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3rd hour
Mrs. Bammel
ADI Lab Investigation Report
Section 1: Introduction and Guiding Question
My group and I conducted a procedure to answer the guiding question,
How do climate conditions affect the size of a glacier? Our objective
was to see how various feet of snowfall influence the expanse of a
glacier. Foremost, a glacier is a vast moving ice mass that develops
near high, alpine elevations and Earths poles. Glaciers utilize 10% of
Earths surface and have moderately reduced in size. They form when
snowfall that has not yet thawed progressively expands in a snowfield,
which causes the compactness of the snow to amplify over the years.
The pressure caused by the weight of the top of the glacier compacts
and then recrystallizes the lower layers into ice. With the right
circumstances glaciers can be formed any place. There are two
categories of glaciers, valley glaciers and continental glaciers.
Continental glaciers are glaciers that cover outstretched continent
ranked areas. Valley glaciers are glaciers that form in high alpine like
areas and flow within the walls of a valley.

Section 2: Method
My group and I conducted an experiment that was designed to see how
the amount of snowfall with a constant temperature would affect the
thickness and length of a glacier. Because our independent variable
was feet of snowfall, our control had to be temperature. We chose 60
degrees Fahrenheit as a control for temperature because that was the

average temperature out of the temperature choices given. We chose

to measure the points of data over the duration of time at 200 years,
400 years, and 600 years. We chose these points because they were
proportionately separated and gave the glacier a sufficient time to
respond to the changes. Then we chose 0,1,2,3, and 4 feet of snowfall
to survey so the trend would be easier to see because we could see
how the glacier data points changed gradually. We chose to measure
the thickness of the data at 25,000 feet long and 50,000 feet long.
These points were evenly separated and two data points occurred to us
as more accurate. Then, we recorded in a data table so the data would
be organized and the trend could be evident. After we put the data in
the table, we analyzed by seeing how the feet of snowfall over time
changed the size of a glacier. We found that as the feet of snowfall
increased over time, the size of it increased as well.
Section 3: The Argument
Climate conditions affect the size of a glacier. We came to the
resolution that with increasing snowfall the thickness and length of the
glacier increases. As the snowfall increases the length and thickness of
a glacier increases. As shown on the data table, the thickness at one
foot of snowfall measured at 25,000 feet long over 200 years, is 391.3
feet. Then the thickness in feet gradually increases with increasing feet
of snowfall. As you see on the table, at four feet of snowfall and
measured at 25,000 feet long over 200 years, the thickness of the
glacier is 1,034.6 feet. This is a distinct increase in the thickness of the
glacier. Furthermore, the length of the glacier over 200 years with one
foot of snowfall is 30,134 feet. It as well gradually increases. With four
feet of snowfall at 200 years the length is 137,664 feet. This is an
indisputable increase in the length of the glacier. The thickness and
length of the glacier was much smaller with one foot of snowfall

compared to the length and thickness with four feet of snowfall. This
proves that with more feet of snowfall, the glacier size increases. Due
to the increase in snowfall the length and thickness increase as well.
This is because there is more snow being compacted onto the glacier
causing it to increase in size. Global warming which equates to a rise in
global temperature has deprived glaciers of the necessary conditions
for them to form. With the recent upsurge in temperature, snowfall has
decreased leading to a lack of the snow needed for glaciers to compact
so they can increase in size. This is because of global warming.
Although scientists are sure global warming is occurring they are not
sure of the cause. Whatever the cause may be, our investigation
suggests that global warming will reduce glacier formation.

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