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Recorded Books

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K Recorded Books

Surviving Brick Johnson

Surviving Brick Johnson

by Laurie Myers
Teachers Guide
for the unabridged audiobook

Introductory Material
One minute Alex is enjoying a laugh with his friends. The next hes fearing for his life. Huge new kid, Brick Johnson, is
not a guy to mess with and now Alex has to do something, quick! Before long, Alexs fear begins taking over his life and
clouding his ability to see the not so awful truth about this would-be bully. Then, Alex witnesses a different side of Brick
that suggests he may not be so bad after all.

Fear, Understanding, Respect

About the Author: Laurie Myers

Laurie Myers comes from a family of authors. Both her mother and sister also write childrens books. The author of many
other childrens books, Myers graduated from Clemson university, where she met her husband. She now lives with her
husband, three children, two cats, two turtles, and one fish in Augusta, Georgia.

By the conclusion of this audiobook, students should be able to do the following:
1. Identify the setting of the story and discuss the impact of the setting on the characters and plot.
2. Define a character using evidence from conversations, tone of voice, physical descriptions, and actions.
3. Establish cause and effect relationships between characters.
4. Recognize how the narrators voice pitch, speed, and tone affect the meaning of a story.
5. List the conflicts in the story.

K Recorded Books

Surviving Brick Johnson

Preparation Questions
Warm Up Questions:
Use before beginning the audiobook.
1. Alex uses the talents and traits of various players on his baseball cards to help him in different situations. Do you
have similar sources of strength and confidence such as a lucky charm? How and why does this object make you
feel more confident?
2. Have you ever judged a person simply by how he looks without getting to know him first? Were you wrong about
that person? What do you believe people think about you at first meeting?
3. Have you ever been threatened by a bully? How did you feel? What did you do? Why do you think the bully
picked on you?
4. If you were 100 years old, what would you say were your best days? Your worst? Your happiest? Your scariest?

Establishing a Purpose for Listening:

Present before each chapter or section. Students should be alert for answers as they listen.
Chapters 13
Of whom does Alex do an imitation? Why doesnt Alex know what maim means? What class does Alex hope will
solve his problems with Brick? Why do opponents bow before a karate match? What, according to the instructor, is
the easy part of karate? Why dont participants in karate ever wash their belts?
Chapters 46
Why does Alex carry his baseball cards with him? Who does Alex run into in an attempt to escape from Brick? Why
is Alex thrilled to be given lunch detention? Why does Alex ask to be allowed to visit his brothers classroom?
Chapters 79
If Alex were a 100 year old man, what does he believe would be the most stressful day of his life? Why is Alex starting to question his reasoning for wanting to kick Brick? Which of Alexs baseball cards went through the wash?
Chapters 1012
What is a sensei? Why is Alex upset after he sees Bricks round kick? Why does Brick say he wants to learn karate?
What does Alex realize when Brick bows to him? What does Alex suggest Bob do before Harriet spits on him?
Chapters 1314
How does Alex believe brave people act? Whose baseball card does Brick have for Alex? How does Alex as a 100 yeat
old man describe his relationship with Brick?

Extending the Lesson:

Use these cross-curricular activities for individual assignments or for collaborative work.
1. Physical Education/Science: Research and write a paper about karate. What is its history and principles? What is
its purpose? How does karate allow smaller people to have equal advantage and power over larger, perhaps
stronger opponents?
2. Social Studies: Make a list of characteristics and physical traits that people have. What personality traits do you
assign to people when they have a certain look or characteristic? Why do you assign these traits to that specific
characteristic? Are they always true (for example: is a big, tall kid always a bully?)
3. Art: Create a set of cards like Alexs baseball cards which represent characteristics which you would like to
have when handling various situations. Perhaps your friends or family members havet a characteristic that you
admire. Draw cards that represent those people. If, for example your Dad is brave, draw a picture of him on
your bravery card.

K Recorded Books

Surviving Brick Johnson



After Listening:
Chapters 13
1. What is Alex looking for in his desk?
2. What teams hat does Brick always wear unless they lose?
3. What color is the karate teachers belt?
Chapters 46
1. How does Alexs little brother know Brick?
2. Why does Alex go to see Brick read to the first graders?
3. What is Alexs 3-part plan to deal with Brick?
Chapters 79
1. Whom does Alex run into at the library?
2. What happens when Bob shows Harriet his spit glob?
3. What items does Alex carry with him to build his confidence?
Chapters 1012
1. What does karate mean?
2. What happens when Brick blocks Alexs kick?
3. What does Bob say respect means?
Chapters 1314
1. What hobby do Brick and Alex share?
2. Where does Brick keep his baseball card collection?
3. What does Bob do to be nice to Harriet?

K Recorded Books

Surviving Brick Johnson



General Questions:
Use after listening to the entire audiobook.
1. Interpreting Information: Explain what you think the following sentence means and how it relates to the story.
Make your enemy your friend.

2. Compare and Contrast: Compare how Alexs fear of Brick is similar to Bobs fear of Harriet. How does each
resolve his conflict? How is their resolution similar and how is it different?

3. Evaluating Conflict: One of the main themes of the story is conflict. How does Alexs fear of Brick affect his
ability to see the whole picture? Does his fear lead him to believe there is a conflict that may not actually
exist? Is there a conflict between Brick and Alex or does Alex simply believe there is a conflict? Why?

4. Interpreting Information: How does Alex utilize the various baseball players in his card collection? How do the
cards make Alex feel more confident?

5. Exploring Ideas: What role does karate play in helping Alex handle his fear of Brick? What role does respect play
in karate? How does Alex use respect to lessen his fear of Brick and how does he teach Bob to use respect when
dealing with Harriet?

K Recorded Books

Surviving Brick Johnson



Comprehension Quiz
1. What did Alex suggest was the best way
to solve disagreements?
a. spitting
b. hitting
c. laughing

9. What baseball card did Alex really want

to have when he confronted Brick?
a. Fernando Valenzuela
b. Mike Piazza
c. Ted Williams

2. What did Liz say is time-out for the rest

of his life?
a. jail
b. school
c. gym class

10. Who was the new student in karate class?

a. Brick
b. Liz
c. Bob

Answer column

3. What is the karate uniform called?

a. suit
b. gi
c. armor

11. Why did Brick say he wanted to

learn karate?
a. learn self defense
b. learn how to fight
c. earn his black belt


4. Who read stories in Bobs class?

a. Alex
b. Liz
c. Brick

12. What does bowing mean in karate?

a. the start of the fight
b. a show of respect
c. the end of the fight

5. How did Alex avoid Brick at school?

a. He ran away.
b. He hid in the bathroom.
c. He stayed home sick.

13. What did Brick and Alex both collect?

a. books
b. baseball cards
c. board games

6. Who was Mrs. Kendricks?

a. Bobs teacher
b. Alexs teacher
c. Alexs principal

14. What was Harriets favorite color?

a. green
b. blue
c. red


7. What was Bricks real name?

a. Stanley
b. Howard
c. Clarence
8. Alex believed his survival depended on
what one thing?
a. karate
b. baseball cards
c. muscle

K Recorded Books

Surviving Brick Johnson

Answer Key:
After Listening:
Chapters 13
1. a flyer about karate classes
2. the Braves
3. black with gold stripes on the end
Chapters 46
1. Brick reads stories to his class.
2. curiosity
3. survive today, perfect his round kick, use his round kick to flatten Brick
Chapters 79
1. Brick
2. It falls on his shoe.
3. baseball cards
Chapters 1012
1. empty hand
2. He falls on the floor.
3. make someone feel special
Chapters 1314
1. They both collect baseball cards.
2. in a big box under his bed
3. He gives her his red crayon.

Student Worksheet
1. a
2. a
3. b
4. c
5. a
6. a
7. c
8. a
9. c
10. a
11. a
12. b
13. b
14. c

K Recorded Books

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