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CHAPTER 8 SHEETMETAL DRAWINGS Sheetmetal drawings (developinents) are used for various types of sheetmetel work such as ducts for heating, ventilation, end air conditioning systems, for flashing, valleys, gutters, anddown= spouts for buildings, and for the fabrication of parts for boats, ships, and sircraft, Although the metal sheets used for some of this work are thicker and heavier than the metal usually used in a sheetmetal shop, the same principles are applied in constructing the developments. ‘This chapter defines sheetmetal developments and describes the three common types by ex- plaining how they are drawn, The use of templates and the computation of bend allowance relating to sheetmetal is discussed, Also described are the two types of sheetmetsl duct work and some of the common types of joints used to join pieces of shectmétal. ‘After studying this chapter you should be able to draw ond interpret simple sheetmetel develop- ments, You should also be able to describe the template and the two types of sheetmetal duct work, In addition, you should be able to com- pute bend allowance and describe the common types of sheelmetal jotnts, seams, and connectors, SHEETMETAL DEVELOPMENTS ‘A sheetmetal development is the opening up of an object that has been rolled, folded, or a combination of both, snd spread out on a plane or flat surface, The term development is also applied to the procedure for constructing the figure, and also refers. to the drawing itself. ‘This drawing ig used as 2 guide or pattern which is transferred to a piece of sheetmetal to be cut and formed, Sheetmetal layout drawings are based on three, types of development: (1) parallel, (2) radial, and (3) triangulation, Parallel development is used to develop sur- faces of prisms or cylinders (fig, 8-1); radial development is used to develop surfaces of cones and pyramids (fig. 8-2); triangulation is used to develop surfaces which do not lend themselves to either of the other two methods andto approxi~ mate the development of warped surfaces (figure 8-3). In order to help you to understand and inter=" pret sheetmetal developments, this chapter will 11.212(65)A Figure 8-1.—A parallel development. aa Chapter 8~SHEETMETAL DRAWINGS » Figure 8-2,—A radial development, 11,249(65)4, Figure 8-8, — Development by triangulation. BLUEPRINT READING AND SKETCHING iNustrate and explain how each of the three types of developments is read and drawn, PARALLEL DEVELOPMENT To develop the rectanguler pan illustrated in figure 8-4 by parallel development, you would proceed in the following manner: 1, Draw the front and top views in ortho- graphic projection (fig. 8-54). 2. Draw the development to the right side of the front view so that the dimemsions of the sides oan be projected to the development 05 shown in figure 8-5B, 3, ‘Transfer the dimensions of other ele- ments from the top view (fig. 8-6C). Notice that all bend lines (where the metal is to bend) are marked with crosses near their ends to distinguish them from outlines. 4, °To check the drawing measure the lines of edges (the lines formed by the termination of a plane surface) which are to be joined as, Mlustrated in the pictorial drawing in figure 8-5D, such edges must correspond EXACTLY, 11,212(65) Figure 8-5.—Parallel development of # rectangular pan. 11,289(65)A Figure &6.—A truncated cylinder. Mlustrated in figure 8-6 is one-half of a two-piece 90° elbow, This is drawn (developed) in the following manner: 1, First draw 2 front and bottom view by orthographic projection (fig, 8-74). 2, Divide half the clreurnference of the circle (fig. 8-74) into @ number of equal parts. The parts should be small enough so that when straight lines are drawn on the development or layout between division points, they will approx- imate the length of the are, Project lines from these points to the front view, as shown in figure 8-78, These ‘PAPMIG) lines of the front view are calld@ ELEMENTS, 8, Lay off the base line, calledthe STRETCH OUT LINE, of the development to the right of the front view as shown in figure &7C. 4, Divide the stretchout line into twice the number of equal parts equal to each division of the circumference on the half circle of the orthographic view (fig, 8-7C). 5, Erect perpendicular lines at each point, as shown in figure 87C, 6, Using a T-square edge, project the lengths of the elements on the front view to the devel- opment (fig, 8-70). 7, Using a curve (french or other type), joint’ the resulting poinis of intersection in a smooth curve, “ Figure 87D shows the completed stretch out; this development is the figure which is cut from the sheetmetsl to form one-half of the 90° elbow. RADIAL DEVELOPMENT. tn radial development, the same generel procedures are followed af those used in paral- el development, However, the slanting lines of pyramids and cones do hot always appear in Mn. AA it_| 11.239(65)8 Figure 8-7,— Development of a truncated oylinder. thoir true lengths on the orthographic views. ‘Therefore, certain other procedures must be used 1. Draw the orthographic views, extending the lines of the sides to the apex (point at the top as shown in figure 8-9A). 2, Draw three horizontal construction lines on the right side of the orthographic view, (fig. 8-8B), one from center of the top views one from ‘the top of the front view; and one from the bottom of the front view, 3, With the point of the compass in the center of the top view scribe two arcs (fig. 8-9C), one from the inside corner of the top view to the horizontal line (point W), and the other from the outside corner of the top view to the horizontal line (point x). 4, Draw two vertical lines, one from point w (fig. 8-9D) to the upper horizontal line on the front view (polnt y), and the other from x to the lower horizontal line of the front view (point z). 5, Draw a line from the apex through points y and z (fig. 8-9D). The distance between points y and z equals the true length of the truncated pyramid, 6, With the compass point (apex fig. 8-9F) at any convenient point to the right of the ortho~ graphic view, scribe an arc with a radius equal to the distance between the apex and point y (fig. 89D; and a second arc with a radius 11,249(65)B Figure 8-8.—A truncated pyramid, BLUEPRINT READING AND SKETCHING Oe equal to the distance between the apex and point 2 (fig. 8-9D), The two arcs are shown in figure 8-9E, 7, Draw a convenient radial line beginning at the apex and cutting across arcs y and z, shown in figure 8-98, 8, Step off Jengths along these arcs equal to the length of the sides of the pyramid: MN for the inside arc and OP for the outside are (fig. 8-98); the lengths MN and OP are taken from the orthographic view (fig. 88D.) 9. Connect the points along each arc with HEAVY lines (for example points MN along the inner are and points OP along the outer arc); also connect, with LIGHT lines, tho apex with points M and’O, and the apex with points N and P, ete., as shown in figure 8-9F. Figure 8-8G is the completed stretohout of the truncated pyramid complete with bend lines which are marked (x). TRIANGULATION ‘Triangulation is the method used to develop WARPED surfaces, such a5 the transition piece shown in figure 8-10, You will discover that it will take more effort and study on your part to understand and develop by the triangulation method than it did for you to understand perallel and radi! development. Those of you who intend to work in a rating which requires 2 thorough Amowledge of the subject, will with experience, develop a greater understanding of sll phares of triangulation development. ‘The transition piece illustrated in figure +10, is developed in the following manner: 1. Draw the top and front orthographic views (fig. 8-114). 2. Divide the circle in the top view into number of equal spaces and connect the division points with the corners of the square, as shown in figure 8-115. 3, Transfer the division points to the front ‘view using vertical construction lines, and drew the elements es shown in figure 8-11C. 4, Next determine the true length of each of these elements by drawing a right triangle which has a base equal to the Jength of an ele- ment on the top view and an altitude equel to the length of the corresponding element on the front view, The hypotenuse of the triangle is the true length of the element, In figure 8-11C, the true-length diegram consists of only three ‘right triangles, Since the piece is sym~ I ach agle ale 1 to ngle sure only yn Chapter 8—SHEETMETAL DRAWINGS g 11,289(65)C Figure 8-9,— Development of a truncated pyramid. BLUEPRINT READING AND SKETCHING 11,.249.5 Figure 8-10,-—A truncated transition piece. metrical, a munber of the elements sre the same length, 5, Next, draw the surface pattern, con structing one triangle at « timo (fig. 8-11D, as follows: a, ‘Take any convenient point to the right of the orthographic view and draw the line Al, using the distance obtained from the true-lengtd, diagram in figure 8-110. ’, To find point 2 (A); soribe an arc using point 1 on the surface pattern, (figure 8-11D) as the center, having a radius equal to the distance between points 1 and 2 in the top view of the orthographic projection. Scribe another ero equal to the true-length of line A2 {obtained from the true-length diagram in fig- ure §-11E or D) using point A as the center. ‘The point at which these two arcs intersect will be point 2 on the surface pattern. e, To find point 8 (A); scribe an arc, using point 2 on the surface pattern as the cen- ter, having a radius equel to the distance be- tween points 2 and 9 in the top view of the orthographic projection; scribe another arcequal to the true-length A3 using point 4 as the center. ‘The point at which these ares intersect will be point 3 on the surface pattern, d, Use the same procedure to locate the ‘triangle points 4 and 5 of A, 120 e, To find point D; scribe sn are (using point Aas the center) having a radius equal to the length of AD in the top view of the ortho= graphic projection, Scribe another orc (using point 5 on the surface pattern as the center) having 2 radius equal to the true length of AS (fig. 8-11D). The point at which these two arcs: Intersect will be point D. Then draw a line from point 5 to point D, f, Develop the rest of the surface pattern in 9 mamer similar to that described in the preceding paragraphs, In reading the surface pattern shown in fig- ure 81D, you can readily see the shape of the pattern; the lines numbered 1 through 5 are bend lines (warped), es are the numbered lines leaving apex D, C, and B, Iilustrated ‘in 'figure 6-12A are three of the previously mentioned developments transferred to a plece of sheetmetal; figure 8-128 shows the objects being removed, TEMPLATES A TEMPLATE is 2 piece of thin material (usually metal) with the edge corresponding to & specific contour and used 5 a pattern or gulde, or for checking purposes, In many ways templates serve the same purpose as a blue- print, They furnish information regarding size, shape, reference numbers, hole size and loca tions,” and materiel specifications for the part that will ultimately be made by using the tem- plate, It is true that this information elso appears on the blueprint for the part, and you will check your template for accuracy—or actually make it in the first plece — from the print, However, since you may offen use templates in conjunction with blueprints to make parts-or even use them in place of blueprints in making such parts—you must know something about them, They are particularly useful if the need for the parts to be made is recurring, or if Jarge number of a single part is necded. The measurement on templates MUST BE ACCURATE, The template is made first and is used in production work es a guide for making a mumber of duplicate parts, If it is wrong, all parts made from it are wrong. ‘The procedure followed in making a template is essentially the same as that used in making ‘a layout, Templates are usually made of sheet steel, to withstand the wear and tear of shop i | i Chapter 8—SHEETMETAL DRAWINGS BAS Hoos 11.249(65)¢ shop Figure 8-11,— Triangulation development of a transition yee aaa BLUEPRINT READING AND SKETCHING 11,210(65) Figure 8+12, Developments laid out on a piece of sheetmetal. use, But in spite of the sturdy metal, templates become damaged or inaccurate from use. You should NEVER work with an Inaccurate template. In using a template you can trace cut as many pieces of the part as needed without going through the tedious process of laying out each development, BEND ALLOWANCE When bending metal to exact dimensions, the amount of material used in forming the bend mast be known, The amount of material which is actually used in moking the bend is known as BEND ALLOWANCE, ‘Bending compresses the metal on the inside of the bend and stretches the metal on the out ‘side of the bend. Approximately halfway between these two extremes lies a space that neither shrinks nor stretches, but retains the same Jength, This is known ss the neutral line or neutral axis, Pigure 8-13 illustrates the neutral aaa STRETCHING 11,304 Figure 8-18,—What happens at a bend. Chapter 8—SHEETMETAL DRAWINGS axis of a bend, It is along this neutral axis that hend allowance is computed, Familiarity with certain terms is necessary for a complete understanding of what bend allow- ance is and how it is computed, These terms are illustrated in figure 8-14 and defined below. LEG—The longer part of a formed angle. FLANGE—The shorter part of 2 formed angle, If both parts are the same length, each is called a leg. MOLD LINE (MZ)—The line formed by ex- tending the outside surfaces of the leg and flange 50 that they intersect. It is the imaginary point from which base measurements aré shown on drawings. BEND TANGENT LINE (BL)—The line at which the metal starts to bend. BEND ALLOWANCE (BA)—The amount of metal used in making the bend. RADIUS (R)—The radius of the bend. always measured from the inside of the unless stated otherwise. It is bend EN TCRNESS 0) TANGENT Une (eu Let : RS (A Lo LE (May A | [ease easuRenent—| ou Pow Ret fa SeTa4c (So 8eN0) 1,804.2 Figure 8-14,—Bend allowance terms, SETBACK ($B)—The distance from the bend tangent line to the mold point. In a 90° bend SB=R+T (radius of bend plus thickness of inetal). FLAT—That portion not including the bend. It is equal to the base measurement minus the setback. 14.218(65) Figure 8-16, Rectangular and round duct with stretchout of each, 123 BLUEPRINT READING AND SKETCHING te i th by ACCESS 000R ee est | ocruserme cauper Whe sowsraece wane of GT 2x ta ze | | zonie-t00cgn RECTION OF FLOW = I powusrasce PeRQUE overcast naune, see suow; —f}-——aaezg———4 i =SS4 eH ae kat Sasa i Pare Rm er steray i | EEE, on remy rte on azoxy | circ forouric omens q over atenon tauren) SRle—es oxi ee EXHAUST INLET CEILING nee tnovente See) Caeetoxie= 00cm i canvas counecrions et ii sagan Figure 8-16,—Common ductwork symbols, eq ee ee Sse as STANDING SEAM caP STRIP CONNECTOR a Rivereo BUTTON PUNCHED 11,228(65)A ‘Common sheetmetal joints, seams, finished edges, and connectors. Figure 8-17. Chapter 8—SHEETMETAL DRAWINGS BASE MEASUREMENT— The outside diame- ter of the formed part, By experimentation, engineers have found that acourate fending results cen be obtained by using the following formula, BA = N x 0.01743 xR + 0.0078 x T Where BA = bend allowance, N= number of de- grees of bend, R= the desired bend radius, and ‘T= the thickness of the metal, SHEETMETAL DUCTWORK Duets for either hot or cold air are generally made of galvanized fron, and are elther rectangu~ jar or round in shape, Illustratedin figure 8-154 and B are the two types of ducts (rectangular and cireular) with a stretohout or surface pattern of each. These ducts can readily be developed using ree eee ge L ~ 11.227.228(65) Figure &-18,—Lap, groove, and standing seam, the parallel system of development, Comrnon symbols used on ductwork drawings are shown in figure 8-16, SEAMS There sre many types of joints and scams used for joining sections of cheetmetal to one another. Figure 8-17 shows some of the common fypes. The three most common types of seams used in sheetmetal work are the lap, grooved, and the standing seam, ‘The lap seam is the least difficult to meke, In making this seam, the pleces of stock arc merely lapped one over the other as shown in figure 8-184, and secured either by riveting, Soldering, spot welding, or by all three methods, depending on the nature of the job, A grooved seam ts used in the construetion of cylindrical objects, such as funnels, pipe Section, containers, and so on. The steps in forming a grooved. seam are shown in figure 8-188, ‘The standing scam is frequently used when Joining two sections or paris of an object, Such as the splash ring to the body of a funnel, The steps in making a standing seam are shown in figure 8-180, 11.285x 8-19.—A working rectangular” pan stretchout, Figure ‘You should note that the sheetmetal develop~ ments illustrated in this chaptor did not make any allowance for seams, edges, joints or con- nectors. When laying out a development, the Graftsman must add extra metal where needed if the object is to be hemmed, jointed, or con- nected, Mlustrated in figure 6-19 is the stretch- out of a rectangular pan with the added metal to make a soldered lap soam,

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