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The effect of front squat biomechanics in regards to overall muscle recruitment

and activation of the Rectus Femoris.

Gorsuch et al (2013) highlight the utilisation of the closed chain lower body
exercise is commonly executed via numerous athletes. Due to the biomechanical
and neuromuscular similarities to a vast variety of athletic movements thus
inclined as a core exercise in frequent sports routines designed to elevate
athletic performance (Swinton et al, 2012; Braidot et al, 2007). It is also
commonly identified as an integral segment of competitive weightlifting and
power-lifting thus widely regarded as an optimum bench marker of lower body
strength (Cotter et al, 2013). Research suggests parallel squatting position
encourages adequate extensor muscle activation (Macrum et al, 2012; Clark et
al, 2012). Rectus femoris activation in particular displaying significant higher P
<0.05 during parallel squat in comparison to partial squat position; therefore
demonstrating the use of parallel squats to enhance muscles vital for uphill
running and correction of posture whilst prevention of injury through utilisation of
lighter weights through greater range of motion (Ryan et al, 2014; Gabel 2014).
Significant isometric activity is required by supporting musculature (including
rectus/transverse abdominis, erector spinae, trapezius, rhomboids and numerous
others) to facilitate postural stabilisation of the trunk (Gabel 2014).
In order for adequate, correct execution and positioning technique for front
squat; pelvic position during squatting a slight anterior pelvis tilt needs to be
maintained therefore enabling extension (lengthening) of the hamstrings during
the descent (Leura et al, 2014; Gorsuch et al, 2013). However individuals with
tight lateral hamstrings will reach the end of their hamstring range of motion
prior reaching full squat depth (Gorsuch et al, 2013). As descent continues and
the athlete attempts to get the femur parallel to the floor the short lateral
hamstring will begin to force the pelvis to rotate posterior; therefore flexibility
needs to be developed in order to prevent posterior rotation (Gorsuch et al,
2013; Leura et al, 2014). Through loading the spine which is moving into flexion
is a prescription for disaster as well as loading in a posterior tilt can be
dangerous (Hollman et al, 2014; Flanagan and Sorenson, 2015). The spine is
meant to be loaded in a Lordotic position with a slight anterior lift (Gullet et al
Recommended technique and teaching points for correct execution of Hands Free
front squat as highlighted by Braidot et al (2007);CrossFit Inc (2013); Sands et al
Hands free front squat
Initial sequence of movement with the arms extended in front of the body- hands
at shoulder height; place the bar across anterior deltoids. Bar should be in slight
contact with the throat (across the clavicle) however still able to breathe.
Full extension at hips and knees

Hands deliberately do not touch the bar- indication of carrying the bar on the
shoulders and not the wrists.

Next sequence of movement prior descending into a squat have the individual
inhale deeply to fully inhale the lungs- therefore encouraging correct postureinflated lungs brace the upper and lower back.
When descending into the squat cue the individual to sit back, pushing the
weight through their heels.
The individual should not exhale and the hands should remain level with the
Instruct the individual to descend slowly until the femurs are parallel with the
floor. Insist on the proper depth with light weights for better results
In the descent the knees should be pushed out in a conscious abduction action
with a band. Therefore this abduction push recruits the glutes and will quickly
escalate poor technique into good technique. Push knees laterally over toes-Key
teaching point to squatting
Teaching squatting with a band to facilitate abduction turns on femoral control
mechanism. Numerous individuals squat primarily utilises the wrong muscles.

In the ascent the individual should concentrate on driving upward with the chest
out bringing the hips up and forward
Instruct the individual to drive the individual to drive heels into the floor and
maintain the abduction pressure on the band, ensure hips and knees return to
full extension and head position is neutral.
Individual should exhale slowly

Squat is a safe movement when done adequately- initially start with bodyweight
and progress to proper technique and develop to higher weights post technique
has been perfected. Injuries occur due to adherence of proper techniques.

Specifically looking into the muscle activation of the Rectus femoris within a front
squat position the aetiology of the muscle needs to be taken into consideration;
Origin: straight head from the anterior inferior iliac spine; reflected head
from groove just above the acetabulum.
Insertion: base of patella to form the more central portion of the
quadriceps femoris tendon into tubercle of tibia.

Action: extends the knee, flexes thigh at the hip.

Innervations: muscular branches of posterior division of femoral nerve
(L2, L3, L4)
Arterial supply: Lateral Circumflex Femoral artery
(Ryan et al, 2014)
Front squat technique in parallel position Limits hip extension and inhibits the
glutes, therefore increased stress on both the knees and lumbar region (Swinton
et al, 2012; Macrum et al, 2014). The best way to train the quadriceps is
integration exercises i.e. front squat as this encourages focus on both knee and
hip extension thus enable strengthening of the glutes and hamstrings (Clark et
al, 2012). Front squat is a closed chain lower body exercise (Gorsuch et al, 2013)
which enables Isolation of the quadriceps more so than back squats and induces
greater recruitment from the distal quadriceps (Gullet et al, 2009). Through
maintaining an upright torso this decreases the torque that causes problems with
the SI joint (Hollman et al 2014). However Yavuz et al (2015) confirmed this
places greater stress on knee extensors and less on hip extensors thus enabling
the individual to perform hip dominant movements post squatting with less
overlap; this technique is preferred over back squat due to knee extensor
development and possible prevention of lumbar injuries during maximum
In relation to lower extremity kinematics during squat as highlighted the primary
muscles acting about the knee (tibiofemoral) in the sagittal plane movement (0160 of flexion) are the vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedialis,
and rectus femoris which execute concentric knee extension as well eccentrically
resisted knee flexion (Leura et al , 2014). Kinematics is the branch of
biomechanics concerned with the study of movement from a geometrical point of
view (joint kinematics: relative movement between adjacent bones) (Macrum et
al, 2012; Dill et al, 2014).Both the quadriceps and patella tendon facilitate action
of the knee extensors therefore optimal pull on the tibia during dynamic
movement is permitted (Gabel et al, 2014; Clark et al 2012). Research confirms
muscular forces at the knee are produced via the quadriceps therefore this
inhibits a tendency to peak at approximately 80-90 of flexion, consistently
remaining thereafter (Clark et al 2012). In conjunction this would suggest
squatting past 90 (or parallel) might not result in further enhancements in
quadriceps development (Gorsuch et al 2013). Linking knee kinematics to foot
placement during squatting position numerous studies have derived statistical
significant increase of 15% and 16% in patellofemoral and tibiofemoral
compressive forces especially in individuals whom use a wide stance when
executing a squat in comparison to a narrow stance (Schoenfield 2010; Hollman
et al 2014). Additional research considers the descent of a squat generated
significantly greater compressive force in comparison to the ascent at higher
angles of knee flexion (Gorsuch et al 2013); the ascent produced significantly
greater compressive forces than the descent at lower flexion angles (Braidot et al

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