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Kasey Simonsen

Entry 2: Technology to Enhance Instruction

Integrating Instructional Technology
Instructional technology is a key part of learning today. The attributes that students gain
during interactive learning can help form the way a student learns. Students will view being
taught and learning as play (Hargis 2014). Students gain skills in short term memory, engage
more in concepts, and build self regulating skills. All students learn differently, the way they
process, perceive and interact is based on the learning environment presented to them. The use of
technology will further their development (Ross & Lukom 2004). I think that using instructional
technologies in classrooms will only add to the more traditional methods and improve students
overall learning and grasp of knowledge.
World Wide Web
The World Wide Web is the internet. Teachers can use this to gain information for
specific lessons they are planning and enhance them with facts, crafts, math projects, science
experiments, writing idea and more. The more ways a teacher can gain more resources to use the
better the lesson will be to encourage student learning and participation. As a teacher I will use
websites to enhance lessons and give the students freedom to search and learn on their own with
a list of previewed websites. As a teacher I will be able to use this technology with practically

any lesson that I want. Thats the joy about it, you can find anything and everything on the World
Wide Web.
This is an internet site all of its own. Refdesk can be used by students and teachers. It
involves vocabulary, news, reading, and provokes thoughts and discussions. There is a word of
the day, a thought of the day, and a site of the day. As a teacher it can be used in the classroom as
a vocabulary tool, the words of day can be combined to create spelling words for a week. It can
be used to discuss what we think about the thought, and then write our own based on the same
idea. I could and would use this site as a way to build our vocabulary, enhance our literacy skills
and deeper thinking. If I taught 5th grade students they would be grouped and go on to the site to
see what the daily things are. It is also good way for students to learn about the news and see
what is going on in the world around them. I could use this site to enhance curriculum in literacy
and social studies (Technology Integration).
Smart Boards
Smart Boards can be used in all ways in the classroom. Teachers can use them to teach
from during lectures. It will hold the students interest and attention as you can incorporate the
students in changing screens, you have them write their thoughts or ideas directly onto the
lesson, or the teacher can add their thoughts directly there. You can incorporate videos, games,
songs, and books on the smart boards. As an educator I would use smart board everyday! In the
beginning of the instruction to brainstorm with students and have them record their own ideas,
we could use it to play games in all areas, math, science, reading, and art. Smart boards are the
neatest way to teach lessons that might be boring and need help to keep students interests.
Pros and Cons of using Technology to Facilitate Learning (200-300 words)

Embrace digital technology and digital forms of learning to better prepare students for
their future, (Martin, Shaw & Daughenbaugh pg 93). The use of technology in classrooms is an
inevitable advancement. As the world around us grows it will enhance and incorporate
technology into everything. Teaching our students all the ways to use technology will set them
up to succeed in the future, we need to let students grow to learn how to use technology in a safe
environment. Technology provides more options for research and student lead discussions,
because student will be more passionate to learn when they are learning and researching
something they are interesting in. The worry that many educators have when incorporating
technology is that the educational values of lessons being taught will be lost. The old fashioned
pen and paper learning will cease to exist. Technology is very advanced and can lead to students
getting side tracked with other things that can be found on line and games that could be played.
Screen time is still a major issue in the realm of education and some think that screen time at
school is not needed as students get so much at home.
Wired and Wireless Classrooms (100-200 words)
Wired classrooms are those that have stationary desktop computers in them, or projectors with
the arm that plug into the wall and need sheets to work on them. Wireless classrooms are those
that use projectors linked to computers, tablets, laptops and other devices that are mobile. The
wired classroom is one that is not very innovative, as students have to be in one location as does
the teacher to use them. Wireless classrooms allow easy access to many things, the functions are
easy to use as they can expand abilities and allow children with disabilities and special needs to
be active members of the classrooms. Wireless technology a revolution that is fundamentally
Changing the way students and teachers communicate and collaborate with each other. (Gunter
& Gunter pg 338)

Integrating instructional technology into the comprehensive classroom setting is a subject
that is still in debate for many educators. The three examples provided are ways to use
instructional technology appropriately in the classroom and enhance all lessons taught to
students. Creating the want to learn because is fun.

HARGIS, J. (2014). EAGER ADOPTERS IN EDUCATION: Strategic Plan Ideas for Integrating Instructional
Technology. Turkish Online Journal Of Distance Education (TOJDE), 15(4), 14-22.
Ross, C. M., & Lukow, J. E. (2004). Are Learning Styles a Good Predictor for Integrating Instructional Technology
into a Curriculum?. Journal Of Scholarship Of Teaching And Learning, 4(1), 41-51.
Technology Integration "Tech Team" Article Series Technology in the Classroom | Technology Integration Ideas
that Work - See more at:
Martin, S., Shaw, E., & Daughenbaugh, L. (2014). Using smart boards and manipulatives in the elementary science
classroom. Techtrends: linking research & practice to improve learning, 58(3), 90-96.

Gunter. R. E., & Gunter. G. A., (2014) Teachers discovering computers: Integrating technology in a
changing world. 8th edition. Boston, Ma. Cengage Learning.

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