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We know AAPG organization have many sector that is Research

and Development, that concentrate Oil and Gas. I choose that because
When i learned geology in college, I felt very lack because i study
geology only a conceptual not aplication lesson. Another reason, i
chose AAPG organization because i can learn about soft skill in
Organization. We cam learn how we comunicate to another people in
another country, how to management people, how to management
In AAPG we also can learn about english more. Because , we
know AAPG use english in every meeting. It can improve our skill about
english especially english geological. Because, in globalization era
english very important for comunicate to foregin people.
Because too many benefit if i join AAPG organization, i very
interest become comitee of AAPG organization. Maybe i think is
enough, thanks for your attention. . . . .Salam Gaia Satu Korsa Sampai

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