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React is awesome

Andrei Lisnic

a JavaScript library for building

user interfaces

Born @ facebook ads team

...from the struggle of building and maintaining
complex UIs.

Cascading updates -> unpredictable

view = function(data)

view = function(data)
- makes reasoning about updates trivial
- re-rendering on any update is slow

var App = React.createClass({

ren d er: function() {
return React.D O M .div(null, "", [
React.D O M .button({onClick: this.onClick}, "Click m e!"),
React.D O M .div(null, "count: " + this.state.clicks)
getInitialState: function() {
return {clicks: 0}
onClick: function() {
this.setState({clicks: this.state.clicks + 1})

view = function(data)
var App = React.createClass({
ren d er: function() {
return React.D O M .div(null, "", [
React.D O M .button({onClick: this.onClick}, "Click m e!"),
React.D O M .div(null, "count: " + this.state.clicks)

var App = React.createClass({
ren d er: function() {
return React.D O M .div(null, "", [
React.D O M .button({onClick: this.onClick}, "Click m e!"),
React.D O M .div(null, "count: " + this.state.clicks)
onClick: function() {
this.setS tate({clicks: this.state.clicks + 1})

var App = React.createClass({

ren d er: function() {
return React.D O M .div(null, "", [
React.D O M .button({onClick: this.onClick}, "Click m e!"),
React.D O M .div(null, "count: " + this.state.clicks)
var App = React.createClass({
ren d er: function() {
return < div>
< button onClick= {this.onClick}> Click m e!< /button>
< div> count: {this.state.clicks}< /div>
< /div>

Why React is awesome?

var App = React.createClass({
render: function () {
return this.props.nam es.m ap(function (nam e) {
return < p> {nam e}< /p>
var nam es = ["Ion","Sava","Andrei"]
React.render(App({nam es: nam es}),docum ent.getElem entById('container'))

var H eader = React.createC lass({
render: function () {
return < p> H eader< /p>
var Footer = React.createClass({
render: function () {
return < p> Footer< /p>

var App = React.createClass({

render: function () {
return < div>
< H eader />
< div class= content> < /div>
< Footer />
< /div>

New way of thinking

It doesnt need the dom to render

var App = React.createClass({
ren d er: function() {
return React.D O M .div(null, "", [
React.D O M .button({onClick: this.onClick}, "Click m e!"),
React.D O M .div(null, "count: " + this.state.clicks)

data structure

React does need the dom to render

- components are unit-testable
- components can be rendered on the serverside to increase page load
- who said only the browser?

React native demo

What is React?

created and maintained by Facebook

open source
makes building complex UIs easy
crazy fast
still young, no 1.0 yet
crazy popular

React as a movement
- cascading updates are evil
- declarative is good
- you dont really have to use the react library
to benefit from it

Thank you.

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