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Daniel Streich a member of the Swiss political party who attacked

mosques and minarets in Switzerland has now embraced Islam .

A member of the Swiss Party (SVP) and a well-known

politician, Daniel Streich was the first man who had launched a
drive for imposition of ban on mosques minarets, and to lock the
mosques in Switzerland.
The proclamation of Streich’s conversion to Islam has created
furore in Swiss politics, besides causing a tremor for those who
supported ban on construction of mosques minarets. Streich
propagated his anti-Islamic movement far and wide in the
country, sowed seeds of indignation and scorn for Islam among
the people, and paved way for public opinion against pulpits and
minarets of mosques. But now Streich has become a soldier of
Islam. His anti-Islam thoughts finally brought him so close to
this religion that he embraced Islam. He is ashamed of his
doings now and desires to construct the most beautiful mosque
of Europe in Switzerland.

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