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Amanda Johnson

Mr. Maite
Grammar and Research
9 October 2014
Someone who does not get enough sleep is very prone to low grades, injury, and
substance abuse. Sleep is very important to the body and most do not take it seriously. Along
with sleep can come many sleep disorders. The three most common sleep disorders are Insomnia,
Obstructive Sleep Apnea, and Narcolepsy. While some may be able to sleep with ease some can
have much difficulty.
There are many things that happen during sleep. When one sleeps there are two major
stages of sleep. One of them is called non-rapid eye movement (NREM), this is known as a deep,
quiet sleep. The second Major stage of sleep is rapid-eye movement (REM), in this stage of sleep
it is considered a lighter sleep state. Also, all dreams happen in this stage of sleep. We typically
have about four to five sleep sequences each night. A sleep sequence consists of a combination of
REM and NREM sleep. Each sleep sequence is approximately ninety minutes long.
Deep sleep is very important to our bodies because there are many important things
happening during deep sleep. During the deepest part of sleep the neurons in the brain are
repairing and multiplying to get even stronger. This is why when someone is sick they sleep a lot
more than before they were sick. When one is sleeping the body is fighting infections off and is
helping to make new cells. Human growth hormone (HGH) is released during sleep. Also when

you are asleep the part of the brain that is used for social skills and making decisions slows
down. When the body is in the REM stage of sleep it is healing cuts and bruises.
When one is to sleep there are a few things that the body needs. The bodies conscious
mind must be essentially unaware of and not perceive the outside world. Also the condition of
sleeping must be able to immediately reverse. This means if the body is not able to wake up it is
not considered sleep.
Sleep can be measured with a machine or by the body itself. An electroencephalograph
(EEG) measures the brain waves when the body is asleep. The EEG machine makes a drawing or
graph to show the electric signals coming from the brain. The EEG machine is what showed
scientist that the body is not totally resting during sleep. The second way to measure sleep is the
bodys internal clock. This way of telling how much sleep is enough is called a body clock. A
body clock affects how we perform at various activities throughout a 24 hour day. The
superachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is located in the hypothalamus. The SCN is what fuels the body
clock and tells your body when to fall asleep and when to wake up. The Body Clock runs the
bodys sleep-wake cycle by releasing chemicals throughout the body.
People can have many issues with sleep one of the symptoms of other sleep disorders is
Insomnia. Insomnia is the inability to sleep naturally. Insomnia can be anywhere from mild to
severe. Fatal Familal Insomnia is a rare but fatal condition. When someone has this they will
eventually lose the ability to sleep and then die. There are many different cause for Insomnia.
Stress, pain, and even depression are some causes of Insomnia. Also drinking too much coffee,
tea, or energy drinks can cause Insomnia. Although there are many causes of Insomnia Mild
Insomnia can be treated avoiding stimulants, improving sleeping habbits, and getting more

exercise. More severe Insomnia can be treated by doctors. Doctors can prescribe sedative drugs
to help one fall asleep easier.
A second sleep disorder is Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Obstructive Sleep Apnea is a
disorder in which a person has difficulty breathing during sleep. Obstructive Sleep Apnea is
caused by air passages being blocked by the throat. This happens when the mussels in the throat
are relaxed too much. When the persons airways are blocked the person can undergo gaps in
breath. When the throat is blocking the airways the person cannot breathe for a short period of
time. These gaps in breath can feel like an asthmatic attack and the gap between breaths can last
30 to 60 seconds at a time. Obstructive Sleep Apnea can lead to negative effects on the heart.
These pauses in breath are very dangerous and can be fatal. It is also very scary for the person
with Obstructive Sleep Apnea because they will have random attacks in the middle of the night.
Treatment can include losing weight or surgery. Someone with Obstructive Sleep Apnea can get
surgery on the nose, throat, or jaw. Things people with Obstructive Sleep Apnea can do at home
are changing sleep positions at night. And also wearing a mask at night while sleeping to
improve breathing. This mask covers the mouth and nose.
The third most common sleep disorder is Narcolepsy. Narcolepsy is a disease that causes
excessive sleepiness. Narcolepsy cannot be cured but can be treated. People with Narcolepsy fall
asleep several times a day and can have issues falling asleep at night. Most cases of Narcolepsy
are caused by the lack of Hypocretin in the body. Hypocretin is a chemical found in the brain that
helps regulate sleep. Scientists think that Narcolepsy is linked to REM sleep. Narcoleptics can
experience sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis is where the person is unable to move during sleep
and falling asleep. Also the mussels in the body can suddenly collapse with the person still
conscious. Cataplexy is a different kind of Narcolepsy where Narcoleptic episodes are usually

brought on by strong emotions. Luaghter and being angry can easiely trigger an episode.
Catapretic episodes last about 2 minutes or less.
Sleep is very important for the body. Studies have shown that a sick person sleeps twice
as much as a healthy person. This is because sleep is used to heal the body. Most people are
usually suffering from sleep deprivation every day. Deprivation is the state of having something
lost. When one would not get enough sleep their body would not be able to function properly.
The National Sleep Foundation finds that 60 percent of young drivers have felt drowsy at the
wheel on a regular basis and 37 percent have actually fallen asleep while driving. Also the
National Sleep Foundation has proven that there have been more car crashes caused by sleep
deprivation than drunk driving.
As one can see, sleep disorders can be very serious. Insomnia, Obstructive sleep Apnea
and Narcolepsy may have grave health risks. Even though these disorders can be treated they can
be a very frightening and emotional experience. In this day, and age our technology to measure
and regulate sleep is improving. Recently scientists have even found what the body and brain do
during sleep. Good sleeping habits are required for a happy and healthy life.

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