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Community health center which is spearheading the first-level health care facilities owned by the

government are required to maintain the trust and satisfaction of patients by continuously
improving the quality of care that patient satisfaction also increased. With so complex the
problems of life today, causing health problems is really an important requirement. Therefore,
health providers should be able to always be consistent in his role, especially the quantity and
quality of services in an effort to increase the patient's satisfaction.
The purpose of this study to determine the quality of health services, patient satisfaction, service
quality dimensions and the ability to compete Cipeundeuy Community health center, the data
and information obtained from internal and external informants were conducted in three (3)
stages of continuous and conducted in accordance with the time / opportunity which is owned by
researchers and informants.
The method used in this study is a qualitative method, the reason for using qualitative methods
that naturally want to get the data (real data) about the quality of public health services
Cipeundeuy West Bandung regency. Based on the above reasons, this study sought to examine
the practical real life events experienced by subjects in a holistic and meaningful research.
Based on the analysis carried out by using a SWOT analysis it can be concluded that the quality
of the health care Cipeundeuy Community health Center already quite well with the average
level of satisfaction of patients, according to the code of ethics and standards of professional
services each officer, as well as the health center in Cipeundeuy can compete with other Health
Stakeholders to add more manpower according to the needs of Community Health Center so as
to improve the quality of service, and to provide the widest possible powers to him to take a
policy by increasing the status of a UPT even BLUD. Community health center in order to
constantly maintain and improve the quality of health services to always adhere to the SOP and
maintain the quality of service quality.
Keywords: Quality of service, patient satisfaction, service dimensions

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