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Genetic and Epigenetic Population Structure of Gentiana Alpine

Author :MaLiLi
School :Northeast Normal University
CLC :Q943
TYPE :Masters thesis
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Genetic and epigenetic structures refer to the variation patterns of individuals within a species or
population. Genetic and epigenetic diversity are the key factors in determining the evolutionary
processes of a species. Therefore, these studies will provide us reliable theories to make the protection
strategies.In the present study, we assessed the genetic and epigenetic structure of Gentiana alpina by
using the amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and methylation sensitive amplification
polymorphism (MSAP) techniques. According to our results, the species G. alpina exhibited high
genetic diversity. Its percentage of polymorphic bands is 87.34% and Shannon index is 0.486.
Furthermore, the epigenetic analyses indicated that the species G. alpina showed high levels of
methylation. It suggested that the genetic and epigenetic structures were influenced by the
environmental conditions. However, the results of STRUCTURE and NJ tree revealed that there were
no significant correlation between genetic / epigenetic structure and elevation. This phenomenon
thought to result from the absence of different environmental stresses.Our results illustrated that the
environmental stresses have a profound effect on the genetic and epigenetic structure of G. alpina.
These findings provide us opportunities to investigate the conservation genetics of G. alpina.

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