca. Resting caused the ship to go elsewhere and
delay them getting back home. I think Odysseus thought nothing else could go wrong but
he should have been more careful, especially because he knew Poseidon doesnt like him.
Talulla- Yes, he did become more aware that the troubles that the gods are giving
him is not going to finish anytime soon. Odysseus did not know that his journey to get
back to Ithaca was going to take ten years so the gods had to have something in store for
him. On page 94 it says, As we approached, we saw a great cave near the shore, with
sheep-pens surrounding it. Something made me uneasy, so I picked twelve of my best
fighters, armed myself well Odysseus was kind of suspicious because something bad
always tends to happens to him. He is being more aware which helps him have a greater
chance of survival.
Lauren- Yes, because with all the troubles and obstacles Odysseus had to face, it
made him stronger, and made him more aware. With the strength and intelligence
Odysseus learned from his troubles, he knew he would be ready for anything that the
gods made him face. Like it says on, troubles that one faces
can be turned into strength. Like Jolene said, on pg 59, he knew Poseidon would have
obstacles awaiting for him.
Evelyn- Yes, for Odysseus learned to always be on his toes. His comrades
decided to leisurely feast on delicacies in Cicones, instead of coming straight back to
Ithaca. They paid severely for letting their guard down. The allies of Cicones came and
got revenge on the army by taking the lives of many men before everyone could retreat.
After this, Odysseus learned to never let his men have their guards down.
Book Quote: While I argued with them and they loitered, ignoring me, those Cicones
who had escaped the city went quickly to their neighbors and gathered up an army to take
revenge on us.(page 90)
Web Quote: states that Over time, Odysseus learned to not let his guard
down. When he visited the lotus - eaters his on - guard nature and his longing for the reunion
with his family caused him to not eat the lotus seeds.
Theme: Do not give up
Subject: Winners never quit and quitters never win Vince Lombardi
Subject Connection to Theme: When you do not give up you grow stronger. If you are always
quitting or not trying hard you will never feel successful.
Connection to Book: Even after Odysseus had gone through so many scary and tough
situations, he did not give up and wanted to find his way home. Let these Phaeacians receive me
with kindness and help me reach my home p.77
Research: So, why is it so easy for so many people to quit on their goals? The answer is
simple: Its easy. The harder choice would be to push through the obstacles and the
challenges...What if Thomas Edison gave up on his attempt to improve the light bulb? What if
Michael Jordan quit when he got cut from his high school basketball team? What if Martin
Luther King quit on his march for freedom when things got a little scary? Where would we be as

a society if the leaders from our pasts quit on the greatness they pursued in their lives that have
changed and affected so many lives thereafter?
The only way to fail at anything is to quit.
Citation: the Odyssey

Question: How does getting what you deserve from your actions affect characters in the

Jolene- On page 27 it says, No matter how far away you live, you will have
heard the songs about Agamemnon and his gruesome death at the hands of Aegisthus. But
his son, Orestes, avenged the murder, and proved that the line of Atreus is still strong.
This shows that Aegisthus, the murderer, did a bad deed, and that bad deed eventually
happened on himself. As the Golden Rules states, treat others the way you want to be
treated so if you treat someone bad you shouldnt expect that person to be nice to you
unless she or he is really kind.
Jenna- According to Odysseus makes a far more egregious error
then he taunts Polyphemus not once but twice Odysseus actions put him in a bad
situation. Also, on page 109 Odysseus says Cyclops, if anyone asks who put out your
eye, tell them it was Odysseus of Ithaca! Polyphemus prays to Poseidon and the god gets
mad and tries to kill Odysseus. He got what he deserved because his pride took over and
he wanted to brag about how he got away from Polyphemus. His actions did not benefit
him and his journey home.
Talulla- If your actions were good, then they would benefit you later in life, and if
your actions were bad, then they would not benefit you later on life. On page 17 it says,
Quiet, old man. Not all birds are omens...We fear no one, least all of you, Telemachus. If
you want to rid of us, tell your mother to marry. This quote supports my opinion because
the suitors are taking advantage of Odysseus's home so Zeus sends eagles to hurt the
suitors. As the old man says, A sign of doom! Odysseus will not be long gone, and he
brings bloody slaughter for these suitors! The suitors are bad so it will backfire on them.
Another example is from page 4. Zeus says, Could I forget that wily hero Odysseus?
You know I bear him no grudge--but Poseidon does, hates him for blinding his son
Polyphemus the Cyclops. Because Odysseus blinded Poseidons son, Poseidon cast him
on the island of Ogygia with nothing to take him home to Ithaca. In a book called Justice
and Conflicts: Theoretical and Empirical Contributions it says, The just world hypothesis states
that people need to believe in a just world in which everyone gets what they deserve and deserves
what they get. This belief enables them to deal with their social environment as though it were
stable and orderly and thus serves adaptive functions. This quote shows that people need to just
go with the flow and except that they deserve what they get.

LaurenMaking good choices is very important. Like the website says, making good choices can shape your future. Like Jenna

already said, on pg 109, Odysseus told the the son of Poseidon, ( or the cyclopes ) to tell
his father that Odysseus is the one who blinded his son. If Odysseus didnt tell the
cyclopes that it was he that blinded him, then the cyclopes would not have prayed to his
father. Without this action, then Poseidon wouldnt have disliked Odysseus that much.
Evelyn- Reason 1: Your actions and words in Ancient Greece could offend the
Gods. Therefore, people were careful to speak and act wisely so that they would not be
punished severely for only their foolish actions.
Book Quote: After Calypso rants about the cruel gods, Hermes advises,And Calypso...
Id be more gracious towards the will of Zeus, if I were you. He may hear your words and punish
you. (pg. 49)
Website Quote: due respect to the gods so that one does not invite disaster or to
appease an angry god or goddess whom one has offended. One did not ask for the gods
help but rather one hoped the gods would not hinder ones efforts. by
Theme: Everyone gets what they deserve
Subject: Karma
Subject Connection to Theme: All your actions will either benefit or not benefit you later on in
Connection to Book: Quiet, old man. Not all bids are omens...We fear no one, least all of you,
Telemachus. If you want to rid of us, tell your mother to marry. (Page 17)
A sign of doom! Odysseus will not be long gone, and he brings bloody slaughter for these
suitors! (Page 17)
No matter how far away you live, you will have heard the songs about Agamemnon and his
gruesome death at the hands of Aegisthus. But his son, Orestes, avenged the murder, and proved
that the line of Atreus is still strong. (Page 27)
Could I forget that wily hero Odysseus? You know I bear him no grudge--but Poseidon does,
hates him for blinding his son Polyphemus the Cyclops. (Page 4)
Research: The just world hypothesis states that people need to believe in a just world in which
everyone gets what they deserve and deserves what they get. This belief enables them to deal with their
social environment as though it were stable and orderly and thus serves adaptive functions.

Citation: the Odyssey by Gareth Hinds

Justice and Conflicts: Theoretical and Empirical Contributions by Elisabeth Kals, Jrgen Maes

Question: Does having hero traits benefit Odysseus?
Jolene- It benefitted him by being good under pressure and quick on his toes A lot
of the times that he would get into trouble, he would always manage a way to get out of
it. One example was when they went to the land of the Lotus Eaters, on page 92, he was
thought that it was suspicious that they did not come back while they were adventuring

the island. He did not partake of the fruit and they must have been hungry too so it was a
really big temptation and he was smart to know it was a trap. On the other side though,
heros are usually leaders, and on page 90, when they went to the land of the Cicones and
raided them, the men wanted to rest and party but Odysseus warned them that it would be
dangerous. A good leader is someone that would make people listen to them no matter
what and because a good leader would know what is best for his crew.
Jenna- Because Odysseus has many hero traits, he can outsmart his foes even if
they are much stronger or bigger than him. For example, on page 106, Odysseus is trying
not to get killed by Polyphemus, the cyclops, and instead of killing him he hides beneath
a sheep as it says, ...digging my fingers into his thick wool, I swung beneath his belly
and waited as the young Dawns fingers touched the eastern sky. This quote shows that
his intelligence saved him. Also, according to, Heroic leaders have the
determination to achieve the goal, regardless of the challenging obstacles. Determination
is another trait of Odysseus because he is wants to get back to Ithica so he never loses
hope even in bad situations.
Talulla- Having hero traits makes Odysseuss chance of survival greater. For
example, on pages 54-56 his strength helps him so he can build a sturdy raft in about two
days. Also, if you are a hero then the gods will notice you more, and they might takes pity
on you and help you. On page 64 it says, Here, take my veil and wind it around your
waist. It will protect you. The goddess helps him because Poseidon hates him so much
and she pities him. Another time a god helps Odysseus is on page 71. It says, Hear me,
lord of the river. I come to you in great need. Show mercy--calm your currents and let me
swim to shore. The river god takes pity on Odysseus and answers his plea because
Odysseus has suffered so much.
Lauren- I think these heroic traits do benefit Odysseus. I think this, because with
these traits: intelligence and the ability to speak well, helped Odysseus gain the pity from
other kings and queens. For example, on pg 81 and 111 these kings and queens helped
Odysseus greatly. On the website it says, Bravery falls under the
virtue category of Courage. Odysseus has these traits and is very lucky to have such important

Evelyn- Odysseus has many heroic traits such as nobility, strength, bravery, and
loyalty. However, his perseverance and determination gets him through the most
impossible situations. For example, his determination to return home keeps him on his
guard, ready for any enemies. He was the only one that wanted to return home
immediately after his comrades sacked the city of Cicones.
Book Quote: They wanted to stay and drink from the great casks of wine, gorge
themselves on plundered delicacies. (page 90)
Web Quote: by Kristine Tucker says, Odysseus's perseverance
isn't based on physical strength alone. He uses his intelligence to outwit those who try to ensnare
him. From the very beginning of the poem, Odysseus shows his determination by escaping the
grips of Calypso.

Theme: Be strong, be brave, be intelligent, be productive, speak well, be selfless

Subject: Heroes
Subject Connection to Theme: Heroes are brave, strong, and honest to surpass the obstacles
they face.
Connection to Book: Odysseus had to be brave, strong, and used those traits to win his foes, and
over his problems.
Citation: pg 1 ... that man of many troubles, Odysseus skilled in many ways of contending,
who wandered far after he helped sack the great city of Troy.
Research: the Odyssey , Bravery, April 21, 2015

Question: Why may have hospitality been more important in Odysseuss times than in our

Jolene- During the time that Odysseus lived the people around were usually very
welcoming and they would give you gifts if you were a guest at their home. On page 75 it
says, Stranger, I can tell by your words that you are neither a fool nor a rascal. If the
gods wish you to suffer, there is nothing to be done but endure it-but here on this island,
you will not lack for hospitality. But now in the modern day if you go knocking around
on peoples door asking for a place to stay they would think youre crazy and/or
homeless. We also have places that provide hospitality called hotels and you pay them to
have a place to sleep and eat.
Jenna- Today it is not as common to go on long journeys as it was in Odysseuss
times. People back then sort of knew that someone might come and ask them for
hospitality, but today no one expects a random person to come asking for food or clothes.
Hospitality was important because it gave people with almost nothing a place to sleep and
food. Also, on page 76 it says, Remember that all beggars are sent by Zeus. Lets feed
this man, bathe him and give him a clean, dry tunic and cloak to wear. Everyone in
ancient Greece was excepted to help beggars.
Talulla- On page 81 it says, Zeus watches over all beggars, and to honor him, we
will grant your plea. People believed that everyone was sent by gods and they didnt
want to go against the gods. Nowadays, people can be a lot dangerous. Also, if offering
hospitality was regular in our times then people might take advantage of that since we
have so many homeless and dishonest people. Most people do not follow the rule that you
have to welcome everyone into your home. On it says, We all agree that
running a business today is more complicated and requires more resources (financial, human,
technological, etc.) than in the past. This quote proves that nowadays people expect more than

what they did in the past. It is hard to provide all the necessaries for everyone that knocks on your

Lauren- A lot of people can fend for themselves these days, and communication
is a lot easier with cell phones. However, the people in the old days needed more
hospitality because of the lack of communication. Like on the website says, with our great advancement in technology, fending for
ourselves isnt as hard. Like Jenna said, on pg 76, Remember that all beggars are sent
by Zeus This shows that because of their belief, there are probably more beggars,
because of the hospitality that is shown in the sentence.
Evelyn- Reason 1: In Ancient Greece, its was custom to protect, shelter, and feed
a traveler for free. If they did not, they were considered cold. Many people were
reluctant to provide free shelter, or food, but were pressured by other people, or took in
travelers to protect their reputation.
Reason 2: Also, in ancient Greece, hosts or hostesses sheltered a traveler, fearing the the
Gods would punish them for breaking tradition. Also, they feared that the stranger would be a
god! If a host sheltered a stranger well they would sometimes be rewarded for their generosity by
the Gods.
Book Quote: In the Odyssey, Telemachus furiously retorts to the suitors, making them
shout back at him, The Gods themselves must be teaching you this high and mighty manner,
Telemachus! (page 12)
Internet Quote:, states that, ...the host was forbidden to ask
any initial questions of a guest, even complete strangers. Moreover, the host was expected to
offer his guest refreshments, a bath and clean clothes.
Book Quote 2: O great King and queen, you are matchless in your generosity, beauty,
and wisdom. May the gods bless you in your health, long life, and happiness for all your
children (page 81)
Theme: Hospitality
Subject: Hosts/Hostesses
Subject Connection to Theme: Hosts, or hostesses, are responsible for the proper care and
entertainment of guests.
Connection to Book: Hospitality is an important part of Ancient Greece. People were expected
to feed travelers, for they were brought by Zeus, the king of all gods. If not for hospitality of
Ancient Greece, Odysseus would not have made the journey home.
Citation: To maintain order and civility between Greeks from various regions, hospitality was
not just a kindness; it was an unspoken cultural law that preserved order for a people who were
simultaneously countrymen and strangers. by
The Queen of the Phaeacians said to Odysseus,Rise stranger, you speak well. Zeus watches over
all beggars, and to honor him, we will grant your plea.. (pg 81)
Research: the Odyssey by Gareth Hinds
Shilling, Alana. "Hospitality in Ancient Greek Culture | The Classroom | Synonym." The
Classroom., 2001. Web. 20 Apr. 2015.

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