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Knife World Publications, PO Box 3395, Knoxville, TN 37927 Vol.35 No.1 November 2009 Boker Celebrates 140 Years by Mark D. Zalesky When’ iconic. cutlery manufacturer Boker pre- Gisely, Hein. Boker ‘Baumwork GmbH — desig. ‘nated 2009 as the year of fhe firm's 140¢h anniver- sary, they may have told themselves short. Ie's eu tomary for companies t0 fonsider their busin histories ina favorable light — perhaps extending their founding date back ‘through a major change in operations or a tess well: fonnected ancestor —bui the 1860 date that Boker heralds as their founding Is. modest indeed. ‘True, 169 ‘was the year that Boker erected ibis own fallscalo eatlony factory in Solingen, Germany, but i tertainly wouldnt be 2 Stretch fo push that date back. to. 1560, when the Boker brothers spit the amlly business into aepa- rate halves or even 1629, ‘when that bosiness wae first founded, or the 1780= ‘when the business before that was established. Por that. ‘matter, the Boker family’s Invelvement with ‘and dged weapons likely dates back os far ns the late J6th century, so the company could. easily, Iay claim ta over 400 years ‘of eatlory tradition! While there's plenty of it, Boker's history is poorly ‘Socumented and. poorly ‘Continueon page 3 ‘made Boker cattle knife, built on a canoe pat. tern handle frame, was part of a small cache recently found in an online auction. M bears the ‘seript stamping on all blades. Don Richardson collection. Knife World Page 5 ‘This whittler bears the extremely rare H&R BOKER REMSCHEID marking, ‘among the first known to hare been tused on Doker pockethnives. Note the stamp ‘on the face of the master blade, SENATOR'S KNIFE. Leroy Roark collection. Continua from page 1 understood. One reason for this isthe complete Aeairuetion of the German Boker factory and every: ‘hing in it during WWI, while another Is the many changes in ownership of the American branch frm the mid-1960s until its ultimate elosure In 1985. ‘This little “Jenny Lind” or “tuxedo” Finally, Boker's history Invalves so many different businesses and individuals split, between different fountrien ~ often employ- ing the same names and/or ‘markings ~ that anyone trying to understand ital soon. finds "themselves rapped" somewhere between “confused” and “bovrildored” "Thus are the joys, and nszarde of colleting Boker knives. ‘The Boker brand offers variety like perhaps hho other, superb quality, and! more Yalue for your collecting “dollar than Imany better understood brands. Plus, this misun- derstood marque “offers "pattern knife isthe only example the author dias encountered with the R&HBOKERS IMPROVED CUTLERY marking. This Ukely represents the first use of “Improved Cutlery.” Private collection. plenty of opportunity for fallectors who have. done {heir homework Before we take a step further, ‘Word about the Boker ‘name, which the Germans properly spell Boker. The "two dots” over the ot “are called an tumlaut, and’ can altera tively’ be represented by replacing. 6 with oo, thus Booker. While the vimlaut ‘vas originally not used on the company’s wares, dur- Ing the 1990s it was added to German-made knives find ft continues to appear fn Boker products & this fay. 'WHERS IT ALL BEGAN ‘Jangen Bueheniau, in is book "on the. Mexican Boers entitled Thole of Progress, states that the ‘Dakor family fret began manufacturing and teed ing hardware in the late 16th century. In the mid- 1700s, Gottiriod Boker manufactured blades used in the Seven Years’ Wer Gottfried son Johann Gottlieb Boker" would become a partner Ia an early export firm called Baker & Hilger, represent ing two familios who head ed important American ttlry import Sms a cons funy later. By 1892, Boker & Hilger had dissolved, as the familys direction had taken a tore. direct turn towards "manufacturing cutlery Tn 1829, brothers Heinrich and Robert Baker began the production of ‘Continued on page & Page 6 November 2009 Continual rom page 5 sabers in that city, and as fearly-as September 1880 evidence that the employed 64 smiths, 47 grinders and an lunspecified number of tunskifled laborers — a rather large "operation Secing the potential of this now enterprise, the brath- fre Boker branched out into other produet tines, ‘and in 1837 another broth er named Hermann. left Remscheld for New York Gity,_tw establish imporsing ‘business for handling. the German, products, We'll pick up the fest of Hermann’s story Tater. ‘As evidenced by existing examples, 1&1. Boker produced’ bayonets, ‘ools, find pocketknives at their factory in Remachesd While a great deal of the work would have been per formed by " outworkers such like it was done in Shetfield, the company’s German the “ease “In Sheifield). Later, a rolling mill was ‘added which would have Deen very useful in mani facturing table and Iktehen knife. blades, In 11860, the brothers divided the "family "busines Robert taking over expo tothe Russian iMPROVET : SER Gorman made “H, Boker’ or "Henry Baker's” without “& CO” after the compan lininn tate from the 1860s until circa the sarty 1880, and are qeite warce, Note the lane. deteiled tree marking: Roger Russel collection. ‘An 1872 illustration of Hl. Boker & Co's brand new jees af 101 and 103 Duane St, New York City. The ‘buildings extended through to 10 & 12 Thomas St. PER Treebrand Hinrich retained the fac- tory and trade with the U.S. and Canada, Roborts son, also named Robert, ‘would travel to New York In about 1863 and learned the business there, work ing with the U.S." and Canadian branches before heading to Mexien in 1865 ‘and founding the famous Casa "Boker hardware ‘establishment — but that’s {story for another timo. “Afier the splivof H.R. Boker in 1860, it is believed that the company initially operated under is owner's “name, Heinrich (Continued on page 7 A 40-year tration of ‘continuous kalfemating Since 869 is something Ine are very proud of, and we fe that itis time ~ fosay “thank you" 0 alt ‘We continue to provide the “good old Solingen a ‘arbon steel in a number of traditional patterns and bone handles. At the same time, me lead the Bt pack In high tech materials and designs. Check out ‘your focal knife shop this ‘ear to find our special, un Oth Anniversary eves essa CQBOKER | F seiriesome Semmes | a zimco Phone: (800) 835-6433 - Email: » Wensile: Www. November 2009 ‘Continued from page 6 Boker CH.” Boker" for shor). But in 1869, efter amassing large profits from sword contracts dar ing the American Civil War, Heinrich Boker part- rpored with expert mani facturer Hermann Heuser, establishing a new factory In nearby’ Solingen and renaming. the company Heinrich Boker & Co. ‘Solingen and Romecheid are located “seross. the Wapper River from one another in North’ Rhine- Westphalia, Germany; on the northern edge of the Borgisches Land and south of the Rubr area. Given that Solingen has for cen turies eon lenown aa the "City of Blades” ie soems inevitable that the Boker family would eventually find its way there, which it finally did with ‘the new firm, Twas at about this time ‘that Heinrich Boker asked for and was granted por: mission to adopt the tree logo a his trademars. The free that inspired. this choice was a majestic chestnut, located “outside the original Boker factory in Remecheid, which stood for “many. years before finally being struele dows ina 1924 Tightning storm. ‘The treo, usually depicted fag roundish and without Teaves, has. appeared on nearly’ every nile, razor, fand other ayticle that hes Tet the Solingen factory sinee that time. The marie ‘was shared with snd used by the American Bokrs as well and i has inspired a variety of other trade- ark and phrases includ ing "Tyee Brand®, “Arbol (Spanish for “treo”, “Arbolto” (Spanish for “litt te tree’), and "Baumseerk (German for "tree works" ‘After the establishment of the Solingen factors, ‘much of Boker’s prodie- tion was in the dorm of pocket knives as well as Seiseors and, lator, straight aor. While aos were also made to other coun fries, ‘ineluding Canada and Merico, the majority of TL Boker Co, (Solingen) output was destined. for {he United States by way of New Yorks H. Beker & Co. MEANWHILE, ‘ACROSS THE ‘ATLANTIC. In 1887, Hermann Bes, brother of Heinrich, emigrated to the United States with plans to Inport and sell goods pro- fdused for the: Bickers In Continued on page 8 Knife World Page 7 ‘Top quality multiblades like this pearl handled beauty seem to have been a spe- clalty of the German Bokers, as this pristine mint example attests. The reverse of ‘the master blade bears talesman's sample numbers. Private collection. A firstrate small congress pattern with genuine stag handles. These markings ‘were used on both German and American-made Bokers, forcing collectors 10 determine a hnife’s origin with other elues. (This knife looks German t0 me) Page & Knife World November ‘Continued from page 7 ___o the city of Bonn in his about 10,000 muskets, all Remscheid,. Germany. mother country and of which were supplied by Dropping. the German entrusting operation of tho the German Boker, ‘umlant from his name, business to his children ‘in 1872, H. Boker & Co, Hermann ‘Boker ‘frat set ‘In 1857, the, firm was moved info a new invn- up shop a¢ 63 Liberey reorganized and renamed front building at 101 and Sheet in New York City, He Boker &Co, and the 103, Duane “Street, just ‘soon moving to. 80 John American Civil War west of Broadway in’ the Street, where he remained brought with it profitable heart of New York's hard ‘unt 1848, In that year he contracts for over 45,000 ware and eutlery business moved to 60 Clif’ Street, cavalry sabers, over 1500 district. In time, the Where the firm would light artillery sabers and import firm expanded. to reside for over twenty over "550. non-commis- become the exclusive dis- years. Hermann Boker Sioned officer swords, a3 tributor of @ few English himself left the United wellasa few other typesof brands like Manhattan States in 1862, returning Swords and, reportedly, Cutlery ‘Co, and John so no for parent de cee He Bes Ea cae) BET mown Rone Scales Fer ae ac ike" Nawachosete were remareable fi the Lemson &Goodnow, sn highelas ofthe workman: eles Shing” the hp. Thee was oo : manmade "Boker lis a request, see Pas edtractio eich on this tng peut handled serpentine pew reads EADIUM (ay Boker Bin ot tbe ouinry ant ‘trademarks. German made Hobers offen featured distinetice reverse faces a ‘iches like thin one and they sil do taday. Roser esse collection, POKER at oderate” pees Both of the H. Boker & ‘ltogother this exhibit was Go, firms ~ Solingen and considered to bo of a very New York ~ experienced superior kind, and showed continued success, and in the amount’ of careful 1876 a display was pre- attention that. had been sented at the Centennisl bestowed upon it” Exhibition in Philadelphia In time, though, the =the world's fair. The ever-increasing terifs on judges in attondonce com imported" ewtlery at tented, "H. Bokerand Co, deeply into the profits of Solingen, exhibited a very both Boker firms, particu- fine display of pocket larly with regard to their Knives, Solingen edasore, mainstey’— high quali Seine examples were German’ pocket. knives, doubtless made ‘up for Seeking another avenue, ‘exhibition, "The "pocket GmbH poses, 1992, with a spectacular antique Boker ethibition knife. ‘November 2009 Knife World Page 9 Cond Fon ge Sd aig For wan Kae in Gout 1690 Coax inthe family” ao. well Boker’ of “New. York’ lcidentally, in 1916 Cari Hermann Boker Go. F. Bok put together ceded io ty voiding the group oFinestos an pure {antl by purchasing om. chased the Cydope Steel ‘rolling inerest in wnear- Co.” of Titusville, by Newark, New Jersey Pennsylvania ~ in whose fem called vee. Valley fctory todays Great Forme Cutlery Co In ada, Bastar Cutlery” Co. pro: Eon" to' producing high dscea some very Gne trad tality) pocket “igives Sonal style knwo Gnier the Valley Forge Boker undorvent sever: me dh eperone_glchngn ho Wr War Hroluce ken withthe listo the eany 19208, but This American made “Tree Brand Boy Scout” knife vo reads the etching ~has to E'Baker & Cos Improved unraveling the evenis of be one ofthe finest non-offictal “scout” knives Foe seen- Roger Russell collect Cuilery” marking identical this period ninety years sleeeaa forthat "uned™ by the Hene® hs. proven some- Gorman Bakers. "These what diffeule To be sure, iecleansmese” Bokere the: Cermen Boker fem free fet yrofuced oy in wos again exporting pos The" impor and ose Seentlry shorty after the crenata? one. wad twee Wan, wile the American Sibicjackpatterna but x Bem seboonded om bank time tore complex pat rupley and kept the Valley ferme lke congress and Forge plant in operation as Utiltyksive wore lfred, late af 1024, bute must Nevekbssse, the fancest have" been ‘difiutt ndinot dificult to make ake Tatiare worse, Knits patar were amet 1010 Remington | Aime Always produced by the red sway "production Goniten Baiery wile the manager CW. “Hilmanns Goo nade thom ‘wory snd. team of Solingen: Expensive, these, ine tained culers trom their five cokinged to nd’s Jobe” at Valley Forge. tealy market Remington bul thelr new WH te arrival of site division around world Warf, the two A ‘llmanas, and Several Roker ‘companies ‘ound Boker and, Valley’ Forge emeclves on. apporite osigns and features ule Ses of he faht. German sequently found their way ports toorcame tos into the Remington pat. tandsilsond the sudden arn books. OF note ae the Tose of” this. business famous “acorn sist the lunged both New Yorks ‘blood. groove”. while, Hi'Boker & Co, and Boker’ and'a few of the patterns cvined Valoy Forge ing that would gain fame ie Rmnkruptsy before the end Remingon ine of lle” fou he former van Hen uiklyreorpsnisd an BL easly 18200, 1 Boker’ Gxvtn and also Boker & Co. moved their is the Boker Gutlery American manufsetaring Hardware Company, Tne, Continued on pe 36 ‘ea nnd eed Boker Jack bales: surely made in the Boheroumed Valley Fo Caters Co. ded eae ae Dobe ll = Page 26 Knife World ‘Continued rom page ® ‘operations from the old Valley. Forge plant “in Newark to a new factory in ‘Maplewood, New Jersey Both Boker and Valley ‘Forge inives were appar- ‘ently produced im the new Factory, and at some point during the 19208 the last ‘Ameriesnsmade Hl. Boler ing. that "Boker" in script, In time, the Valley Forge stamp isappeared as well, ‘Back in Germany, 1. Boker & Co, of Solingen was once again exporting Tonge quantities of high fae German cutlery to ite sister company in the US,, including patterns such as the sixblade utile 4y or “camp knife.” But by the early 1880s the polit- al climate. dramatically hanged with the Nal Barty ree to power Baker’ was’ soon “called ‘pon to make Sand $A oggers am, well as EO enivee for thair govers- nent, and tho example They bredacad are rege fe by collectors a sion the Tees of Delt (ype When "WWIl come, the German “company Smndoubtealy Supplied Kenves to: German Loops utes the Aterican Boker fompany” produced. M3 trench keives for te US ‘Army. and’ Mark 1” desk inves for the US. Naw. Before V5 Day ended tho War in Buropey” the Hetnrich Boker € Go, fac: tory ly in smoking ra completely destroyed by ‘Alte borsbor. ‘Shortly after the War, the US. Goverment seized the famous “Tree Brand” trademark that ‘had long been registered the German Bokers, and transferred. ownership. to fhe Amarican Boker fim Right or wrong, ownership, ofthe famous brand would ‘remain that way for more ‘than 40 yours "THE POSTWAR ERA: ‘AMERICA, Cutlery historians often cconalder World War Ta ‘turning point in American cutlery» manufacturing, ‘ater whieh the demand for ‘2 good knife at an atrac- five price found a. more ready market than. an fxcellent knife at a higher rice, Like many other American pocket knife Imanofacturers, che ‘American Boker, now As if being a bone handled jumbo sleeveboard wasn't enough, this German made ‘beauty bears the rare G16 stamp on tts secondary blades. Courtesy Roger Russell. November 2009 ‘Continued from page 28 marking ite knives BOKER / USA, reduced the quality of their prod luct in response to market demands. While tll make ing ity fe ‘complete with bone, calli loid or even pest! handles, the new kniver wore just hot as fine ag the pre-war ‘medels, and in time mod ern syathotic: materials, replaced the natural ones. Boker” purchased the George Schrada Knife Co. of Bridgeport, Connecticut in 1986, but with G, Schrade's Key “Tine of "Presto™ knives soon ren- dered irrelevant. by the Federal Switchblade Act, Boker saw little reason t6 keap the plant open and closed it in 1998. Tn 1966, the American H, Boker’ & Co. merged ‘the Now Britain ‘Machine Co, and Boker’ [Now York offices on Duane Street were finally closed after a $3-year run, Io 1968, ° New. ‘Britain Machine merged into Litton Industries, and ia 1080 or 1970 Hi Boker and Co. was bought by J. Wiss Sons of Newark, NJ, the famed maker of scis: sors and shesrs. Under Wiss’ ownership, Boker was pethaps the frst to Introduce commemerative knives for. collectors G187D, Nout despite. their hest efforte. the Boker: Wiss pairing did not work out well. In 1976, Wiss (and "thus" Boker) was acquired by the Cooper ‘Tool Group of Apex, North Carolina. Cooper finally shut ‘down the Maplewood, NJ. factory and moved produc. tion of the Ameriean Boker Iknives to an existing facto- sy im Statesboro, Georgia Write successful in reduc: Ing. production costs, the company found it diffeut fo compste in the working Keno market, and stopped manufacturing” American made" pocketknives. in 10988 or 1984; signifying the end of Boker knife pro: duction in the USA. Incidentally," Cooper's Statesboro plant would Continue to produce utili- tnvian cutting tools until 148 closure in 1998. "THE POSTWAR ERA: (GERMANY. ‘With the total destrue- tion of the Boker plant in Solingen, one might have expected Heinrich Baker 2 C0." to have quietly faded away after the War, leaving little but a trail of od cutlery to remind one bf their existence — but fothing could be further from the truth. Instead, Boker's own employees retuned ‘to rebuild. the Factory in whieh thay ones worked, and by 1947 pro- ‘duction “had. begun’ to resume. By 1950, H. Boker © Co, was again turning but fine quality knives ia quantity, for an ager ‘worldwide market — {ncluding the United States, While demand for the American made "Boker UISA‘S" seems, in retro spect, to have slowly faded fom the War end tnt the 1960s, the quality of the German Bokers was Continved on page 28 In 1906, Roker claimed that their premium stock knives tere “the original and the most popular ofall stock knives.” Could Boker have originated the pattern? After the German company rebuilt in the wake of WWHL, top quality sportmans lknives like this one again became a major part of the company’s product line. Page 28 (Continued rom pase 27 revered in the US par. Heularly inthe South While the German compa: ay sometimes. culfered through the ownership changes of the. American Boker firm that imported their Ienives, demand. for the krives’ themselves remained strong. Cooper ‘Toel Group's parchase of the American Boker in 1976 proved to be very beneficial Yor the German Bokers, and they enjoyed a very positive relationship uring. their short period ff aatosiation. In 1086, Cooper ‘Tools sold the Boker name and trade mark rights back t0 the German Boker firm, whieh soon established a. new ‘American import company jn Golden, Colorado — Boker USA in. ‘The evolution of Boker from the 1980s to present is.a story for another time, but it involves the fret fac. tory-made damascus steel Iinives, ceramic blade tech Bolingon fatty in 1909, a partnership with United Cutlery, ‘anda bevy of Interesting knives, designs, and designers including some of the top Knifemakers In ‘Germany and the US. ‘A FEW THOUGHTS ‘ABOUT BOKER, MARKINGS (AND SUCH ‘When this article was first proposed, one of the ‘goals was to create a more fomplete list of Boker tang Stamps and dates of use ‘than had heretofore been Published. This. task proved more challenging ‘than anticipated ~ honest Jy, Tve never before stud. Jed a company with a his {ory half as bewildering as Boker's. Actually, the BOKER name represents 4 loose family ‘of compe ‘hioo, one that worked together ~ or didnot — while using markings that ‘often muddied the waters fs to Which company was responsible for the product fn hand. mn researching this art: le, 40cdd different pock: Knife World cis ase samp were ‘been condensed into the 27 ‘most significant ones that you'll find in the table on page 29. The usage dates Associated "with them range from “pretty solid” to "educated guesses" and ‘while Thelieve that they represent, progress, there {is certainly much room for farther improvement. Its hhoped that their publica tion sparks further research on the subject. German. markings GI. these stamps represent the Solingen firm, Heinrich Boker & Co,, and its imme diate. predecessors ecross the Wupper River in Remecheld, There are sev eral minor stamp varia tions, Which are not detailed” here. When attempting "to dato a German made Boker pork: tthe afew use Ups to keep in mind are included ina separate box in the ing [USROL! This ‘varia Hon of the “Improved November 2009 One of the most distinctive Boker patterns is this German-made lobster with pearl handles carved in the shape of a sleeping dog. Roger Russell collection. ‘stamp isthe only marking ceurrently thought to have deen used both on American and. German: fade Bokere. If the life ‘question daes not carry ‘more conclusive marking ‘on another blade, the only ‘way to determine the coun try of ongin is to examine the knife’ construction ‘and compare It to other known Boker, U.S. markings (USI ‘These markings represent Remschied, Germany, ether goods and is descend trom the same crigina ne the Solingen Botor company. Some of ‘eee knives, but not all swore prodnced for” dhe enached fim by the Solingen fm. fea my oi Jin tht pockets wth these markings probably fate from the 19708, But {he arrow? teademare is bt lent aa old aa te 1870s thd could wll apeosr on ‘der inven CREDITS sincere thanks to Emit FelxcDalishow of Heine, Boker Baumer Grab, to ill Harvey, Don Richardson, Hower & Ftoppy” ately a other snonymous parties for fcvice and actese to their tsllections, snd. to Pete Gahan, ‘Dennis Ellingsen, ‘im Woods, and Charisse {nd de ee Join Gon for ‘iherrenerch ald. Many of these unusually-marked Bokers were import- ‘ed here during the 1970s; they tere made for @ relat. fd Bolter company based in Remscheid, Germany. ‘November 2009 Knife World Page 29 A Basic Introduction to Boker Tang Stamps — °2009 Mark D. Zalesky and Knife World G6: 6.1869-1910 Fourline “Improved” Compare to US&G1 G7: ¢.1869-1944 Ge: c.1869-1944 On small knives only On small knives only GS: ¢.1869-1944 Usually on large knives HER R&H HENRY BOKER'S H.BOKERS BOKER BOKERS IMPROVED IMPROVED REMSCHEID IMPROVED CUTLERY CUTLERY CAST STEEL CUTLERY G1: 61837-1860 G2: 6.1860-1865 G8: c.1867-1880s G4: 1860-18805 G5: ¢.1880-1880s Notre on reverse «No tree on reverse Also similar with “BB” No “Co.” No ‘Co." Very rare Very rare (On small knives only HBOKER HENRY HENRY H.BOKER & CO H. BOKER & CO COS BOKER & CO. BOKER ‘SOLINGEN SOLINGEN IMPROVED ‘SOLINGEN & CO. GERMANY ‘CUTLERY G10: ¢.1891-1944 ‘Some with pattern #'s on reverse tang H. BOKER & CO's CUTLERY Genin Git: cA891-1944 BOKER'S. HEINABOKER & CO CUTLERY SOLNGENALEMANIA GERMANY MADE IN GERMANY G12: c.1891-1944 613: ¢.1992-1944 Deep ETCH on blade, not a stamp HEINR.BOKER & CO BAUNWEFK-SOLINGEN GERMANY-ALENANA G14: 0.1982-present Primarily used up to 6.1950, but also on reproduction knives Hea. BOKER & CO. SOLINGEN GERMANY G15: 0, 1947-19503, Perhaps used later on secondary blades: H.BOKER & COS: IMPROVED ‘CUTLERY G16: 6.1920s-19308 Last “Improved” stamp 1H. BOKER, BOKER &CO SOLINGEN ‘SOLINGEN (GERNANY.ALEMAMA G17: ¢.1920s-1990s_G18:¢.1950s-present Primarily used up to €.19605, but also on reproduction knives a BOKER SOLINGEN GERMANY INOX G19: c.19603 No umiaut over © BOKER ‘SOLINGEN GERMANY 620: ¢.1960s-prasent Aico with STAINLESS HBOKER 6 00'S IMPROVED. CUTLERY US&GI: Used in Germany .1869-1910, U.S. c.1899-1920s, Only stamp used by both Germany & U.S. ‘General Boker Dating Information: stamps = German, "US" stamps = American, "US4G* stamp 35 used by both, stamped knives wore made fora diferert but ried Boker company n Rema, Germany. * Al Goman stamps fom G4-G15 have a tee on tho reverse. aration in re syle are useful for dsting lives ony ha gener al sonce.Bokers withthe tee on the back of tho Bade ao usualy tut not always ears than those wit ron sho ee "Germany stamped anywheroon a knifo makes post-1891. No “Germany” lamping dooe not mean a knife le po-109% ‘an umlaut over the "0" Békor moans the iis 1082 or tr ' Gorman Boker with large round te shield (00 “Solingen aro rel thse wih around “Slinger re shea are pos WI Sy SS GERMANY Rt: 6.19708, Made for Remscheld Bokers, for Australian & African markets x M Ze BOKER RR2: p'knives ¢.19708?? Made for the Remscheid Bokers, SOLINGEN on reverse BOKER'S. IMPROVED CUTLERY USI: ¢.1899-1920s Usually a secondary blade stamp 0% Boker OK US2: 6.1928-1980s USS: 6.1930s-1950s “Script stamp” Usually on folding also with STAINLESS. hunters: BOKER US4: ¢.1930s-1970s “Block letter” stamp BOKER USA. USS: 6.1945-1983 Last & most common USS. Boker stamp

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