Sie sind auf Seite 1von 2

Section 1:Introduction and guiding question

Glaciers are made up of fallen snow that over many many years compresses into
large thick masses of ice. A glaciers size can range widely, it can be as small as a
football field and others can become one hundred kilometers long. As shocking as it
seems glaciers have the ability to move. Due to the mass the glacier can move down
mountains valleys fan across a plain and in some locations they will even spread out in
the sea. There is also global warming going on causing the glaciers to melt and sea
levels to rise. In this experiment, our goal was to find out how the sea level air
temperature affects the size of the glacier. Our guiding question that helped us set our
goal was: How does the climate affect the size of the glacier?

Section 2:Method
To assist in our experiment we used a simulation on glaciers. This simulation
allowed us to measure the length and width of the glacier after a certain amount of
years at different temperatures. We picked our four temperatures between the two
numbers of 55.4 and 68 degrees fahrenheit this is because these were the lowest and
the highest temperatures the simulation allowed. We needed to set the temperature and
then wait for 300 years. This is so the simulation would have time to put the temperature
in order. Then we paused the simulation and measured the width and the length of the
glacier. We did this for all four temperatures and then recorded the data. Then we
wanted to put an average on all four so we tested and recorded each temperature both
width and length two more times and found the average for the width and the length for
all temperatures. To analyze our data we made a table with all of our temperatures on it
then we put the length and width of the glacier at each temperature and looked for
pattern and trends in our data set.

Section 3:The Argument

How does the climate change affect the size of the glacier? This is the question
we started with, we called it our guiding question.The higher the temperature the
smaller the length and height of the glacier is. We were to pick a experiment that we
had created, to answer the guiding question and prove that claim and also, finally, test
the experiment. We decided to pick a goal of answering the question: How does the sea
level air temperature affect the size of the glacier? The colder the temperature is the
bigger the glacier is and the higher the temperature, is the smaller the glacier.
Our data supported this claim, because at 55.4 degrees the length was 169,587ft
and at 68 degrees the length was decreased to 1,411ft. Not only the length changed
with the temperature but the width did too. At 55.4 degrees, the width was 1,324.3ft and
at 68 degrees, the width was 0ft. Also at 58.9 degrees, the length was 149,902ft and the
width was 1242.3ft and when the temperature was 62.3, degrees the length was
122,802ft and width was 1,120.1ft. Even when the temperature difference was only 3.4

degrees away from each other, the difference in the length and width was drastic. As the
temperature got hotter you could see the trend of how the glacier got smaller.
This is justified because in our simulation we found out that after temperatures
increase the glaciers width and length decrease. Are lives are affected by this, by
glaciers and by the global warming in our world. Since global warming is occurring,
many things may change. Our data suggests the temperatures are causing the glaciers
to shrink due to the melting. Melting can result in flooding of coastal areas and this can
affect everyone. Humans can help in stopping the global warming. One of the big things
that can stop global warming is cutting down trees. If we did this then is would have a
huge effect on the world.

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