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Lesson 1 - Types of Earthquakes

Students should be able to identify, draw,
and label the three different types of plate

Students know the principal structures that
form at the three different kinds of plate

Start class by showing students three pictures of earthquake fault lines. Ask the students for
their observations. What do they notice is the same, what is different.
For this class activity, students will use QR codes, to access websites pertaining to the three
types of plate boundaries. Once at the appropriate website, students will find the pertinent
information about the type of boundary and draw an image of what this boundary looks
like. Students will lead themselves through this activity, using a guided worksheet.
As students finish up, they may spend the rest of the class time exploring other relevant
websites that will be provided to students using QR codes.
End class by revisiting the three photos you started class with. Ask students to hypothesize
which photo is of which boundary type. A- Divergent B - Convergent C - Subduction

Exit slip
Students must hand in their completed
worksheet at the end of class.

Practice Opportunities
The opportunity to practice this knowledge will
come in the form of homework, classroom quizzes,
and study time. Students will have access to the QR
codes as they study.


Subduction Zone


Name: ________________________________ Period: _______ Date: _________

Type of Earthquake Boundaries

QR Hunt Activity
Use the QR codes placed around the room to answer the questions
below regarding the three types of tectonic plate boundaries. You may
complete this worksheet in any order, but make sure to complete it!
When you are finished you may explore any of the Enrichment QR codes
found at the front of the room.

Subduction Zone Boundaries

1. Where two tectonic plates meet
at a subduction zone, one
________ and slides
______________ the other,
curving down into the
2. Oceanic crust is _________
than continental crust, so it
usual ________ under.
3. Name four places where you
can find subduction zones:

Draw a picture of subduction zone boundaries here.

1. __________________

3. __________________

2. __________________

4. __________________

Divergent Boundaries
1. At divergent boundaries the
two plates are moving
_________ from each other.
2. One well known divergent
boundary is the __________
3. Under the ocean many
____________ are formed
at divergent boundaries.
Draw a picture of divergent boundaries here.

Convergent Boundaries
Draw a picture of convergent boundaries here.

1. At convergent boundaries the

two plates are moving
_________ each other.

2. ____________ are formed

at convergent boundaries
3. Tectonic plates move only a
few ______ each ______.
4. Name two landforms made at
convergent boundaries.
1. __________________
2. __________________


Exploring Earth


Dynamic Earth


Plate Tectonics
Interactive Maps

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