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Teaching Philosophy Statement

Lory Laughter
In teaching students about technology used in Dental Hygiene care,
my goal is not only an understanding of how to use the devices and
tools, but also an appreciation of how the technology works and the
science involved. Students should rank the role of technology in
dentistry as important and also develop a desire to investigate new
trends and technologies as they arise. The ability to incorporate
science based and health enhancing modalities will increase the
employment values of students after graduation. Those students who
develop an attitude of technology inclusion not only benefit the dental
employer; they also contribute to the knowledge base of the Dental
Hygiene Profession.
In teaching technology I use a hands-on and student participation
method of teaching. To involve all students and their differences in
learning style, the sessions include a visual and oral presentation
followed by a period of learning with the technology in their hands. By
using the technology on typodonts or fellow students, an appreciation
is developed and an understanding of how the tool fits into clinical
practice is formed. Videos showing proper care and use of equipment
are also valuable; ideally the student will receive a copy of the video
for future reference.
Peer-to-Peer teaching is also helpful in a course of this nature and this
method will be implemented for assessment tools such as CAMBRA and
evaluating a patients risk for disease. This teaching method allows
the student increased learning opportunities. While researching and
exploring their assigned topic, the learner gains insight and knowledge
in a setting outside the classroom. While teaching skills to classmates,
a student gains further information on aspects of the technology easily
implemented and those areas that may require more research or
explanation. Lastly, learning from a fellow learner helps the student
appreciate the importance of investigation, research and presentation
skills helpful in maintaining a fulfilling career.
Student assessment of technology knowledge, attitudes and skills
require a variety of appraisal tools. I believe student presentations are
a good method of evaluating knowledge of technology science and
appropriate application. Learners will utilize a rubric to prepare one
PowerPoint presentation for their classmates. This requires outside
research and compiling information in a logical sequence with
measureable objectives. In my opinion, attitudes are best measured by
written reflection. Ending a course with an in class prepared reflection
allows the students to share their beliefs regarding the use of

technology in dentistry. A guide will be given in advance with bullet

points to address and books, notes and Internet access will be allowed.
Hands on demonstration by the students of the technologies and tools
covered in the course will be utilized to evaluate skill level and
appropriate application. A type of final exam with stations allowing the
student to show their ability to appropriately use and explain the
devices and risk assessments provides additional opportunity for
feedback. Implementing technology is an ongoing task requiring more
than a one-time course or learning session. By allowing the students
time to demonstrate skill and providing immediate feedback, learning
is enhanced.
My goal in teaching is to provide situations for students to not only
learn the presented material but also develop an understanding of
their best learning and teaching styles. Learners will understand that
once in the workforce, they will often be the ones introducing new
technologies into the practice and training the team on proper usage. I
also strive for each student to appreciate the diverse learning styles of
others and expand their appreciation for the contribution of differing
cultures, genders and experiences of their peers. In this way, they are
better suited to be leaders in the Dental Hygiene field.

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