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Crystal Duong
Ms. Dadabhoy
CP English 2
30 May 2013
War Strategies as it evolves
War strategies is an essential tool for war. It has helped many soldiers put up a great fight
or defeat their enemy. For example, World War 1 used a tactic called Trench Warfare where they
dug dirt holes and fight within them. While World War 2, many countries used different kinds of
military strategies like: the Blitzkrieg, strategic bombing, and using nuclear weapons. However,
in the cold war, Vietnam attempted booby traps in which they camouflage and ambush their
enemies. Meanwhile in modern day, our soldiers that are fighting in Iraq use a tactic called
Guerilla Warfare. Overall, most countries use propaganda and morale to persuade their soldiers
to fight for the good of their country. Ultimately, war strategies has evolved and changed
throughout World War 1 to the present. Its also important we use these past strategies to create a
more useful and destructive way to fight in war.
One famous military strategy used in World War 1 is Trench Warfare. In the novel, All
Quiet On The Western Front, it lets the readers know the grim reality of life in the trenches.
Specifically, Paul said, "Our trench is almost gone. At many places it is only eighteen inches
high, it is broken by holes, and craters, and mountains of earth. A shell lands square in front of
our post. At once it is dark. We are buried and must dig ourselves out. After an hour the entrance
is clear again, and we are calmer because we have had something to do" (Remarque 107). As a
reader, we can tell that the trenches is not a pretty sight and a place we would not like to be in.
Paul seems so experience with trench warfare that he doesnt even feel frightened anymore. In

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addition Paul said, "We must look out for our bread. The rats have become much more numerous
lately because the trenches are no longer in good condition" (Remarque 101-102). This
exemplifies that trenches are unsanitized and can carry vary of diseases. Plus the soldiers have a
limited food supply, yet they have to fight against other animals to save their food. Lastly Paul
said, After a couple of days Himmelstoss comes up to us. He has had the bounce knocked out of
him since he has been in the trenches and wants to get on good terms with us (Remarque 137).
By reading this quote, we definitely know for sure that the trenches are horrible because
Himmelstoss is a general who hasnt even experience trench warfare. When he finally did, he
now knows the true horror and wants to make it up to Paul and his friends. Now that we know
the difficulties of trench warfare, the next paragraph will be how it was attempted in war.
It is true, Trench Warfare is a successful strategy used by many countries. This paragraph
will show how it was strategize and applied in World War 1. According to Confronting the
Horrors of War, Trenches changed army life. Instead of relying on the daring hand-to-hand
combat that had won previous wars, soldiers of World War 1 lobbed explosives at each other
from deep dirt holes (Macdonald 18). I think whoever thought of Trench Warfare is a genius
because soldiers can dodge attacks and hide from their enemies in these dirt holes. Although,
everything has their pros and cons, trenches can be very dangerous or helpful at the same time.
Furthermore, Each line of trenches was protected by tangles of barbed wire, which guarded
against any advancing soldiers who managed to cross the barren stretch of land called no-mansland between the opposing trenches (Macdonald 18). Its hard for soldiers in World War 1
because everyone is using the same strategy. I feel like they are fighting among themselves and
whoever has an advantage can only win. As a result, Opposing forces dug deep trenches into the
earth; from the trenches soldiers could safely lob explosives at their enemies. The majority of the

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war was fought from parallel lines of trenches stretching 475 miles between the Belgian coast
and Switzerland (Macdonald 17). This proves that trenches were everywhere throughout the
battlefield. If every country is using the same tactic, it can be difficult to win a war. Overall, the
trenches is something humans would not like to face, but soon another tactic will be created.
A great strategy Germany created was the Blitzkrieg. It worked sufficiently, since they
were surprise attacks, the enemy didnt have time to prepare themselves. The website defines
that, Blitzkrieg, or "lightning war," is a military strategy devised by the German high command
between the two world wars and applied during World War II (Blitzkrieg). Germany learned
their lesson in World War 1 and came up with the Blitzkrieg. This strategy has helped regain their
countrys victories and morale. This quote will show how it was strategize, Blitzkrieg is a set of
tactics employing mechanized infantry assault groups, almost indistinguishable from the
Stosstruppen (shock troops) of World War I, advancing with cover from massive armored forces
and concentrating their attack on the enemy's lines of communication. The attack is a
coordinated one, mobilizing ground and air forces, the combination being essential to the fastest
possible destabilization of the enemy troops (Blitzkrieg). This shows that Blitzkrieg was
complicated and a huge task for the soldiers. It takes many planning and organizing to
accomplish this strategy. According to the article, The main objective of blitzkrieg is to avoid
getting bogged down and any possible regression to a war of position (Blitzkrieg). In order to
survive, the soldiers have to kill their opponents. Its mainly like you have to kill for your survival
and if you dont, you will end up being dead. Moreover, Blitzkrieg was a success and helped
Germany fight throughout World War 2.
Another war strategy, World War 2 had in mind was strategic bombing. The U.S was
known for this kind of strategy ever since the bombing on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. For instance,

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President Truman decided to employ atomic weapons to hasten Japanese surrender. On 6

August 1945 the Enola Gay dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima; a second bomb followed on
9 August, against Nagasaki. Japan soon surrendered (Bombardment, Strategic). Bombing can
lead a massive destruction that takes many people lives. This type of tactic horrified many
countries and lead them to surrender. Indeed in fact, Strategic bombardment came of age in
World War II (Bombardment, Strategic). This proves that the first use of bombing was in World
War II. This war was known for using nuclear weapons as a strategy. Strategic bombardment is
direct attack on the enemy state with the object of depriving it of the means or the will to wage
war (Bombardment, Strategic). This article is saying, that with bombing it can threaten and
warn another country to start war. Strategic bombing is a strong and smart tactic to win a war,
because it horrifies the enemies to wanting to surrender. Altogether, this strategy ensure
Americas success in World War II.
Farther on is the Cold War, in which North Vietnam also known as Viet Cong, applied to
a tactic where they set up booby traps everywhere. The Viet Cong would camouflage themselves
like the trees in the jungle and sneak up to their opponents. For example, Viet Cong guerrillas
extensively used booby traps such as hidden pits with stakes in them (known as punji pits) or
hand grenades or other explosives attached to trip wires (Booby Traps). This strategy was super
clever and helped Viet Cong a lot in many ways. The booby traps were effective and the enemies
would always fall for it. Another thing is, Booby traps are concealed explosives or other deadly
devices that are activated when someone unwittingly steps on, lifts, or moves something
seemingly harmless (Booby Traps). Even though this tactic seem brutal, its one way to win a
war. Booby traps may be small, but it can cause a lot of harm. In fact, These weapons accounted
for more than 10 percent of all Americans killed or wounded during the Vietnam War (Booby

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Traps). The Viet Cong attempted to overthrow South Vietnams government with this strategy. In
the end, their booby traps was a victorious one. Ultimately, North Vietnam won the war against
the South Vietnam and their allies.
Lastly, the U.S uses a strategy called Guerilla Warfare against Iraq and Afghanistan. It is
a very similar tactic that Viet Cong used in the Vietnam War. This type of strategy is used in
many generations, but changes throughout time. For instance, Guerrilla warfare relies on hitand-run tactics by highly mobile, lightly to moderately armed units that feature deception, speed,
and flexibility. Usually conducted by indigenous anti government forces, not the regular armed
forces of a state, its characteristic attacks include ambushes, raids, sabotage, and blocking of
enemy lines of communication (Guerrilla Warfare). This tactic had proceed in such a great
manner and made the U.S take over Iraq. We havent won this war yet, but so far this strategy is
working. Another thing is, Guerrilla warfare is classically considered a weapon of the weak to
fight a much stronger enemy, such as the state, an occupier, or a colonial power, and is directed
not so much at defeating the enemys regular forces on the battlefield as at eroding the enemys
will and capacity to sustain its control (Guerrilla Warfare). This proves that Guerrilla Warfare is
not an easy task. I feel that the soldiers have to go throw a lot for our country. In addition,
Secure bases, internal or external sanctuaries, and good intelligence are important ingredients
for the success of guerrilla warfare, as is popular support for the insurgency. It is vital for the
success of the guerrillas that the larger population of the area being contested, at minimum,
acquiesce to guerrilla activity (Guerrilla Warfare). This type of strategy can be very dangerous,
because one wrong move can ruin everything. Its also hard because an opponent can be
mistaken as a comrade. To sum it up, Guerilla Warfare has helped the U.S fight against their
enemies in Iraq.

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In conclusion, War strategies has evolve from World War 1 to the present day. For
instance, the trenches to nuclear weapons and booby traps to Guerilla Warfare. Furthermore,
Military strategies are advancing to a more effective and destructive way to fight in war. Many
countries have their own way of strategizing and fighting. Its who uses the advantages the best,
and has the better tactic. Then only we can see the outcome of who wins and who loses.

Work Cited

"Blitzkrieg." Europe Since 1914: Encyclopedia of the Age of War and Reconstruction. Ed. John
Merriman and Jay Winter. Vol. 1. Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2006. 377-379.

History In Context. Web. 1 June 2013.

"Bombardment, Strategic." International Military and Defense Encyclopedia. Ed. Trevor N.

Dupuy. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 1993. World History In Context.
Web. 1 June 2013.

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"Booby Traps." Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War. Ed. Stanley I. Kutler. New York: Charles
Scribner's Sons, 1996. World History In Context. Web. 2 June 2013.
"Guerrilla Warfare." International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Ed. William A. Darity,
Jr. 2nd ed. Vol. 3. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2008. 394-396. World
History In

Context. Web. 2 June 2013.

Pendergast, Tom, Sara Pendergast, and Christine Slovey. "Confronting the Horrors of War." Ed.
Lyn Macdonald. World War I Primary Sources. Detroit: U X L, 2002. 17-35. Print.
Remarque, Erich Maria, and A. W. Wheen. All Quiet on the Western Front;. Boston: Little,
Brown, and, 1929. Print.

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