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Literary Terms:

Irony: a word that is used where the meaning of the word is different than the reality
surrounding it.

Verbal Irony is when someone says something they do not actually mean
Situational irony is when both a character and the audience are not aware of a situation
that they are in
"I am perfectly convinced by it that Mr. Darcy has no defect. He owns it himself without
disguise." Elizabeth is pointing out how she truly does believe that Mr. Darcy is full of flaws,
despite her saying he has no defect.

Dramatic Irony is within a text and a character is not aware of the current situation
they are in, but the audience is aware of it.
I have been meditating on the very great pleasure which a pair of fine eyes in the face of a

pretty woman can bestow." Mr. Darcy does not show Elizabeth Bennet affection, but the reader
knows that he fancies her through quotes like this one. Elizabeth is amazed when Darcy proposes
marriage to her because she did not know of the situation.

Situational Irony: a reaction to a turn of events within the layout of the plot
You must allow me to tell you how I ardently admire and love you- Mr. Darcy. This lays
out a change of events because Elizabeth Bennet believed for so long that she was despised by
Mr. Darcy, and yet, he loves her.
Sarcasm: bitter remarks used without actual intention of speaking truth, but to cover up a
scheme or be funny.
If Jane should die; it would be comfort to know that it was all in pursuit of Mr. Bingley
Elizabeth sarcastically points out the ridiculousness of her sister being forced to risk her health
just to gain the attention of a man.

Understatement: a phrase that is actually obvious or easily noticeable and is normally said in
a sarcastic tone.

Hyperbole: a word or phrase used to exaggerate a certain situation in order to have more of a
apparent influence. The subject elevated him to more than usual solemnity of manner, and
with a most important aspect he protested that he had never in his life witnesses such
behavior in a person of rank- such affability and condescension as he had himself
experienced from Lady Catherine. Mr. Collins exaggerates the personality of Lady Catherine
to the point where you would not recognize her personality once she is actually met.

Satire: used to make fun of or mock the occurrences that take place within the imperfections of
being human in order to draw attention to them.

Horatian Satire: satire that is spoken in a tone of amusement and full of wit

Bathos: when an author uses many examples of metaphors or other literary devices to create a
sense of depth and emotion

Parody: imitating something in order to evoke a comical effect

Circumlocution: a rhetorical device that uses paradox and other things to express itself in an
ambiguous way

Caricature: when someone or something is described in an exaggerated way in order to create

a comical mood

Center of Consciousness: when a reader gets a glimpse directly into the mind and thoughts
of a character

Participatory Narrator: when the narrator includes themselves as a possible character in

the story

Subjective Narrator: when a story is told through a certain persons perspective or point of

Authorial Intervention: when the author steps away from the writing to speak directly to
the reader

Theme: a subject matter or motif that unites the whole book together and acts as the main focus
of the book

Motif: something, as in an idea or concept, that is present during the entire text that is obvious
to the reader

Aphorism: a wise or common statement that is meant to be said as a universal truth

Epistolary Novel: a novel that is written in a succession of several different manuscripts or
letters that, when combined together, forms the whole book

Neoclassicism: when referring to text, it is writing using reasoning, logic, and practicality
with these ideas coming from a time period between 1660 and 1798

Romanticism: a writing style that began in the early 19th century that encouraged
independency and the ability to write or create art without following technicality rules

Three Volume Novel: when books were first being printed, it was easier and cheaper to print
and bind them in three sections, and cause a demand for the second and third volumes of the
book before they came out

Novel of Manners: the recreation, by means of texts, the manners that take place within an
existent complex society

Tone: the attitude that the author writes with or the perspective that they display in regard to a
certain character or situation within a book

Metonymy: replacing a word or phrase with something else that in informal, but could
symbolize what is actually meant

Euphemism: a more pleasant, less punitive way of wording something that might be
challenging to say or describe

Didactic: meant to teach moral standards or lessons about philosophy, politics, religion, or

Pedantic: when something is described in a scholarly or book-ish jargon

Sentimental: a writing that expresses and stands up for passionate and intelligent notions of

Coquettish: when someone is very flirtatious and frisky

Allusion: a distant reference to an event, person, place, or object
Anaphora: the repeating of a word to create more meaning or artistic style in writing
Balanced Clauses: when two sentences that appear to have similar structure

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