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CHAPTER SEVE W/, this cheplec tall present seasare aged ia the measuceme bg acceleration and Wheatiang. Senses that measuce lateroduced vest - ) A displacement or is a device thet lates a. AL fevotion, of disp acement folky a sigoal Tn Vis case. clectrial ( Doe suc device. is a poter tometer + tris device ts mode. lout wnroding a& conduchag Ui oroved a aan. candy core. A shder enaves up anc dowe as shown in TA. As the slicker moves, Whe eesistance. Goill chance qe Accordingly. The change in resistance ts capture! lay eeasacin} Ra Ly 2 a BW shder, Rye Mee, & the Ve ee Ms i a. at position of the slider is obtained accordingly, The relationship betuseen pasion 3 the resistance Ry seen acwmss one end and the shider (Coe between B and®) is Shows to figuee 72 Morice shat he steps obbatied ac for each woop Of cwil, As he slider moves op, tt bils a tucn, the cesisiance is Q, Thi cesistane will cemaia tre Same. uohl the next tucn is hit. So thee ig an errer assoccated with Ais OC cours, fhe soailler the diameter of the wie ved re moe Geetate, UW iS. However» some, polentrorebers Pasvrorr Figuie 72 Sstentiometer. thathion v/s Res ae Made with cone 12 The lationship ive. gle between position and resistance (s Wneac. Acother device. Used to meaguce displacement is a Linear! variable — ditgecential trans Poroner CLVOT) and showe. io Gq Th Th device produces an AG current thal is f proper tonal ta the displacement The AG sigool {a sieusaidd land is generated aa the movable cove oscillates bec. and forls. The oonplibude of the sin wove is proporhonal to We Usplacements the reason the AC cuccent is generated is He cnubval induckance, Whe secondory cOiNS Laken an initial voltage primany coil one seendany oi wl as 1 i jose dow, il ae eee mall ® Core a> dacocerent a “ iW Vorsaon PPC R ere Constant Ae voltage. 3 Linear Variable | | : Fae the peimory coil. Recall Rraday’s laws that state Yat a current can oe induced 10 a ond uchor oy chang ing he magneric. field tre coil is fe. Also wen two cols are in close poxenity , a change we We. cercent of ane. coil coil) induce a elector ~mnagsche foc. WO Whe Seeancd + tohen Wwe sna gach care, mous in We Vue secondary Jcols, Yoeie induckanee changes erecting a voltage diffecae av when a constast #C voltage 18 appliat to the Primang coil, The voltage dcfference. Ay ooteined for p Sypicol LV OT a functor Of displacement is Sowa io Rg ue 7A: BY Gore. Liiglacewenty Figuce 74 LVOT Ovtput vis Oisclacment sees i Bere i Se eee eee ieee Et is clear Lom 4s Ciguce that the eelationship lehveen The displacement 2 ang the output voltage av, is ooly \ineat for smaller displacement + The sensitivity of the LVOT ky Wine. Linear range depends on “he number ag buras in Nhe primary ancl secondary toils Ve cost mean square Hh (rms) current in the primacy coil ans Ane size of the Uo fdevice » The range of linearihy of the LyoT te spec fied. Loy Mhe- mnany (ach cet When measuring dynamic respanses, ca must be taker so that thea exihing frequency to the dewee is at \east Hem times “tre expected measured cisdacement frequency + SE For example, the LVOT is used to measure Whe. deepens ag “the piston va Qgul® FS 9 a minimum exihald an Foequency of Boothe eaust toe. supplied. Stace the : TORT > ten Himes frequency ef 3p piston . gure ZS Piston Disglacemest ul Oe frequency of the piston is 6a Ha, the exiting voltage frepaen must be ten times as mucin, LvOTs usually have & gauge head made out of spcing and a probe. the pombe is Istongly an evteasian a¢ the tore, and the. spring is to Keep th in place. Errars as low as 0.08% and repeatability ef 0.000! mm aan be. achiwed - Rotary Linear Voriabe Transchuers are alse available 2 eneasire velebions. They ose “he Same. princsples as Lvot and have the some Supe. of limitations. 6 gue T. 6 snows On Cxample of a. RLVOT, Motice. thet She. songe Of angles for a linear velatienship between AN and) 1 is *& 40°° Volts out Nowa pect Figure. 46 RUWWDT Yechaps “he simplest device, used fo rreagure acceleration baod Velocitia is the enc “Keansdueer, this device. has three Nyaaic. elements and is shawn la figucc Z 7% The fist clement is a. mass. apcing- damper system the sewnd a Solich housrag aod the third a -rcantducer. The mass Seeing - damper assembly is fred to a solid bese and the mass’ location ts indicated bythe transducer. Supgase Hina the lage is sulgjected bo a consbant acceleration IA Upwards eq “Wis case, the spring LOW deforms and Hive. postion og the. mats ig a4 lowers Gores We. nccelecation shops, He mass gees back sy the no load” pasitien. Emagine. the cag. of a persen in an eleseboy Conshant Re E 6 cccleralon Figuce 77 Seismic “VWanscncer & | menese. Corces ace equal forthe mayvm Hones the eelecation a oF. MO (42.1) AN of the. forces ace in Whe vertical diction, so - Be i shi + 93 = ONO (A22y The GForce in he spring depends oa he fobal spring deflection and AWS include A the amaunh due fo the Leagat Ee < Ks (hex) (72.2) one. KS he speng sh fpoes - sthe dampec 's force, 18 dot proportional to “Whe. displacement y but to the rate of change af y willy respect Ay Wone, o¢ Velochy. The faster tre. liga. macat tego seek ona da oper, We Varder A cualh teack . Hhink of a& door damper ae Whe. coor is kes Slowly , there 1g nt muck resistence . Bot logening he door res Cast will gecerake, a Wegner [force ( similar Wo mouwng an ol, in & flvid The veloc i the deciverwe of displacement coith ceggect to hme rhe damper fore Fy. 18 ~ peed : 4 ee Sc aval a Oe C724) where Cis the damping coef ficrent acd sv 2 ty Abe Gr derivative. of ¥ with vasgech to time, Similarly, the accelerahen a ic the setand dec. Motive will cespect ty time of the displacement a 2 oa dt* Comboining equations (7.2.2) Anu (7.2.5) yields “the Faloana = 2 (72.8) HK (hee) beng mek amd (7.2.6) hig equation is a second order ordinary linear dipferentva| equean. Nede algo Wal \f oo eotor is peczentt Mie force. hy We Gamper is Zem+ So if the system is al moving she seeing IS deflected an amavet S so Kids oa (7.2.7) When Ye elevator gees ve, “the person will feel heawiec C just Wke Whe mass ag it presses on ne. sporg ) as the Gloor of The elevator pushes ve- Like wise, if the elevator is going down, hat same person woill feel lighter. When cyelle of sinusoidal clisdacements or measured things bewme, a (tHe. bth ware. complicated and a, Quick avalyss i required. Consider Woe mass~ speing - pio npec assem boy shou Ww Figuse 7B, The mass on ls sulajected to a force F and is supported by a Spring and dam There Cespectwe Laces ae Rp at § Aceading Ao Newton's Second Laut, ne sum of all J sprig postion we: ee loefac: 1 5 x applied Cm] oR a me sou i ie Rp ie a. Prysicel Setup by Free Bady Diagram Riguse “7& Mass. Spergg- Camper Solve. iggeeeeicsiae eg tae e eres gett a a ae) C74.) aaa order te adue Mis dipfeenhel equation st lone ous considera, solution og “the. Foren 12 hE Udnert, A, God S ase constants and £ is Hme . € allows thet (cecal sae = ase \ st sé se Age, CAS OAK Coe O (7.2.2 a we ae eS Ke - po (874 S54 EY) =0 (72.9) ae = lor S + $.$4K 20 (7.2.10) (Keep ia poind © con neuer be Zee, equation (7.2.10) is known as the characterise equation of “He diggerrMal equation, The praiden is Ceduced Ao Sdbvng for Sin equation (72-10) Sine Anis a quadrtte equeabian af “He. farm ao} rbs re 20) Hhe solultons oe ae the fore x, = abe lorie (72.Ny 2a, ec $2 ot (EYE AE 4his pont, three possible solutions present themselves (7.2.12) depending on whether the quantity uoder Whe square rook is posikive, Bem af negative. Sn order ta simghify equations tne Folousigg Aeems xe inbroduced. Lf (72.13) pas (7.2, Id) Dona) Khem Gs and & oe ferred to as the etccular frequency of the system and damping fackoc , respectively, Using “the fe. notations, equabian (7.2.12) becomes (after seme. aiplifiiahon ss(- & st mye (7.218) 2, 2 cme Naree. Cases can now ve presented ag © > 1, E=l and EP AV. Emo care Ualth oe tan gdereal sepecatty + ete i : BE Case gel: E<1 or cc amw -Underdempee - sem fiz case, “the soluhon to the characterishia. equation is complex, 80 Sy2 =(- 2 tire) (7 2.18) phe solution to Whe differential equation becomes ~we Se zhee (A cos (Ji EF st) + B sin (YET wt)) (7.2.16) Welly, tnis equertion con lee re-weiten as ~ Fast \ xe Xe (sin (aye +)) (7.2.17) isnece wy = (Je é* wo C7218) is the damped circular frequency 4 P the phase angie and XK ie a constent. sod a system is ceferced to as undedlarnped and (1S mspamie. ( sigur in Figuc “FF Nohee hows the sin function is hmshed oy the exponenhal function ae tee f ore Figure % 7 Oneecdamped Sip fern ac Camus Crilcolly Damped Uuonen Mois ts the case, the Solution has the form we xa CArBEDE” (7.2.14) tthe respenr fo sue a gy ater IS Shouse ia figure TIO. Mole Ane absence of ony periedic behavior, the Cunckon decays withoot any oscillations. A acd RB ore canstants determined far each spec Re peoclem. [Cav #3: E>] of Cp>2um Overdamped aca Mais car. “the. solutonste the cnarackerishe. equakion oe, Saeed 2 VE uw (7.2. 20) and Hine. Solution becomes awk a CONE a. Coiheolly Oomped b~ Oveccdamped Rgue FIO Responses Of Dynamte Systems ee | ' | 2 VET) wt ~E~ VEN) we x) = ce! . ae + Cy it (7.2.21) whee Cy and Ca ace constants depending on the. Speer (re Prololenn, “the responce. of such a system iy ke ho shaw ie figuce “TF 10-1. The System is we ferme lovecdameceal. eee The mass — spring - damper shown 1s Agere LE is such hat ma 8 kg, Cs O02 Mis /mm and Kx S Ulm a. Find the. equebion 010 mation of Nhe system. b- =e at tao , the displacement is lomm and tne velowly is Som/s a find and plot We. System 'S response. Cc. Gorvere tg Me mass of E= | secnne ? Solu bien » ts 3 Vilocettion Measurement : Greed Vilraian : Consider Whee spring mass Aanmper system shou i figure AN, Suppose Mra a cyeric Locca. Fa & Sink is apptied te fhe mats on The resulting free loady diagram 15 Shows ie figure. TID, Such a system 19 veferrd te as a forced Uibeerivon siqa. the input to Khe, system is Kengased on “Nine. seshenn at alk Mmese Mewhor's Second laws Venghes mag BYR 5 6% +B sin yb) = ov C43.) or 4 Qe oh x 2 BR. cin (ue) Cr a.ay Kees in mind that ng = KA Csee prenavs section) , Te save , a soluWon of “the \ype BO) a Msin (anh) + 2 ems (use ) er [eq J , ag 4% Bin wap igure 7.12. Sarced Vibeations i Doing so yield HY ui sin (ugk) — Z wy cos (we) +S UZ os (ub) ~ Sw sing oe ‘. y sio (yt) +z cos (ey. ) = ca sin (wt) (7.3.4) Pee ecg Ques sia (wt) [->y we Se w2 ke y| + cos (we) [20+ 7] = Fe. sim (ugk) (7.3.5) Fquating lee ond right sides of Mis equation yiels ny We = Se (23.6) land y a be Zw + Sut . kB 2 O (7.3.2) or ™ Sdving for Yond 2 yiatds ye (ho = wt) Phe (Kien = wr) + (S83 “ jane 2 Gen) wl Pfr) Cin OF CE ™ & we (7-2.13) so k an 2 2% (22 (K-65) =(w We) 7810.6 = wii. rt)® ( wun nee eee (72.") Gs fikewai UTE ; i a sy y= 2S a og aw (2ér)" (7.3.12) os Ww ong BL thet Os ae = Fe ww Xo” €7.3.12) ™ ak kK whee Xp = & (7.3.14) By substituting equotions (7210) ,(7-2.12) and 0.3.8) io equations C73.8) and (73.4) give afi) Ko 7.3.15 T *G=% Gieyt (ies) 43.16) | | set Lollows net, mass wspemg - damper Sup) ecled Ho a farce © equal to Fo sin (wee) will mae to uch a ey thet it poston x64) is given oy a(+)s EEF [09D sw (wee) -2er ces (ue) | L, forced vilsco-han (73. 17) Xo is nothing more then the static deflection of Me Spring given by B/k . This is the deflection ; Soc WN expec stalic Ce. 0 Vine. See ng NL exgeciena 1¢ a state Cee. constant fora. % agplied as appotedt to a dynamic foc fosinture) nis selution can be ceuitten once mare Mime ac athe X' sin Cape -~@) (7.2.18) loivh aaa Wee 4 Ze (7312) jor a (7-3 )4b ee aG ery” land = tant ( =) fan! (220 (7.3.4. tact The steady stale olution is x) 22 a(t - ) (73.20) Vier Gee) tthe term steady state refers to the situation after lo. ceckain amovet af Hme hes passed. En nis examgs Hine mathe matical solution is la reality made ost of fro components, the transient respont as well as la steady stole ene. the transiest response goes fs zero after some time (see section 72) wil He. steady State. Is unaffected. by me. Keep in rind that Whe transiest response ts tye Sdutton Ho re. fallow a Geek x =O (728) amie. Whe steady state, response /S the soutien to x +e 8 wee = & sin (ol) (arab) The ackual solution is the sum of the. tension oe given boy (7.2.17), (7.2.19) o€ (72.21) ' and he steody stole solubon given by (% 3.20) Usually 119 fareed vilocations , the transient response. is urelevant as if Gos Basa exfler some trone.. Open close examination of equation (7.3.21) one realizes What tre solution has a magovhy de. of S and & frequency equal fy the input SeceuneneanNaenaaenmmneet fe que 2 e' VO Gey frequency Wwe Recall also ‘hat Ky is the stake defection / K. Go it looks Whe the steady state response amelitude js tothing more. than “the stable. deflecttan ‘hynes a. magnification factor ME Whe, higher WF, -Pne Narer the displacemen amplihude is- More on his topic. is presented in Whe nevt seetHan. [E Komnple “72, A damped Spring - mass system Noung W = 14-22 Io lee 45 Ib/in and C= 3 lo, Hin (& solojected fo a force Fedo sm lst. me at bso xlealSin and £O=g Salue for Hee displacement of fhe mass - Selwhan i | ect of the Magnification ctor on te Sheedy Siole, sem order to visualize the effect af the magnification factor on the wspente , a plod og HE vecus the. Gequeowy cetio Pa te ( Bon) Wath We U% ) is. shout ie figue. “713. the MF is giver kay | O-rF GESP whe question 5 Now does he MF change worth pe aed MPs (7-4-1) hs dowions Vrach , ig 620 (zero dompirg) and 2), the value becomes fice, tn other Uuords, in W's partteuler coe, oy vill vilorate worth a magnitude ecjal to % ot 400, wen His ts The cage, the system Was achieved resonance. and & wirotating with a Magnitude equal to eo. =e E is sh ba given value, the. questions became Yrous dees Hye MF very uaith 72 wihat ox the exe alues of WF 2 One way to investigate thie {ssue i ho take tre decwatwe of fF wilh respect fo or and set it equal to Ze®, oF & Je) = Ce" 2£') (44.2) i [aye Gent) ™ the Soluorsare FeO 7 reo or l-rt2E?s0, see reo, then the poblesn i reduced to a state load (vince, pe WEURAR 20 =o Wp sa). HE Peon, then le (8 om, oF Ane ingot Frequency is very large - The response. of “the. system is Zem,c.e, WF2O. “tis rappers Lecaxe Far Nigh -frequeaes, The body dues nat ave time te veact, and the WE is 2em - | | The Mriccl cose 5 le =O yields a solubien for ce pe (é<%,) (7.4.3) Be his Volue of ¢) “the ME lsecames large .tndeed Gor te VizE J Ane HE value ig at a makimuna value, ese aaa 144 f max 2eyirgt ( & Example 13, For he. system of example 72-4 choose Wp sech Mat the ME TS Meyimumn | ZS Bose Excitahon | | seq this section, “The inpod fy the. Spring = mass. 1 Bomper susteon is nef a force bet a displacement of the Support where she. spring and dampes ace otvadved . Figue 7% 14. The support is exited at a [frequency Wp and rnagnitude %. Nols that y represents in None motion of the baie ushile. X the motien o¢ etl “Ake mess, Meurton’s Seng bavo gives me = —K (x-y) - 6 (x-7) (45.1) lor WH 4 Ce the = kya oy (15.2) ya is a sinusaidel fonction og the po y= Yo ei (wp t) (45.3) | Figure 7% WM Base Exahon then onde 4 Coe + hoe = KH Sin (wp ED oy % cos (wip) (7.6.4 [the vighst hand side. of equathon (7.6.4) con be | rewcithen go that A mai +02 ako = Hee Cem) sin (ot 4/3) Ww | t (45. 8)) where. (2 = tan" (see ) = ton! (2é) (75.6) | Hea standard faem, equation (7.5.5) can be. tucitlen | ren} 24 EH +k mo 2 — ain(uyplya) 759) the solution to this equation can be obbained m a sielac fashion os seen fa seclion 14. The. fival result ks given by 2a(f) = a V i éx)* RE _ bain Y = tan" (26 ) (764) lace sin (upd +f y) [Example TOs A system ig made of a mas of Slbs, a sesing Lait Kes 4olb/in and negligible damprng. pe this device is placed On & gucfac thal is Viorating at a magatude of 02 in at us Ha, find | oO. Whe sleady shale amplitude of the omass - b. avalue Ge Cty redua. this by half - TE the center of mass of a body & not 6a Bee Oxi of wratten ag the beady is rotated, vobalance occurs that translates tle a. vilocatian force. Unloalance. Occurs in tres, Lang, blowers, flywheels ela... and ean lead ta excessive shaking 5 Pemakbuce faclure or loss ag contval, This section Bramenes such an oaloalana. and povides an equation for Yre cyclic. load generated AS a. eegart Consider Whe wireel shown in figure 26h has a oats m a dtshance R from the center, arerwize ib Woold have been perfectly balanced Figure, TEL Rotating Onioalance. When a mass mn is votatng about a. powl © ata distance R., it experiences a normal and tangential acedecalvon (the tangertval is zen if velacihy (8 canshat he, corm acederetion {§ 2 an s Me from m t O (76.1) R Ans WER Lom m to O (76.2) where V is the vieloaby and WwW is S he ong ular velochy (seca Ve RUD). So the force Rina on gerecotes is simply (Newton's a law) Foo = mM. A, Len om % O (76.8) oc Fy = MOWER fom m OO (76.4) ey omer Words, o4 Wis disk imkates , the supports holking eh oll feel a constant magntbude fara equal fo mu R but the direction of Anis force Changes as m cotates. Figuce 762 shows the disk 's Pree. ady diegram at a random position, the disk is placed on supports consisting of a clamper ond O spring . The disk iteelf is fixed al O fo a shu tue Of nase MW, The whale sek up is connected > a Fined platforon wrth ne spring and damper. Mole. trot tre mnass can uibrale up and dawn only . Hin of he sides as Nhoving collec, Lookkiag at fs & | figure 7.6.2 , one con weite SFx =e Me (res) -Cxe akan 4 Fosd@ = Me (66) Ua aller On. Orsk. Alone bd. Frame Alone, 7.62, FED of Unbalanced Relation ( But keep in mind that Oanwe (7.6.7) so equation (16.6) beeemet , after seme manipylehian, ip Sut ~Karen MRWE sin(upe) (76.8) 4 my » Em other words, “the ecfect of hating a mass mm rotating about a pot O a distance Ro awey with On anglar veloehy We , is a fora F such nat Fo = Gent) = om Rwyp sin(we) (2.69) So the response is simply (use X,x(mRuz )/Ks% ta P Pi a 4& equakson (7.3.17) 4, am Rw)” (2) sin (wp) ay = -2éc cos Cup) ] 6.1 Which eon be vsciten OS (7-610) Pra nO Loe /a) et sin (upé— @) (7.6.11) Vir ae wits = ton! (245 ) (73.20) Fxample 7.6.1: A machine with a mass of 4oo Ka has an unlealanced mass mst . When Wo foo, Yee urlocalyon Was a magnitude of O,3 mom, Assume the Syateon is eeiically damped, Find the distance R he usboalanced imass ts located ab. Seluhon: Example 6.2) A motoe with aa unloalanced disk (on sq ,RaBQcm) wtates at a fequeny Up, Et Is fixed to a spcng- damper Foe Yoat has a. Phil mass of loo kg. The spcing leonshant is Ka 20 M/mm and Ca 10 U/enms . “The snags o¢ Yhe motor is small compart fo Vhe erssemtly, Jet Wp be 2m red/see, Fad the equation of motion af the assembly .

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