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Grade Level: 5th

Language Arts

Subject: Resource Room-

Date: Oct 20 2014

Lesson Time: 4-5pm

A. Logistics, Background, Context, and Purpose of the Lesson:

a. Student does not use proper punctuation or capitalization when writing, and

cannot maintain even short periods of writing without distraction/frustration.

i. Student will be given lined paper with dotted middle line to continue to
focus on appropriate size/capitalization. Student will be given short breaks
between writing activities and rewarded with reinforcers after each writing
ii. Student will be rewarded with tickets toward Legos.
b. Student fidgets excessively with pens, toys, rubber bands, etc. He is unable to
keep an organized work area, and loses papers and homework.
i. While teacher is giving instructions, Student will be allowed to manipulate
a fidget. The fidget will be taken when the assigned task begins.
Students work area will be organized prior to beginning work. He will be
provided with a plastic tray to place completed work and finished work
will be collected immediately.
c. Student shows inconsistency in size of letters- lower and upper case.
This lesson will focus on the required visualization skill needed when
writing lower case letters on lined paper.

b. Lesson Goals and Objectives:

Given verbal instructions to copy text from any source, student will increase the
consistency within the size of his letter print from the current level of 1 error per 6
characters to the level of 0 errors per 6 characters as measured by average errors
per 300 characters, on ten consecutive trials.

B. Materials:
Lined paper
Grocery list (prepared from parents)
C. Technology:
D. The Lesson:


i. Today we are going to continue practicing keeping our lower
case letters within the lower half of the line. It is important that
we can continue to show this skill for all of our writing.
ii. When we write, it is helpful to imagine a dotted line in the
middle of each line, and we can use this as a guide. Today, we
are going to highlight the bottom half of our lines, using
highlighters. Your letters should fill in the highlighted space
when you begin to write.
iii. We will also spend some time practicing our letters, and we will
use our highlighted paper. I will also give you additional practice
by calling out practice sentences that I would like you to write.
The biggest focus today is making sure that the letters fill up the
bottom half of each line.
iv. Do you want to work for (reinforcer 1) or (reinforcer 2) today?


Methods: (40 minutes)

i. In front of you are some standard pieces of paper, similar to
what you use in class. I want you to take your time, and
highlight the bottom half of the first line, like this. Try to draw
the straightest line possible.(model)(reward)
ii. Now using the highlighted line, I want you to copy the following
letters, separate each letter with one space. Take your time. (call
out random letters, with additional emphasis on e, c, s, d, b, o,
p,) Reward student with reinforcer for each completed line.
iii. (Have student repeat this process 10 times.)
iv. Wonderful, now I want you to use a blank piece of paper, this
time I want you to imagine the lower half being highlighted.
v. Copy the following letters, (call out random letters)
vi. (Repeat this process a minimum of 10 times)
vii. Go ahead and get out a piece of paper. Highlight the lower half
of the first two lines. I will read the following sentence to you
and I would like you to copy it down. For this activity, you will
get (reinforcer) only if the lower case letters are within the
highlighted section of the line. Read The quick brown fox
jumped over the slow brown dog.
viii. (Repeat this process 10 times)
ix. Now we will use plain paper. I will read the sentence and I want
you to copy it down. I will give you (reinforcer) for each
sentence, but only if the lower case letters are within the bottom
half of the line. Read The quick brown fox jumped over the slow
brown dog.
x. Repeat 10 times


Lesson Closure:

i. Every time we practice, you are getting better at keeping the

lower case letters in the bottom half of the line. This is an
important skill for you to have when you write.

i. Ask student to help make the grocery list for the family. Remind him that
his parents will need to be able to read the items on the list so that they
can buy the correct ingredients. Hand student a piece of lined paper with
four sublists: meat/cheese/dairy, fruits/veggies, bread/pasta,
canned/boxed. Read the five meals that the parents have planned. Then
list the ingredients, asking student to write the item under the category it
belongs in.


i. Using completed worksheets, assess the percent of
errors per page, use this information to measure student
performance compared to baseline data


i. What additional practice can connect with lower case
upper case lettering? Are worksheets showing student
improvement over time or are the same patterns
appearing where work declines over time? Are there
letters that are causing more difficulty than others?
i. Is student engaged in activity?

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