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There has been every attempt made to ensure that the techniques listed in thiss

tep-by-step manual are legal, honest, accurate and up-to-date. The publisherhowe
ver can accept no responsibility for any inaccuracy that may appear. There isals
o no form of warranty made or implied by this publication and the publisherhereb
y disclaims any and all liability to any user for loss or damage of any andwhats
oever nature however it arises, whether it is as a consequence of omission,error
, inaccuracy or any other cause.Everest Publications Copyright 2009
All rights r
eservedNo part of this publication may be reproduced, copied or stored electroni
callywithout the permission of the publisher, Everest Publications.Everest Publi
Published by Everest Publications Copyright 2009

All rights reserved.www.yourmin

PagePublisher s Note 6Author s warning 8Introduction 10What everyone should know abo
ut hypnosis &self-hypnosis 12The subconscious mind 15Get ready to see your wishe
s come true 21Here s what happens when someone uses remote influence 24How to make
someone fall in love with you 29The masters of remote influence reveal their se
crets to you 31The astonishing psychic powers of Uri Geller 35How to use the sec
ret of the
To make others do what you want 37The there conditions for optimum effectivenes
s 37How to know if your desires are easyTo attain and are beneficial to you 38Le
arning to discipline your mind to realize your desires 39How move into action 40
Three great obstacles to avoid at all costs

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