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Competency 3

Correlate prenatal and postnatal conditions with development.

The female egg is the ovum. The male reproductive cell is called sperm. The sperm enters the
vagina during intercourse. Fertilization occurs when the sperm enters the ovum which forms a
cell called a zygote. The germinal period last from conception until about two weeks later. It
includes the creation of a fertilized egg, which is called as I got, and cell division. The period
ends when the zygote attaches to the uterine wall in a process called implantation. The
embryonic period lasts for about two to 8 weeks after conception. The embryo differentiates into
three layers of cells (endoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm), life - support systems develop, and
organ systems form (organogenesis). The fetal period lasts from about two months after
conception until 9 months, or when the infant is born. Growth and development continue their
dramatic course, and organ systems mature to the point at which life can be sustained outside the
Stages of Labor:
Pre-labor, the baby drops, Braxton-Hicks increase and become irregular. Labor, average length is
around 12 hours long, the amniotic sac may rupture, the mucus plug may discharge, and the
cervix dilates to 10 centimeters. Birth, average length of time is 30 minutes to 2 hours, mother
pushes baby through the birth canal, and the umbilical cord is clamped. After birth, average time
30 minutes, placenta is delivered and checked for abnormalities. Complications include lack of
oxygen and unusual birth additions.
Childbirth Methods:
Lamaze, which includes breathing techniques, labor coach, and woman feels in control, and

usually results in less drugs.

Laborer, usually consists of a gentle birth, the room is dimly lit, a quiet environment, the baby is
placed on the woman's stomach, and the umbilical cord is cut.
I covered the first stage of prenatal development in the beginning of this competency with is
when the cells joint and a zygote develops. The second stage is the embryonic stage it lasts about
7 weeks. During the second stage the embryo develops skin, muscles, blood, lungs, plans, and
the nervous, excretory, and digestive systems. The embryo also develops 95% of its body parts.
The third stage is called the fetal stage it is the last stage before birth. The third month the fetuss
fingers and toes are forming and the sex organs also appear. The fourth month the mother can
feel fetal movement. During the seventh month the fetus can experience pain, touch, and sound
and the nervous system can control breathing and swallowing. The ninth month is when the fetus
gets into a head-down position and drops to prepare for birth.
There are many things that can effect prenatal development such as a teratogen a toxic agents in
the environment that are capable of causing developmental abnormalities or birth defects.
Malnutrition before and after birth stunts brain development and diminishes mental capacity for
the rest of the child's life. There are numerous drugs and medications that affect the development
of a fetus. There are also a number of diseases that can have a negative impact on the fetus as
well as stress, mercury, radiation, and more.

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