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The simplest explanation for the "superspreading event," as scientists call this

type of spread, is a lapse in infection control measures at the hospital, Ben E

mbarek says. The SARS virus, which is distantly related to MERS, is known to hav
e spread widely in 2003 when tubes were placed in patients' airways for mechanic
al ventilation, a procedure that can cause the virus to become aerosolized. Whet
her Korea's first patient was intubated is unclear. We dont really know what happene
d during those 3 days, Ben Embarek says.

The simplest explanation ,

Other explanations are being looked at as well. The patient could be carrying a
slightly different strain of the virus, or Koreans may be more susceptible to th
e disease than other populations, Ben Embarek says.

Koreans may be more susceptible to the disease ,

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