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BJ Hemphill

MIAA 330
Designing Authentic Assessments Analysis

Question: What number is represented below? (Selected

response) 1 pt

Given to

In this question students should have had an idea that a number in

the teens (11-19) can be expressed as one ten and some left over
ones. So, one ten and nine left over. The correct answer is C.
All students identified the correct answer.
Question: Represent the numbers below as groups of tens
and ones. (constructed response) 2 pts
In this representation, students should have known that a bundle of
ten ones is called a ten. They should have been able to count
groups as though they were individual objects, they should
recognize groups of ten and some left over.
7/15 - answered correctly - identifying 3 tens and 7 ones and 5 tens
and 4 ones
5/15 - they knew that 30 + 7 was 37 so they put 30 or drew 30
circles in the tens box and put 7 or drew 7 circles in the ones box;
they also knew that 50 + 4 was 54; so they put 50 or drew 50
circles in the tens and put 4 or drew 4 circles in the box
3/15 - one student transposed the tens and ones, one student put
36 in the tens box and 3 in the ones box - this student also put 53 in
the tens box and 1 in the ones box, one student did not answer
Question: Students were to write in how many tens and how
many ones were represented under their answers.
(extended response) 2 pts
In this representation, students should have understood that the
two digits of a two digit number represent amounts of tens and
7/15 - answered correctly (2 pts)

5/15 - three answered correctly; two wrote 30 on the tens line and 7
on the ones line and 50 on the tens line and 4 on the ones line (1
3/15 - one answered correctly; two wrote in 36 on the tens line and
1 on the ones line and 53 on the tens line and 1 on the ones line
I think I should have switched the last two questions around. The
impact of the first assessment questions is probably no different
than the way students are currently asked to identify a number.
However, the last two questions showed that most students
understood that they were being asked not only to be able to
identify a number, but to have the knowledge to represent a
number by constructing it with an illustration or digits. A majority of
the students were able to do this, but five of the students did not
know that "tens" meant how many tens in total not individual items
or circles. The last two questions are not like the questions of the
past, whereby, students were able to circle A, B, C, or D and - 1st
grade students were not administered high stake questions like the
rest of the elementary students. I believe that as time and
continued implementation of CCSS that teaches and students will
be able to adjust accordingly.
Given to

Question: Tim started a new diet. After the first week, Tim
lost 2 pounds. Time weighed himself after the second week
and noticed that he had gained 2 pounds. What is Tim's new
weight change after two weeks? (Selected response) 1 pt
In this question students should have had an idea that this
questions was in relation to positive and negative integers. The
correct answer is D.
15/18 - students identified the correct answer. (1 pt)
3/18 - mistakenly thought both integers were positive and simply
Question(s): Hunter had $76.00 in his bank account. Hunter
made three withdrawals during the week and ended up with
a balance of $0. Provide three different example to show
how this could happen. (constructed response). Explain
why all three of your examples could be correct (extended
response) 3 pts.

4/18 - answered correctly - students thoroughly understood the

concept of opposite quantities combining to make zero. Provided
three examples to show that Hunter's bank account is at $0 by the
end of the week and correctly explained why the examples could be
correct. (3 pts)
5/18 - answered partially correct - students thoroughly understood
the concept of opposite quantities combining to make zero.
Provided three examples to show that Hunter's bank account is at
$0 by the end of the week, but had no explanations as to their
examples. (2 pts)
9/18 - students showed partial understanding of the concept of
opposite quantities combing to equal zero. Students provided only 1
correct example to show Hunter's account withdrawals. (1 pt)
The first question was formatted very similar to way students are
used to seeing questions and choices of answers posed to them.
These types of questions do not go past DOK level one. The second
question incorporated constructed and extended elements. Given
more time I believe a majority of these 7th graders could have
illustrated their understanding of this real life scenario. Clearly
students need to manage their time when constructing and
responding to extend their solutions. Implementing these type of
questions require knowledge, application, and analyzing rather that
just recall and answering by choosing A, B, C, or D. Questions that
require students to respond take more time and effort than
previously posed high stake questions. Although most students
could provide at least one correct response using numeric
representations, some had difficulty expressing their reasoning.

Question: What is the solution to the system of linear

equations graphed below? (selected response) 1 pt
20/20 - all students were able to answer correctly.

Given to

Questions: Cell Phone Plan (constructed and extended

A. Upfront Costs (2 pts)
20/20 - students answered correctly.
B. Setting Up the Comparison (2 pts; one point per
19/20 - students were able to derive the correct systems of linear

C. Construct a Model (graph both equations on the
coordinate grid)(2 pts; one point per line)
19/20 - were able to set up a begin plotting their points.
D. From the graph determine at about what month you will
have spent the exact same amount of money? (1 pt)
10/20 - correctly graphed their system of equations to determine
that the points of intersection meet at about 18 months.
5/20 - were within + 5 months.
5/20 - began plotting their points, but did not finish the task.
E. Explain which plan would be a better deal. (1 pt)
15/20 - of the students who finished the task - each student was
able to determine that the prepaid plan ($50/mo + $600 for the
smart phone) was the was the better plan. They were able to
explain that over the long run the plan that seemed to be cheaper
would end up costing more over time.
Analysis: In the past, students would perhaps have worked up
through the level of application of Bloom's Taxonomy. As a teacher I
appreciate that my district is in the process of developing more
comprehensive questions that will require students to demonstrate
their Depth of Knowledge past the first two level of Bloom's
Remembering and Understanding. This particular assessment task
requires that students (if they derive the correct solutions) work
their way up through Applying, Analyzing, and the Evaluating levels
and Level Four of Webb's Depth of Knowledge. This type of
questioning certainly involves several of the practices in both math
and science.

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