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Nathalie Gomez, 22 years old from Mississauga, Ontario is a local student as

Practical Nursing of Humber College discovered the best medication of having a high prolactin
or called hyperprolactinemia and it about the blood circulation of human body last year, Monday
of September 24, 2012. Nathalie Gomez experimented with that medication for almost 8 months
to submit her thesis when she discovered the best medication of having hyperprolactinemia and
this medicine called Prolosintenin.
This medicine Prolosintenin was a big help to cure having high level of prolactin
professor Arthur Dias said. Nathalie was engage by finding this medicine because she has also a
history of having high level of prolactinwhen she as 17 years old and she got 35 level of
prolactin. I feel so nervous that time because of having a high level of prolactin with 35. If her
level will not go down like what his doctor says before she will get a tumor.
She tried her best to find a cure of having hyprprolactinemia then she started working
alone by herself from January 2012 about looking and finding this medicines to cure the patient
of having high prolactin until she discovered the best medication to the problem of many people
about their health.
After 5 months of Nathalies discovery it become popular to every country around the
world and its really a big help of the history of this medicine called Prolosintenin. After 3
years, January 16, 2015, Nathalie Gomez is already a doctor because she change her mind to be a
nurse. Right now, she was a doctor of Hormone Health and she was working at Trillium Hospital
at Mississauga, Ontario.
Nathalies father who is also physician Sick Adults Hospital said, Im proud of my
daughthers discovery when she was still 22 years old that time and I am happy because she can
help the people who are sick.
A month later, Dr. Nathalie Gomez give a free blood test to every people around Ontario
and a free medicine for those people who has a hyperprolatinemia and even those people who
has low level of prolactin.
Phillip Lee, patients of Dr. Nathalie said, I just drink 5 times of that medicine
prolosintenin and it was a big help for me that my prolactin was already normal and nothing to
worry. Im so proud of Dr. Nathalie Gomez because she helps me to live longer. I hope she will
still continue helping people who needs their help.

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