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<TITLE>JavaScript Source Code 3000: BG Effects: Astronaut</TITLE>
<META HTTP-EQUIV="JavaScript Source Code 3000" CONTENT = "no-cache">
<META NAME="date" CONTENT="2000-09-09">
<META NAME="channel" CONTENT="Web Developer">
<META NAME="author" CONTENT="Viswanathan Manohar (">
<META NAME="section" CONTENT="BG Effects">
<META NAME="description" CONTENT="Watch as the astronaut floats around in space. His rando
<BODY BGCOLOR=#000000 text=#ffffff vlink=#0000ff onLoad="space()">
<table width=600 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=10>
<td width=468 align=center>

<td width=120 align=center>
<basefont size=3>
<FONT SIZE="+2" FACE="Helvetica,Arial">
<A HREF="../index.htm" /" TARGET="_top"><FONT COLOR="#0000FF"><b>Home</b></font></A>
<img src="../img/arrow.gif" /img/arrow.gif" height=13 width=7 border=0 alt="}">
<A HREF="index.htm" /bgeffects/"><font color="#FF0000"><b>BG Effects</b></font></A>
<img src="../img/arrow.gif" /img/arrow.gif" height=13 width=7 border=0 alt="}">
<FONT COLOR="#006666"><b>Astronaut</b></font></font>
<tr><td><font FACE="helvetica,arial,geneva">
<!-- Description --><!--content_start-->
Watch as the astronaut floats around in space. His random movements over the background of
<!-- Demonstration -->
<!-- Original: Viswanathan Manohar ( -->
<!-- Web Site: -->

<!-- Begin
astropic = "../img/astronaut/astronaut.jpg"; // location of YOUR astronaut image
var xval = new Array(); // holds star coordinates
var yval = new Array();
no = 100; // number of stars in the background
speed = 200; // speed
xp = 20 + 100 * Math.random();
yp = 20 + 100 * Math.random();
angle = 3.14 * Math.random(); // astronaut angle
xinc = 3 * Math.sin(angle);
yinc = 3;
ie = (document.all)? 1 : 0;
ns = (document.layers)? 1: 0;
if (ie) {
width = document.body.clientWidth;
height = document.body.clientHeight;
for (var i = 0; i <= no; i++) {
document.write("<div id=\"div" + i+ "\" style=\"color:white;");
document.write("<div id=\"diva\" style=\"position:absolute;\">");
document.write("<img src=" + astropic + " border=\"0\" width=\"65\" height=\"95\"></div>");
for (i = 0; i <= no; i++) {
xval[i] = width * Math.random();
yval[i] = height * Math.random();
document.all["div" + i].style.left = xval[i];
document.all["div" + i] = yval[i];
if (ns) {
width = self.innerWidth;
height = self.innerHeight;
for (var i = 0; i <= no; i++) {
document.write("<layer id=\"div" + i+ "\" style=\"color:white;");
document.write("<layer id=\"diva\" style=\"position:absolute;\">");
document.write("<img src=" + astropic + " border=\"0\" width=\"65\" height=\"95\"></layer>"
for (i = 0; i <= no; i++) {
xval[i] = width * Math.random();
yval[i] = height * Math.random();
document.layers["div" + i].left = xval[i];
document.layers["div" + i].top = yval[i];
function star() {
for (i = 0; i <= no; i = i+4) {
xval[i] +=5;
if ((i%20) == 0) xval[i] += 10;
if(xval[i] >= width) xval[i] = width * Math.random();
if (ie) document.all["div" + i].style.left = xval[i];
if (ns) document.layers["div" + i].left = xval[i];
return true;
function goangle() {
angle = 3.14 * Math.random();
xinc = 3 * Math.sin(angle);
return true;
function space() {
if (ie) {
document.all["diva"].style.left = xp;
document.all["diva"] = yp;
if (ns) {
document.layers["diva"].left = xp;
document.layers["diva"].top = yp;
xp += xinc;
yp +=yinc;
if ((xp >= (width - 50)) || (xp <= 10)) { goangle(); xinc = (-1) * xinc; }
if ((yp >= (height - 50)) || (yp <= 10)) { goangle(); yinc = (-1) * yinc; }
setTimeout('space()', speed);
// End -->
You must also save these images<br>
to your server to use this script.<br>
Right-click the images below and<br>
select "Save Image As..."<br><br>
<img src="../img/astronaut/astronaut.jpg" /img/astronaut/astronaut.jpg" width=65 height=95
<a name="source">
<tr><td BGCOLOR=yellow><font FACE="helvetica,arial,geneva" color="black"><b>JavaScript Sour
<p>Simply click inside the window below, use your cursor to highlight the script, and copy
<tr><td BGCOLOR=yellow ALIGN=CENTER>
<form NAME="copy">
<DIV align="center">
<input type=button value="Highlight All" onClick="javascript:this.form.txt.focus();this.for
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="total" VALUE="Script Size: 3.03 KB" size=24>
<textarea NAME="txt" ROWS=20 COLS=75 WRAP=VIRTUAL>
1. Add the onLoad event handler into the BODY tag
2. Copy the coding into the BODY of your HTML document --&gt;
&lt;!-- STEP ONE: Insert the onLoad event handler into your BODY tag --&gt;
&lt;BODY bgcolor="black" onLoad="space()"&gt;
&lt;!-- STEP TWO: Paste this code into the BODY of your HTML document --&gt;
&lt;SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"&gt;
&lt;!-- Original: Viswanathan Manohar ( --&gt;
&lt;!-- Web Site: --&gt;
&lt;! &gt;
&lt;! &gt;
&lt;!-- Begin
astropic = "astronaut.jpg"; // location of YOUR astronaut image
var xval = new Array(); // holds star coordinates
var yval = new Array();
no = 100; // number of stars in the background
speed = 200; // speed
xp = 20 + 100 * Math.random();
yp = 20 + 100 * Math.random();
angle = 3.14 * Math.random(); // astronaut angle
xinc = 3 * Math.sin(angle);
yinc = 3;
ie = (document.all)? 1 : 0;
ns = (document.layers)? 1: 0;
if (ie) {
width = document.body.clientWidth;
height = document.body.clientHeight;
for (var i = 0; i &lt;= no; i++) {
document.write("&lt;div id=\"div" + i+ "\" style=\"color:white;");
document.write("&lt;div id=\"diva\" style=\"position:absolute;\"&gt;");
document.write("&lt;img src=" + astropic + " border=\"0\" width=\"65\" height=\"95\"&gt;&lt
for (i = 0; i &lt;= no; i++) {
xval[i] = width * Math.random();
yval[i] = height * Math.random();
document.all["div" + i].style.left = xval[i];
document.all["div" + i] = yval[i];
if (ns) {
width = self.innerWidth;
height = self.innerHeight;
for (var i = 0; i &lt;= no; i++) {
document.write("&lt;layer id=\"div" + i+ "\" style=\"color:white;");
document.write("&lt;layer id=\"diva\" style=\"position:absolute;\"&gt;");
document.write("&lt;img src=" + astropic + " border=\"0\" width=\"65\" height=\"95\"&gt;&lt
for (i = 0; i &lt;= no; i++) {
xval[i] = width * Math.random();
yval[i] = height * Math.random();
document.layers["div" + i].left = xval[i];
document.layers["div" + i].top = yval[i];
function star() {
for (i = 0; i &lt;= no; i = i+4) {
xval[i] +=5;
if ((i%20) == 0) xval[i] += 10;
if(xval[i] &gt;= width) xval[i] = width * Math.random();
if (ie) document.all["div" + i].style.left = xval[i];
if (ns) document.layers["div" + i].left = xval[i];
return true;
function goangle() {
angle = 3.14 * Math.random();
xinc = 3 * Math.sin(angle);
return true;
function space() {
if (ie) {
document.all["diva"].style.left = xp;
document.all["diva"] = yp;
if (ns) {
document.layers["diva"].left = xp;
document.layers["diva"].top = yp;
xp += xinc;
yp +=yinc;
if ((xp &gt;= (width - 50)) || (xp &lt;= 10)) { goangle(); xinc = (-1) * xinc; }
if ((yp &gt;= (height - 50)) || (yp &lt;= 10)) { goangle(); yinc = (-1) * yinc; }
setTimeout('space()', speed);
// End --&gt;

&lt;!-- Script Size: 3.03 KB --&gt;</textarea><br><font FACE="helvetica,arial,geneva" colo



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