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Fitness + Diet-DNA

Sample Test
Results & Recommendations

Medical Tests Inc

John Doe
Welcome to your personalized DNA Diet & Fitness
report. This is a custom report for you based on
the DNA sample presented to our lab.

Medical Tests Inc.

420 S. Cesar Chavez
Suite 300 Dallas, Texas

Molecular Fitness
The Molecular Genetic Panel for Optimal Health & Fitness

Table of Contents
Personalized Recommendations Overview ........................................................ 1
Weight Related Genes .................................................................................. 2
Metabolic Analysis
Personalized Recommendations
Diet, Metabolism & Taste ............................................................................ 4
Diet Sensitivities: Alcohol, Caffeine & Lactose
Metabolism & Eating Habits
Macronutrients: Carbohydrates, Fats & Protein
Vitamin Metabolism ..................................................................................... 7
Personalized Recommendations
Exercise & Training ..................................................................................... ..9
Power or Endurance
Physiological Benefits of Exercise Specific to Your Genotype
Injury prevention

Medical Tests Inc.

420 S. Cesar Chavez

Suite 300 Dallas, Texas - (866) 669-0600

Molecular Fitness
The Molecular Genetic Panel for Optimal Health & Fitness

Diet-DNA & Fitness-DNA Individual Recommendations

Depending on the test you requested, your individual genes that have been analyzed fall into one or more of
four groupings. These groupings are:
Weight - Weightrelated Genes
Diet - Eating Habits, Food Preferences & Metabolism
Vitamin - Vitamin Metabolism
All of the above PLUS
Exercise - Exercise & Physical Training
Organizing genotype-based suggestions this way facilitates implementing the information into personal
health and fitness plans.
Following are recommendations based on your specific genotype. Keep in mind that your genotype is just
one factor in your overall health and how your body responds to diet and physical activity. Many other
factors also come into play. Any one particular gene by itself will account for only a few percent of the interindividual variability we see in any population. As a result, we have selected a broad spectrum of genes likely
to yield the type and extent of information to make a significant difference in your health and fitness.
Do Utilize the information in this report to tweak and focus your efforts at improving and maintaining your
health and fitness. If you try to make large and sudden changes in your diet and activity based on your
genotype alone, those changes are liable to conflict with many of your non-genetic factors and possibly
become more of a detriment than a benefit. When you do make incremental changes, document what those
changes are and document how your body responds to those changes.
At any time, we would be glad and appreciative to hear from you about how MTL's Diet-DNA and FitnessDNA molecular genetic tests have impacted your health, your fitness and even your life.
At the beginning of each section, there may be one or more Boxed Statements. This is a brief description of the direct
effect of your genotype found on a specific gene and will help you understand your personalized recommendations
that follow

To keep it organized and easier to interpret any information appearing in ...

...this purple type..
Indicates information or recommendations specific to your Diet-DNA and Fitness-DNA results.

Medical Tests Inc. 420 S. Cesar Chavez Suite 300 Dallas, Texas (866) 669-0600

Molecular Fitness
The Molecular Genetic Panel for Optimal Health & Fitness

Weight-related Genes
These genes have an association with how your body processes and stores energy. Indirectly there is an
association with the health complications of obesity such as high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease.
Based on your genetic profile, the following information may help you to customize your efforts at weight
control to impact your health to the greatest advantage possible:

Genetic Risk of Obesity


Your tendency to eat impulsively may be improved by planning meals, limiting your access to food and
limiting portion sizes.
You are at an increased risk for high cholesterol with a diet high in saturated fat or low in monounsaturated
A combination of physical activities and dietary surveillance is most likely to assist in maintaining a healthy

Soak lemons, limes, cucumbers or mint leaves in water to improve taste in

order to maintain hydration without adding extra sodium (salt) sugar and
artificial ingredients.
Avoid high protein diets for weight loss. Instead, if attempting weight loss,
a low-fat, moderate level of protein diet is likely to offer the greatest
It may be more difficult for you to lose weight than others. It will require a
greater effort and a more demanding regimen to attain the same weight
loss. It is important to include some level of physical activity in attempting
to lose weight and maintain an active lifestyle and dietary vigilance after
reaching your goal weight.

Medical Tests Inc. 420 S. Cesar Chavez Suite 300 Dallas, Texas (866) 669-0600

Molecular Fitness
The Molecular Genetic Panel for Optimal Health & Fitness

You may benefit most from a weight loss program where accountability to the
group or to others is strongly and frequently encouraged such as Weight
Because of a tendency to eat impulsively, it is beneficial to plan meals, portion
sizes, fat and calorie content of meals ahead of time. It is best to avoid
environments that provide opportunities to eat impulsively, such as buffet style
restaurants and all-you-can eat specials.
Cholesterol and lipid levels are likely to respond best to a diet lower in total fat
but higher in monosaturated fats (MUFAs).

Foods high in MUFAs includes dry roasted nuts (especially almonds,

cashews, hazel nuts, macadamia & pecans), plant based oils (especially
olive, canola, peanut, safflower & sunflower oils), seeds (flaxseed, pumpkin,
sesame, poppy, quinoa & chia seeds), avocados and olives.
The association of your genotype with an increased daily energy intake and
significant obesity is almost completely eliminated by maintaining a diet low
in saturated fats (i.e. <22 grams in a 2,000 Calorie diet). This can be
accomplished by limiting full fat dairy products, processed meats and palm
and coconut oils.
A Mediterranean diet with an omega-6/omega-3 ratio of 4:1 or lower will maximize the benefit of your
genotype while providing necessary fat for digestion and absorption of the fat soluble vitamins: A, D, E and K.

Medical Tests Inc. 420 S. Cesar Chavez Suite 300 Dallas, Texas (866) 669-0600

Molecular Fitness
The Molecular Genetic Panel for Optimal Health & Fitness

Diet, Metabolism & Taste

These genes have an impact on how the body perceives and processes the diet. Your genotype may help you
to identify those measures you can take that will insure the most beneficial results as well as areas in which
you may face the greatest challenges to overcome. Regardless of your genotype, it is still important to strive
to maintain a generally healthy, balanced diet low in fat, containing an appropriate number of calories, the
right amount and type of protein, a healthy amount of fiber and provide sufficient amounts of all the various
micronutrients required to maintain health and life.
Based on your genetic profile, the following information may help you customize your dietary efforts to
impact your health to the greatest advantage possible:

Genetic Assessment for Diet

Perception of Bitter Taste
Caffeine Metabolism
Lactose Tolerance
Alcohol Tolerance
Carbohydrate Metabolism
Lipid Metabolism



You may not experience the full stimulating effect of caffeine. Stay hydrated to reduce the fatigue associated
with overindulgence.
You are lactose tolerant. Monitoring dairy consumption will help limit excess saturated fat and calories from
the diet.
Brief bursts of activity will rev up your sluggish metabolism, especially 1-2 hours after meals.


Bitter flavors as found in Brassica plants are perceived more intensely. This
includes cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, collard greens, kale
and turnips. Consider placing herbs and spices on the table in place of salt and
sugar, including: oregano, sage, ground rosemary, cinnamon, ground nutmeg,
smoked paprika, etc.
Many of the Brassica class of vegetables have significant health benefits and it
would be best not to avoid this class of vegetables all together. Consider
green smoothies, blending the leafy greens with fruit, fruit juice and water

Medical Tests Inc. 420 S. Cesar Chavez Suite 300 Dallas, Texas (866) 669-0600

Molecular Fitness
The Molecular Genetic Panel for Optimal Health & Fitness

to mask the bitter taste if you find it objectionable.

Diet Sensitivities: Alcohol, Caffeine & Lactose

Despite being more tolerant of alcohol, this does not negate any of
the risks of alcohol consumption, including cirrhosis, neuropathy, birth
defects, various nutritional deficiencies, etc. Because of decreased
unpleasant effects from the acute ingestion of alcohol, you should be
aware there may be an increased tendency to abuse alcohol and it is
advised to moderate alcohol intake if you drink at all.

Individuals with this genotype who drink may run a higher risk of increased blood pressure with drinking.
Curbing alcohol may benefit blood pressure better than it would for others without this particular genotype.
Because of a normal rapid metabolism, you may not experience the full effect of caffeine such as decreased
fatigue, increased heart rate and blood pressure. You may want to monitor your intake of caffeinecontaining products since you may not experience the natural cues that others do that you have ingested a
significant amount of caffeine and there may still be adverse consequences of over indulgence in caffeinecontaining dietary items.
If you do ingest caffeine containing fluids, ensure that you also drink 1.5
times the volume in clear water. This will help ensure as rapid as
possible an elimination of caffeine and its metabolites from the system.
Your genotype indicates that your intestinal lactase levels may not
decrease after the age of 2 as it does in most individuals. Monitor the
amount of dairy products you consume; many are high in calories and
saturated fat.

Metabolism & Eating Habits

Because your genotype is associated with lower energy utilization, especially after meals, ensure increased
activity 1 to 2 hours after meals. Avoid after dinner naps and sedentary activities.
You will rev up your metabolism for the day by doing multiple brief bursts of high-energy activities that
involve large muscle groups, such as running up the stairs, power walking or doing sets of 20-30 air-squats.
It is very important not to let up on following good dietary guidelines following successful efforts at losing
weight because of an increased tendency to gain back lost weight.
A decreased sensitivity to dopamine implies that you are more likely to chase a feel good feeling with food
and alcohol and can be prone to addictive behavior. It is important to limit portion size, get up and leave
the table immediately after eating and dont keep desirable snacks around and easily available.
You may be more prone than others in finding solace through comfort foods in stressful situations. These
tend to be higher in fats, carbohydrates and calories. It is important to handle emotions in a healthy way,
and seek assistance at this if necessary.

Medical Tests Inc. 420 S. Cesar Chavez Suite 300 Dallas, Texas (866) 669-0600

Molecular Fitness
The Molecular Genetic Panel for Optimal Health & Fitness

It is important to avoid indulging in your comfort foods when alone. Attempt to substitute other
pleasurable activities for eating during times of stress or in other situations in which you would normally turn
to your comfort foods.
If compulsive eating has become ingrained, seek a support group such as the 12-step program utilized by
Overeaters Anonymous to approach diet control.
Ensure a diet high in fiber and colorful, nutrient rich vegetables to promote satiety.
Because of a predilection to choose salty foods and soda over other types, it is important to monitor and
control access and the intake of salt and empty calories.
Keep low salt/high fiber containing foods around, including chopped raw vegetables if needed to satisfy
urges to snack. Having water readily available and no or low calorie flavored waters can significantly reduce
soda intake.

Macronutrients: Carbohydrates, Fats & Protein

Be sure to eat a higher portion of foods with omega-3 than omega-6
oils because your genotype is more sensitive to the inflammatory
effects of omega-6 oil. Eat more fish, walnuts and flax oil. Limit corn
oil, margarine and shortening. Choose grass-fed beef over corn-fed
A Mediterranean diet with fish oils should maximize the benefit of
this genotype. Cholesterol and lipids are likely to respond best to a
diet lower in total fat but higher in monosaturated fats (MUFAs).
Foods high in MUFAs includes dry roasted nuts (especially almonds, cashews, hazel nuts, macadamia &
pecans), plant based oils (especially olive, canola, peanut, safflower & sunflower oils), seeds (flax, pumpkin,
sesame, poppy, quinoa & chia), avocados and olives.
The biggest sources of saturated fats in the diet are full fat dairy products, processed meats, palm and
coconut oils. These foods should be minimized in the diet.
Limit starchy carbohydrates (sugars, refined flours, potatoes, pastas, bread) to a -cup serving per meal,
preferably whole grains. Avoid empty carbohydrates such as sugar, white flour and fruit juices. Ensure
adequate protein per meal in proportion to body mass. Average protein requirements are 0.4-0.5 grams of
protein per pound spread out over the day.
Avoid combining starches with excess fats which can adversely affect insulin sensitivity.
You are likely to have elevated bad cholesterol (LDL) and depressed good cholesterol (HDL) in response a
diet rich in carbohydrates. To improve your lipid profile, it is recommended to limit carbohydrate intake to
40-50% of your daily calories (e.g. 200-250 grams for a 2,000 Calorie/day diet).
If trying to lose weight with a 1200-1500 Calorie diet, this would be 135-170 grams of carbohydrates.

Medical Tests Inc. 420 S. Cesar Chavez Suite 300 Dallas, Texas (866) 669-0600

Molecular Fitness
The Molecular Genetic Panel for Optimal Health & Fitness

Vitamin Metabolism
These genes give an indication if the individual has a genotype that alters the "normal" requirements and
metabolic processing for various vitamins (micronutrients). Regardless of your genetic profile, it is still
important to strive for a generally balanced and nutrient rich diet.
Based on your genetic profile, the following information may help you to customize your efforts to include
appropriate amounts of various nutrients in order to receive the greatest benefit possible in return for your

Genetic Assessment of Vitamin

Vitamin A
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B12
Vitamin D
Vitamin E



A tendency toward a lower vitamin B6 level can best be addressed by increasing sources in the diet with
foods such as lean meats, nuts and spinach.
An increased requirement of folate or folic acid can be accomplished by eating more beans, leafy greens,
broccoli, asparagus, avocados and fruits.

You convert -carotene, found in fruits and vegetables, into active

metabolites of vitamin A at a normal rate. You should be able to absorb
and form adequate levels of active vitamin A metabolites from brightly
colored and dark green vegetables and fruits.
Because of increased clearance of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), your plasma
level of this vitamin is likely to be low. You should make an effort to
include foods with a higher vitamin B6 density in your diet. These foods
include lean meats (turkey, tuna, beef, chicken and salmon), sweet potatoes, dried fruits (prunes, apricots
and raisins), sunflower seeds, pistachios, bananas, avocados and spinach.

Medical Tests Inc. 420 S. Cesar Chavez Suite 300 Dallas, Texas (866) 669-0600

Molecular Fitness
The Molecular Genetic Panel for Optimal Health & Fitness

If you are taking medications that increase the catabolism of vitamin B6 such as valproic acid (Depakene,
Depakote), carbamazepine (Tegretol) or phenytoin (Dilantin), it may be helpful to also take a vitamin
supplement containing vitamin B6 or vitamin B6 with zinc.
Avoid using copper cookware because copper inhibits the action of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). Consider using a
good water filter if your water is known to contain copper as it might with older copper plumbing.
You have a single mutation on the MTHFR gene which is a primary step
in the metabolism of folate (vitamin B9). By itself, it is unlikely to cause
problems but you may wish to speak with your doctor or healthcare
provider about the genetic implications.
Include foods in your diet that contain higher levels of folate (vitamin
B9). These include lentils, beans (especially black-eyed peas), spinach,
beef liver, asparagus, lettuce, broccoli, avocado, oranges and tropical
fruits (especially mango, pomegranate, kiwi and papaya) and wheat
If you do take a folate supplement, the activated methyl-folate will be the most effective. Unfortunately, it is
the pre-active folic acid that is most commonly found in supplements in the stores and in folate-fortified
foods. Activated methyl-folate and activated folate with B12 can easily be found on-line at a number of sites.
You have a genotype that is associated with lower vitamin D levels. Make an effort to include foods in your
diet that are high in vitamin D and calcium.
Foods high in vitamin D include dark green leafy vegetables, soybeans,
white beans, fish (especially fatty fish such as salmon, sardines,
mackerel and tuna). Fortified dairy foods, cereals and orange juice have
high vitamin D content as do beef, cheese, egg yolk and cod liver oil.
The vitamin D naturally in foods is found with various natural co-factors
that facilitate absorption. This optimizes the bioavailability of the
vitamin D compared to supplements, especially when genetically the
ability to bind and transfer vitamin-D and its metabolites may be
Your requirements might be further increased if you have other risk factors for vitamin D deficiency such as
older age, low sun exposure, are on a very low fat long term diet, take certain medications (phenobarbital,
corticosteroids, cholestyramine), or have had gastric bypass surgery. If so, consult with your physician or
other healthcare provider to ensure that you are receiving adequate calcium and vitamin D.
Your vitamin E (tocopherols) level is normal and is not likely to increase by lowering your triglycerides.
You have normal metabolism of vitamin E. If you feel a need to boost your vitamin E level, include foods in
your diet that are high in tocopherols. These include almonds, sunflower seeds, avocados, shell fish, trout
and plant oils (especially olive oil).

Medical Tests Inc. 420 S. Cesar Chavez Suite 300 Dallas, Texas (866) 669-0600

Molecular Fitness
The Molecular Genetic Panel for Optimal Health & Fitness

Exercise & Training

These genes provide clues to how your body will respond to various types of activities, how long it takes you
to recover and how susceptible you are to injury.

What does my genetic potential for power / endurance mean for me?
Knowing where your genetic results fall on the power / endurance spectrum will help you understand how
best to reach your fitness goals. Training only in one way can often have a negative impact, regardless of
your genotype.

Power training
Power training is performed at high intensity, over a very short period of time. Power activities recruit a
large number of muscle fibers, including glycolytic fast twitch fibers in order to generate force quickly.
Power training boosts metabolism, burns fat and improves strength.
Examples include:
Olympic lifting

Endurance training
Endurance training is performed at lower intensity over longer periods of time. Endurance activities require
metabolically efficient muscle fibers. Fast twitch muscle fibers are not metabolically efficient, thus power
activities can only be withstood for short periods. Endurance training is necessary to repeat and sustain
movements for any length of time.
Examples include:
Distance running
Road cycling
Cross-country skiing

Strength training
Strength or resistance training is defined as overcoming the maximum resistance possible in one repetition,
without consideration for time. Targeted strength training is integral to improving all types of athletic
performance and general fitness (power and endurance).

Interval training
Interval training or high-intensity interval training (HIIT) is more effective and time efficient than classic
aerobic exercise sessions, incorporating elements of both power and endurance training. HIIT involves
alternating brief periods of maximal exertion with recovery, usually performed on a stationary bike or
treadmill. You push yourself harder and incorporate a larger number of muscle fibers and your workouts are
shorter. An example would be 8-seconds on, 12-seconds active rest cycle protocol repeated 60 times for 20
minutes. This classic example has been proven in both men and women to loose fat, improve insulin health,
build muscle and increase power.
Regardless of your exact genetic make-up or the activities you choose, it is most important to stay active!
Also, remember to warm up and stretch your muscles prior to exertion, dont stress your body to the point
of risking injury and appropriately cool down following your routines. Genes alone do not determine your
fitness. But use your genes to take control of where you are headed!

Medical Tests Inc. 420 S. Cesar Chavez Suite 300 Dallas, Texas (866) 669-0600

Molecular Fitness
The Molecular Genetic Panel for Optimal Health & Fitness

Genetic Assessment of Your Exercise Potential


Your muscle type is better suited for power than endurance. Incorporating plyometric exercises between low
repetition heavy resistance moves will improve your aerobic capacity and muscle endurance.
You are expected to have good aerobic capacity which can lead to improvements in endurance.


A mix of endurance and resistance training for at least 30 minutes three times a week will improve your lipid
profile and insulin sensitivity.

Your Training Recommendations

Your genotype is associated with the best response to strength,
speed and power activities such as Olympic lifting and sprinting. You
are likely to see the most benefit and improvement from explosivestyle training, but likely to fatigue with endurance activities. Ways to
improve aerobic capacity for your genotype include incorporating
plyometric exercises between low rep, heavy resistance moves or
long interval training (1 minute max effort/1 minute active rest
working up to 20 minutes).

You have an increased ability to handle oxidative stress. Your body is likely to respond best and show the
most gains in response to high intensity and interval training.
You have an increased propensity to deposit subcutaneous adipose tissue and gain more weight with
strength/resistance activities. If weight loss is a goal, you may want to skew your training to include a
preponderance of aerobic/endurance activities. For increased muscle tone and fat loss, incorporate HIIT
with whole body movements that involve multiple large muscle groups.

Physiological Response to Exercise Specific to Your Genotype

Endurance training and activities are likely to have the most beneficial
effect on insulin sensitivity more so than others without your particular
genetic configuration.
Your genotype is associated with an enhanced benefit from exercise.
Your triglyceride and cholesterol levels as well as insulin sensitivity will
improve more with regular exercise. It is recommended that you
exercise at least 30 minutes, three times a week. This benefit is seen
regardless whether the exercise consists of primarily aerobic or resistance activity or a combination of both.


Medical Tests Inc. 420 S. Cesar Chavez Suite 300 Dallas, Texas (866) 669-0600

Molecular Fitness
The Molecular Genetic Panel for Optimal Health & Fitness

You have an increased tendency to microalbuminuria (losing protein in the urine). It has been shown,
especially in diabetics, micro albuminuria lessens or resolves with regular endurance training.You may
have to exercise harder and longer than others to lose weight. Dietary control may also be more

Injury prevention
You are at a lower than normal risk of Achilles Tendinopathy (AT).
However, good training technique, effective warm up and cool down
stretching exercises, ensuring proper footwear with good arch support,
and avoiding prolonged training or exercising on hard or sloped
surfaces is good general training advice and will lower your chance
even further of experiencing the pain, swelling and discomfort of AT.

You do not have an increased tendency to DOMS. Your workouts may include a balance of activities
incorporating eccentric and concentric activities, in a program to meet your personal goals, taking
routine steps to manage DOMS. However, for novices to training, in order to minimize any aversive
consequences of "normal" DOMS, it is a good idea to begin with activities and measures to minimize
even the more routine consequences of DOMS.


Medical Tests Inc. 420 S. Cesar Chavez Suite 300 Dallas, Texas (866) 669-0600

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