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Why ERD?

It is used to understand and capturethe data of a given business domain.
ERD is a process or a method.
Output of ERD is a diagram.
How to identify entities?
Identify nouns ,each noun is an entity
1)Identify all entities
2)Identify realation between entities
3)Identify attribute for all entities
4)Identify key for each entities
What is a key?
Candidate Key-attribute which hasuniqu values.
Defaut Instances(1)
Named Instances(49)
*)Each DB will have File Group(.mdf/.ndf) and Txn log file(.ldf)
What is file group?
it is similar to folder in windows
What is Txn Log file?
It is a file use to capture the txns automatically,u can recover the data when i
ts an emergency
Can i change the page size in ss?
If the file Size is 1 mb then find the no of pages and extends?
No of pages=File Size /page size
128 pages
No of extends=File Size/ext size
16 ext
When i Join n table then i must have "n-1" joining expression in where clause.
Between operator take lower limit and upper limit as well

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