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Education research outline

Emerson Hansraj
Norton AP Language

I Introduction
A. Thesis
1. Despite laws that state "all Americans have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of
happiness", schools have not been protecting queer and transgender students nor allowing
them the aforementioned rights.
B. Summarize the essay
1. This essay will exhibit facts and statistics on how queer and transgender students have been
mistreated and denied protections endowed unto them as human beings and as students in
the school setting.

II First topic
A. Support the thesis statement, exposition about things the reader will need to know. Only
thirteen states out of the fifty have laws that address discrimination against students based
on sexual orientation and gender identity. (Cite)
1. Information on how schools came to be what they are today regarding queer and trans laws.
Very few efforts were made towards the gay rights movement before World War II, despite
the queer population flourishing in urban areas during the 1920s, and the preexistence of the

queer population in other areas of the world. Around the 1950s, awareness also came to
transgender people as Christine Jorgensen came to be known as the first widely-known
transgender woman in America.
2. A brief history. This of course influenced many areas of America to address the fact that not
only do queer and transgender people exist, they also desire basic human rights. The
contributing factors led to the laws, positive and negative alike, regarding queer and
transgender rights.
III Second topic
A. State the facts on how big an issue this is, who it affects and where in the USA this is
happening. As mentioned before, these issues are present in states that do not have laws
regarding the protection of queer and transgender students, which would total about thirtyseven states. It appears that there are no statistics on the population of queer and
transgender American students, but according to the Williams institute study, the queer and
transgender population 18 and older ranges from 2.2 percent of Americans to 5.6 percent of
Americans. These statistics could make the queer population in America out to be anywhere
from 5.2 million Americans to 9.5 million Americans.
1. There are only thirteen states out of fifty that have school laws that address discrimination
based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

Background information and statistics about numbers.

IV Third Topic

A. Bring more specific facts, stats how this is hurting queer and trans kids and that it is a
detriment to their education and the future. Despite what many Americans may say, queer
and transgender students are humans. As humans, people have the basic need and also the
basic human rights to an education and a safe learning environment. Not merely this, but the
fact that humans have the right to mental and emotional health and wellbeing. This is often
not the case with the environments offered to queer and transgender students when the lack
of legal protections becomes a detriment to their health and safety.
1. How this affects queer and transgender students. This has affected queer and transgender
youth similarly to non-homophobic and non-transphobic bullying, and while that is debatably
true, in reality it affects them far more deeply than mere petty bullying, and evolves into acts
of hatred and discrimination. Due to the tolerance and perpetuation of transphobia and
homophobia in schools on behalf of the school boards and school staff, these students may
find themselves experiencing mental and emotional stress to the point where their academic
careers become traumatic, and eventually can make them physically ill. A staggering amount
of queer and transgender students even commit suicide because of the aforementioned
issues in their lives.
2. Anti-lgbt statistics in schools, bullying statistics and suicide rates. According to a recent
study conducted by the GLSEN, some very startling statistics were released showing that on
average, a queer/transgender strident will hear twenty-six homophobic or transphobic slurs
each day, a third of which come from a school staff member. Further statistics shows that
twenty-five percent of queer students have been physically assaulted by another student in

an act of homophobia, and fifty-five percent of transgender students have been physically
assaulted by another student in an act of transphobia. As a result of said occurrences, queer
and transgender individuals account for thirty percent of all suicides per year, while greater
than fifty percent, half of all transgender students attempt suicide. (Cite)
3. End in a quote?

V Conclusion
A. In conclusion...
1. Summarize research. In conclusion, it is clear by these facts, logic and evidence, that the
population of queer and transgender students as a whole are not receiving the same
protections as their heterosexual and cisgender peers despite the alleged rights endowed to
all Americans by the constitution, and in this fact, the school boards and legal authorities
should better protect queer and transgender students if in fact, they wish to further education
and the intellectual advancement of American society as a whole.
B. Strong ending statement
1. Another good place for a quote? And a quote from trans woman and transgender rights
activist Laverne Cox, "Some folks, they just dont understand. And they need to get to know
us as human beings. Others are just going to be opposed to us forever. But I do believe in
the humanity of people and in peoples capacity to love and to change."

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