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Spanish Fairy Tale

Erase una vez, habia una chica triste y joven. Ella era triste porque su
madre estaba muerto y su padre tuvo otro mujer, quien odiaba a Ella.
Mientras Ella viva en las condicions incomodo, su hermanastras vivan
en lujo. Ella tenia que trabajar todo el da y solo en la tarde su
madrastra le permita sentarse cercano el fuego y ella obtuvo el
nombre, Cinderella. Cinderella
Once upon a time, there was an unhappy young girl, she was unhappy
for her mother was dead and her father had married a widow with two
daughters, who hated Ella. While Ella lived in uncomfortable
conditions, the two stepdaughters lived in luxury. Ella had to work all
day and only in the evenings was she allowed to sit near the fire, near
the cinders and thats how she got the nickname Cinderella. Cinderella
dressed in rags and always had a dusty gray face from the cinders but
she was a lovely girl. One day, a ball was to be held at the court, and
the stepsisters were getting ready to go to it. Cinderella was going to
ask if she could go but she knew what the answer was going to be. The
stepmother told her to stay and do the chores. Cinderella became
angry and killed the stepmother with a bolt of lightning. Suddenly
there was a burst of lightning and her evil twin appeared. The evil twin
dressed Cinderella nicely and teleported her to the ball. At the ball she
dances with the prince. He was struck by her beauty, but he also
wanted to kill her. When it turned midnight she had to go before her
original self came back so she summoned the wind gods to whisk her
away, but lost a shoe by the staircase. The prince wanted to kill her so
he got her shoe and traced her down to her house. When he got there,
he killed the two stepsisters with bursts of fire and he tricked
Cinderella into falling in love with him with a love potion, and they
went off to get married on his dragon. At their wedding, he kills her
with a shard of ice and he lives happily ever after.

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