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Blackmon 1

Rhonda Blackmon
Professor Chiquita Boyd
ENG 111
5 May 2015

Argumentative Essay Final Draft

Very few people would dispute that we are living in the digital information age
(Marino). According to Duggan, research analyst at the Pew Research Center, social media sites
such as Facebook, Linked In, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter saw a significant growth in online
adult (18 years and older) use between 2013 and 2014. The shedding away with social
networking sites (SNS) would cause an extreme disconnection for the majority. Many people,
whether business or personal, use SNS to share or gain knowledge, receive news, connect or
reconnect with family and friends, recruit new employees, or seek new jobs.
Reports from a recent survey in September 2014 show that 52% of United States (U.S.)
American adults use multiple social media sites (Duggan). Not to mention, 31% of seniors (65
years and older) are using social media as well (Duggan). As a matter of fact, statistics show that
as of March 2015 Facebook alone has 936 million daily and 1.44 billion monthly active users
(Facebook). With this in mind SNS by far has became a great asset to the U.S. digital society.
Social networking sites are good for U.S society because they construct a bridge connecting
people with the world by spreading information faster than any other media, by helping
employers find new employees and job-seekers find work, and improving a persons
relationship and the opportunity of making new friends (Procon).

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Social networking sites by far spread information faster than any other media. Breaking,
informative, and even entertaining news is made available within minutes if not seconds. An
increasing amount of U.S. Americans are receiving news on their mobile and online devices
(Marino). For instance, according to Sutter, journalist for Cable News Network (CNN), the
devastating movie theater shooting that occurred in Aurora, Colorado killing 12 innocent people
unfolded in real time. Also, the Aurora Police Officials used SNS to help make sense of the
devastating tragedy and to offer sympathy by sending a message of condolence to the victims
families (Sutter).
In addition, many health organizations use SNS to inform, connect, and share latest
research developments. For example, uses SNS to connect people around HIV
prevention, testing, treatment, and research information. As well as, uses the
following SNS: YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, and LinkedIn to connect and
educate people about cancer. Most would agree this is the most convenient way to receive
By the same token, social networking sites help employers find employees and jobseekers find work. Everyday new job postings are created and within a few clicks, SNS allow
job-seekers to post resumes and apply for jobs. In this case, 67% of job-seekers are using
Facebook, 45% are using Twitter, and 40% are using LinkedIn (Jobvite Job Seeker 10). Also,
study shows that 73% of recruiters have hired a candidate through social media and 93% use or
plan to use SNS to support their recruiting efforts (Jobvite Social Recruiting 9-10). Employers
making the decision to use SNS gains benefits due to, lowering vacancy rates because of social
medias high usage rate and immediate response time, open positions will be seen and read by a
larger number of qualified candidates, and it saves money offering lowering recruitment cost

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(Giles). Not to mention the easy access that it provides for the job-seeker looking for work. The
social networking sites enable a person to save gas, time, and money allowing you to apply right
from your online devices.
Furthermore, social networking sites allow people to improve their relationships and
make new friends. When asked the question, why do consumers use social networking sites?
Topping the list, 70% stated that SNS connects one with their family and friends (Solis). It also
offers many advantages to explore the world by connecting with others that share the same
interest and likes. Not to mention, exposing one to diversity and new opportunities. Whether one
is lonely or sociably acceptable, social networking keeps our relationships improving day by day.
Others may disagree and say social media is not good for the U.S. society. Their belief is
that it enables the spreading of unreliable and false information. Some would argue, however the
focus should be placed more on the availability of the information. How quick information
unfolds holds a great weight in our rapidly growing U.S. society. Nevertheless, unreliable and
false information could take place right from the news room or a misprint in a newspaper article.
Recently, there has been a report that Mayor, Anne Hidalgo plans to sue the American Fox
Network due to inaccurate reports on no-go zones for Muslims (Frizell). This inaccuracy
occurred on national television. Yes, reliable and false information is vital to the U.S. society
however, targeting social networking sites will not eliminate the problem.
Many will also argue that social networking can lead to stress and offline relationships
problems. Stress and relationship problems by far can be provoked by many reasons other than
social networking sites. In reality, the leading cause to stress in U.S. Americans is money
(Thompson). At the same time, relationship problems exist whether or not one is using SNS.
One of the major roots in relationship problems is communication (Sorgen). Attacking SNS will

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not eliminate poor communication. With that said, the focus should be on helping our society
embrace SNS by offering many tools to complement communication and build healthier
relationships as a whole.
Given these points, social networking sites are imperative and a must have in this rapidly
growing U.S. society. Imagine the world today if one had to solely rely upon hand delivered
mail, the news airing 2-3 times a day, or receiving important news several days or possibly
weeks later. Most would find this type of delay very frustrating. Not to mention, missing love
ones or just simply a mean to stay connected with family and friends from all across the world.
All in all, this is why Social Networking Sites are good for our U.S. society. Keeping U.S.
Americans informed about the world and society is detrimental and will help promote a more
diverse and knowledgeable society. In others words, networking is "The process of developing
and using your contacts to increase your business, enhance your knowledge, expand your sphere
of influence or serve your community (Misner). All things considered, Social networking sites
are good for U.S society because they construct a bridge connecting people with the world by
spreading information faster than any other media, by helping employers find new employees
and job-seekers find work, and improving a persons relationship and the opportunity of making
new friends.

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Works Cited
Duggan, Maeve, et al. "Social Media Update 2014." 9 January 2015. Pew Research Web site. 10
April 2015.
Facebook. Company Information/Stats. March 2015. 4 May 2015.
Frizell, Sam. Paris Mayor Plans to sue Fox News. 20 January 2015. 28 April 2015.
Giles, Karl. 7 Benefits of Social Media Recruitment. n.d. 4 May 2015.
Jobvite. 2014 Social Recruiting Survey. n.p., 2014. 12 April 2015.
. Job Seeker Nation Study. 2015. E-Book.
. Social Recruiting. 2014. E-Book.
Marino, Kristin. "Social Media: The New News Sources." 16 April 2012. 10 April 2015.
Misner, Ivan. "A New Definition of Networking." 23 November 2015. 11 April 2015.
ProCon. "Are Social Networking Sites Good for Our Society?" n.d. 10 April 2015.
Solis, Brian. "People Use Social Networks to Connect with Family and Friends, Sometimes
Brands." 13 September 2011. Web. 11 April 2015.
Sorgen, Carol. 7 Solutions That Can Save A Relationship. n.d. 3 May 2015.
Sutter, John D. Theater Shooting Unfolds In Real Time on social media. 20 July 2012. 28 April
Thompson, Dennis. The Biggest Cause of Stress in American History. 5 February 2015. 28 April

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