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Your Rights
What are Rights?
Ever notice that there are rules everywhere you go? Whether youre at school or
home, you have to follow certain rules. Adults have rules too, and an important
part of having rules is knowing your rights. These rights have three pieces that
make them important.
1. Your rights tell you what you can and cant do.
2. Every American citizen has the same amount of rights.
3. We have to follow rules so we can respect everyones rights.
Having rights is a very important part of being American. In fact, our Founding
Fathers wrote several rights when they wrote the Constitution over 200 years ago.
Lets learn about the Constitution by watching a video in this QR Code.

Our government still uses the Constitution that our Founding Fathers wrote. You
can look at a picture of the original Constitution on the next page.

The Bill of Rights

Next, lets look at a very important document called the Bill of Rights. You can
look at a picture of the Bill of Rights here.

The Bill of Rights is important because it tells us the rights every American has.
These rights are called Amendments. Amendments are written into the law, so
everyone must follow them. This code lists the Amendments on the Bill of Rights.
For this activity, we are going to focus on the First, Fourth, and Fifth Amendment.

Question: How many Amendments are in the Bill of Rights?

Answer: __________.

The First Amendment

The First Amendment is extremely important and used every day. This Amendment
gives us the freedom to say whatever we want. Look at this QR code to see how
many freedoms we have in the First Amendment.

Question: What freedoms we have in the First Amendment?

Answer: We have

The Fourth Amendment

The Fourth Amendment is important because it allows us to have privacy. This
means the police cant come to your house and take your stuff for no reason. Police
officers have to follow rules and respect our rights, but they can search through
someones house if they are breaking the law. Learn more in the on the next page.

Question: What is the official title of the Fourth Amendment?

Answer: Color in your answer.
o Right to Bear Arms
o Search and Seizure
o Freedom of Speech

The Fifth Amendment

The Fifth Amendment gives us rights about being arrested and going to court. The
most important part of this Amendment is Double Jeopardy. Double Jeopardy is
when you are arrested multiple times for the same crime. The Fifth Amendment
makes sure Double Jeopardy doesnt happen to anyone. Learn more with this code.

Question: What else does the Fifth Amendment give us?

Answer: Color in your answer.
o You will have a lawyer to prove your innocence.
o You will only go to a serious court if the grand jury sends you there.
o You can say whatever you want in court.

Other Important Amendments

As you can see, rights are very important. Our government makes sure we have
freedoms to live by every day. These freedoms are not only on the Bill of Rights
though. Over the past 200 years, America has added many Amendments. Look at
this QR code to read about them.

Question: What do the following Amendments give us?

1. The 13th Amendment says
2. The 19th Amendment says
3. The 26th Amendment says

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