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DEN ere ea Re | De oe ad other drama units. For example, learn how to physicalise Cr Rae Tes Oayvasey CC ee ee ee ee eer Dee hc ees et ee ed Coe et ere ce Sue Co theme or story. They will experience the advantages of working quickly and Intuitively “on their feet’. Coenen ee ee a ot Ru a cuca ee ae ee te eee Soe eC ea eu eee ees Students will develop thelr ereativity and courage by exploring this powerful training and performance style. Originally created by Japanese artists Hijikata and Ohno, Butoh has crossed cultural boarders and spread around the world. Students will learn how to move Cee ee ee ome reas Students will explore Japanese director Tadashi Suzuki's cannon of physical activities, Nee ee ec challenge the centre of gravity whilst maving. This heightens the students’ awareness of their physical habits, limitations and energies. Mark can combine the workshops and explore the principles in greater ee ee theatre techniques provides students with a unique way of making, performing and analysing theatre, Students grow to become dedicated, virtuosic and holistic Ce ee es ee eee ee ee scree ees ark — ill a ae eg rs eee eae © weer tts

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