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Social Networking
Michael Rubio
University of Texas at El Paso

Brian Jung, Demand Media The Negative Effect of Social Media On society and Individuals
In the article, the reading is talking about the negative and positive effect on social networking
can be brought upon by several things. For example, in the article states that cyber bullying
is a huge factor that plays on the negative effects on social networking. In addition to these
things, the reading also mentions negative effects, sometimes a false sense of connection
can occur while in a relationship with someone, as well as the lack of privacy and
productivity effect people on social networking. The reason I chose this source was
because it utilized both points and the pros and cons of social networking, which is why it
jo;fgnis important and big reasoning of the topic.
Brown, M., Alkadry, M., & Resnick-Luetke, S. (2014). Social Networking and Individual
Perceptions: Examining Predictors of Participation. Public Organization Review, 14(3),
285-304. doi:10.1007/s11115-013-0218In this article, it addresses five ideas that are focused toward the continuing evolution of social
networking sites that includes stabilization, visual, language, security and flexibility. The
research is on social networking sites and literature, that proposes that user feedback, is the
critical component that stimulates the development and growth of social networking sites
online, while offering a framework that can aid new and current social networking sites
toward success. Overall the management of social networking sites should be treated as a
process that is logical, which is why I chose this article because it shows how the growth of
social networking can affect in many different ways which is good in some sort of ways
and depending how some use it.

Clipson, T. W., Wilson, S. A., & DuFrene, D. D. (2012). The Social Networking Arena: Battle of
the Sexes.Business Communication Quarterly, 75(1), 64-67. doi:10.1177/1080569911423961
The purpose of this article was to see and examine how married couples reactions and trust
amongst each other would be tested to see how boundaries with one another are tested
online and on social networks they had to trust their partner, not just the satisfaction of
the relationship. It also analyzed the openness that the couples and their reactions to one
another and what the test picked up was that some of the behaviors that occurred was that
when these couples shared social accounts that it decreased online flirting. Overall the
article indicated that the use of Internet boundaries highly related to trust and it supports
the development of trust through social media amongst couples. Utilizing this source was
important to my investigation, because it utilizes how social media is affected amongst
couples and their reactions amongst each other.
Chauhan, S. (2014). Factors Affecting Use of Mobile Social Networking. Vilakshan: The
XIMB Journal Of Management, 11(1), 41-50.
Another important article is this one that has to deal with deep mobile penetration and cheap
mobile Internet, and use of mobile social networking which has become very popular in the
last few years. This study investigates the behavioral intention of the young adults of India
to use social networking websites through mobile phones using technological acceptance
model, called TAM. TAM is a well-established model in information systems. This
research found that the comfort of using mobile social networking enhances its perceived
ease of use. This study also discovered a significant relationship between the desire of
online self-presentation through mobile social networking and the behavioral intention of

young adults to use. It was also found that the perceived enjoyment of using mobile social
networking doesn't enhance its perceived ease of use. The reason for choosing this article is
because it presents how people try to present themselves online though social mobilizing.
DISTASIO, S., & LORD, D. (2014). Is Social Networking GOOD FOR LEARNING?. Chief
Learning Officer, 13(9), 34-37.
In this reading, it deals with Social networking in which that, a process and practice that draws
people and organizations together. It also explores social interaction-based theories to
suggest a social networking participation model that may help organizations understand
acceptance or rejection of participation and is focusing on relationships between
participation and five constructs: perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived
improvement potential. The study that is founded shows that protesters are brought
together by protesters and organizations can be promote which in that they use amongst
each other which is why I chose the article, in which it utilizes the idea that social
networks bring everyone together.
Kenny Wallce, October 7, 2014 Upside of selfies: Social media isnt all bad for kids from
In the article that was presented by the news article CNN, it utilizes and explains how even
though it may seem that a lot of teenagers are on social media may think that it is good for
people to be online and according to the article they can connect better with friends and
sometimes it even affects them positively. It also mentions that not all post, tweet or picture
is bad and some teenagers use social media for good and it can help others realize that
everything on facebook, twitter or instagram is bad. The reasoning for the choosing of this
article was because it supports the unbiased idea that not all teenagers use social media for

negative inputs amongst each other and supports the idea that they can actually use social
networking for good deeds.
Norton, A. M., & Baptist, J. (2014). Couple boundaries for social networking in middle
adulthood: Associations of trust and satisfaction. Cyberpsychology, 8(4), 23-36.
In this article, it presents and informs how now a days young users are using social media more
and more. In the reading, it is stated that the use social media has become an addiction to
many and people seem to not get enough of it. Participating with these types of social
networks comes with the risk of dealing with unknown friends. Since social websites
such as Facebook and twitter let you interact with a wide range of friends, sometimes there
are people that you may not know. This leads back to the purpose of the article that focuses
on these accounts and the effectiveness that they actually give off. The reason for this
choosing of this source was because the article explains how the usage of social media has
become more and more of necessity when it comes to younger crowds of people, which is
why it is important to my investigation.

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