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LIST OF EMAILS FROM LT. RIGHT, INC. COMPUTER SEARCH The following listed email communications were provided by LT. Right, Inc. on April 7, 2015, to the Oakland Township Parks and Recreation Commission Attorney as a result of computer email searches conducted pursuant to the Oakland Township Board of Trustees’ motion dated March 24, 2015. All Commissioners’ email accounts were included in the 1.T. Right search, ‘The emails, including any attachments, were then delivered to the Oakland Township Parks and Recreation Commission on April 8, 2015, and were also verbally identified at the Joint Meeting of the Oakland Township Parks and Recreation Commission (OTPRC) and Board of Trustees on April 27, 2015. This list has been prepared per the motion of the OTPRC at the April 27, 2015 Joint Meeting. Email #1 From: ‘Ann Marie Rogers Sent: Wednesday, April 9, 2014, 10:01 A.M, To bethmarkel . . Subject: FW: Privileged and Confidential Attorney/Client Communication for Oakland ‘Township Parks and Recreation Commissioners Attachments: PDF of April 7, 2014, correspondence from the OTPRC’s Attorney marked “Privileged & Confidential Attorney-Client Communication” with attached document. ‘Ann Marie Rogers ‘Wednesday, April 9, 2014, 4:39 P.M. Maureen Thalmann Subject: FW: Privileged and Confidential Attorney/Client Communication for Oakland ‘Township Parks and Recreation Commissioners Attachments: PDF of April 7, 2014, correspondence from the OTPRC’s Attorney marked “Privileged & Confidential Attorney-Client Communication” with attached document. ‘Ann Marie Rogers Saturday, April 26, 2014, 10:06 A.M. bethmarkel .. com Subject: FW: Oakland Township Employee Handbook Amendment Attachments: PDF of Employee Handbook Amendment and Township Memo "The email string includes correspondence from the OTPRC Director to the Commissioners and the OTPRC Attomey. Email #4 From: Ann Marie Rogers Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2014, 4:28 P.M. To: ‘None Identified [This email may not have been sent to anyone] Subject: FW: Union Hearing Issues Attachments: Draft correspondence prepared by OTPRC’s Labor Attomey, dated June 16, 2014, directed to a third party; attorney invoice and description of services provided by Attorney Schultz dated June 12, 2014 *The email string contains attorney-client correspondence from the Labor Attorney to the Chairman of the OTPRC. Email #5 From: ‘Ann Marie Rogers Sent Wednesday, October 15, 2014, 11:08 A.M. To: bethmarkel com Subject: FW: Closed Sessions Attachments: None *The email string contains a legal opinion and advice from the OTPRC’s Attomey marked “Privileged & Confidential Attomey-Client Communication.” Email #6 From: bethmarkel . . Sent Wednesday, October 15, 2014, 11:29 AM. To: ‘Ann Marie Rogers Subject: Re: FW: Closed Sessions Attachments: None *This is a reply to Email #5, described above, containing the same information, mail #7 From: ‘Ann Marie Rogers Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014, 5:21 P.M. To: Terry Gonser Subject: FW: Closed Sessions Attachments: None *The email string contains a legal opinion from the OTPRC’s Attomey marked “Privileged & Confidential Attorney-Client Communication.” Email #8 ‘Ann Marie Rogers Sent: ‘Thursday, November 13, 2014, 9:35 A.M. To Terry Gonser Subject: FW: Oakland County Parks and Recreation and Union Administrative Hearing, Matter Attachments: None *The email string contains an attomey-client communication from the OTPRC’s Labor Attorney in connection with a contested case administrative hearing matter between the Parks Commission and Township Board of Trustees. Email #9 From: Ann Marie Rogers Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2014, 10:40 A.M. To: Maureen Thalmann Subject: FW: Oakland County Parks and Reereation and Union Administrative Hearing Matter Attachments: None * The email string contains an attorney-client communication from the OTPRC’s Labor Attorney in connection with a contested case administrative hearing matter between the Parks Commission and Township Board of Trustees. Email #10 From: Ann Marie Rogers Sent: ‘Thursday, November 13, 2014, 11:26 AM. To: bethmarkel ... com Subject: FW: Oakland County Parks and Recreation and Union Administrative Hearing Matter Attachments: None *The email string contains an attorney-client communication from the OTPRC’s Labor Attorney in connection with a contested case administrative hearing matter between the Parks Commission and Township Board of Trustees.

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