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Michael Waite

Pacific Oaks College


Human Development (Social Action)

HD 300 Early Childhood Themes and Life Cycle Issues

In this course, Ericksons theories were transferred from being a dry theory
in a textbook to a useful reference in everyday life. By examining my life and
applying it to theory, I have gained knowledge that will be valuable in both my
professional and my personal life. The discussions about race challenged me and
allowed me to put into perspective, my own views on race. I realized that biases
are not always apparent. Studying about race also reaffirmed my belief that, to
understand an issue in its entirety, every perspective must be considered.
This course sparked my imagination and left me pondering many openended questions. Considering that I am in Ericksons generativity vs. stagnation
stage perhaps I should instead be full of answers. But then again, maybe I am
interpreting it all wrong. Maybe this is not the age when I should be resting on my
laurels, handing down advice to the younger generation. Maybe I am guiding the
next generation by asking questions, and by doing so, modeling a sense of
inquisitiveness as an important trait. I feel that although love and money are both
comforts to possess, knowledge is what gives us a sense of power. Acquiring
knowledge makes us adults.
HD361 Social and Political Contexts of Human Development
Delving deeper into the effects of classism and racism in the United States
and then relating it to the story of my immigrant grandparents allowed me a more
profound understanding. There were topics like racism that I thought I understood
but doing the class readings and from that being inspired to research online made

Michael Waite
Pacific Oaks College


Human Development (Social Action)

me aware of what I didn't know. For instance, the term "othering" was not
something I had heard. But, of course, the concept and the word made complete
sense once I not just did the readings but engaged in a conversation about it with
my classmates. Through the class discussion I was able to arrive at the thought
that "othering" did not necessarily need to be an overt display of prejudice but
rather a subtle exclusion of people we feel are "not like us." We all do it and so,
we all need to be aware of it and be empathetic.
I am also grateful that I had the chance to create a social action project. I
found something that tugged at my heart and propelled me to take action. I am
sure that the book I wrote dealing with a gender dysphoric child is timely as well
as a much-needed addition to our children's anti-bias literature.
HD306 Play in Childhood

The role of the teacher in play-based education is to be a stage manager, an

observer and a facilitator. As a stage manager, the teacher prepares the
environment, setting out materials and props that will inspire the children and set
them on the days journey. The teacher then facilitates because playing without
any teacher intervention would be undirected and learning limited. The teachers
can help to problem solve, redirect attention, encourage planning and
demonstrate uses for materials newly introduced. The teacher then observes and
notes what is happening. It is important that teachers take time to write down
childrens observations, questions, experiments, and hypotheses as they work and

Michael Waite
Pacific Oaks College


Human Development (Social Action)

play. This is vital to creating play opportunities that will be relevant and
intrinsically interesting to the children.
By nudging children toward their interests, then gently guiding them and
observing, we encourage independence, critical thinking and risk taking.
HD341 Communication for Empowerment
Having a differing perspective does not make me right or wrong. There are
alternate realities to every situation. This point is illustrated beautifully in a film
that I return to periodically. Akira Kurosawas Rashomon is famous for telling the
same story from four radically different perspectives. Each character has their set
beliefs about the events that have transpired. Each time I watch it, I come away
with a different experience, a different take on the story. I have realized that the
idea of truth not only differs from person to person; it also shifts within each of us
over time.
The key to good communication is good listening. It sounds simple and
obvious, but it is also a universal truth. Listening includes reading body language
and understanding the subtext that resides beneath the words that people speak.
Active listening requires me to be more empathetic and willing to compromise. As
a result, I may not get my way all the time, but the disputes I involve myself in
seem to end more calmly. This, not surprisingly, makes me happier.
HD382 Participatory Action Research
I created an online survey that attracted nearly three hundred
participants. I was able to collect verifiable and reliable data, analyze it, and draw

Michael Waite
Pacific Oaks College


Human Development (Social Action)

conclusions on the topic of Sexual Identity in Children. The majority of

respondents were accepting of children who appear to be, or are, non-conforming
in their sexual identity. This acceptance was especially surprising with regard to
children identifying as transgendered. This study proves that the tide has indeed
shifted. I would never have dreamed in my youth that so many open-minded
respondents even existed.
Over the last four decades, gays and lesbians have been more vocal and
less easy to ignore. If we are accepting of ourselves, then others will likely follow
suit. I can only surmise that this is why we are more accepted.
My conclusion is that I and other openly gay people, need to remain
committed to being honest about our identities. Progress will continue, even
among the most conservative among us, of that I am confident. Most importantly,
children who are non-conforming in their sexual identity will no longer consider
themselves to be less than anyone else.
HD320 Contemporary Urban Adolescents
Through readings and research, I was able to become familiar with the
various physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional components involved in
understanding adolescent development. In investigating ways in which teens can
cope with problem behaviors, I began researching Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
DBT lays out useful skills for adolescents to use for stress reduction. Dialectical
thinking, the cornerstone of DBT, acknowledges that there are many truths. It is

Michael Waite
Pacific Oaks College


Human Development (Social Action)

possible for two people to both be right in their thinking and recognizing this fact
can reduce arguments and improve interpersonal relationships. By using
empathy, negotiating skills and an open-mind, a dialog can be created, giving
both parties a chance to have their say and negotiate, instead of one person
exerting absolute dominance in the situation. I find this to be key in establishing
effective communication with adolescents.
HD 381 Human Development and Social Change
I became motivated to search for injustices in my community and seek
ways to implement social change. One such source of inspiration is Porto Alegre,
the capital of the Brazilian state of Rio Grande del Sul, is the best known and
most successful experiment of local management based on participatory
democracy (Aragones, 2008).
It is evident that there is a need to incorporate the issue of gender dysphoria
into the preschool anti-bias curriculum in an effort to stem the tide of
misrepresentations. Some may argue that it is too early in a childs development
to bring up issues dealing with sexual identity, but the American Academy of
Pediatrics has done the research which points in the opposite direction. A child's
awareness of being a boy or a girl starts in the first year of life. It often begins by
eight to ten months of age, when youngsters typically discover their genitals.
Then, between one and two years old, children become conscious of physical
differences between boys and girls; before their third birthday they are easily able
to label themselves as either a boy or a girl as they acquire a strong concept of

Michael Waite
Pacific Oaks College


Human Development (Social Action)

self. By age four, children's gender identity is stable, and they know they will
always be a boy or a girl (American Academy of Pediatrics). Gender dysphoric
children follow this same guideline in order to identify what they feel is their true
I have begun reaching out to the transgendered (online) community as a
jumping off point in search of finding a way to participate in, or create, social
change. I have joined two online forums and have read threads in order to obtain
a broader understanding of the issues.
HD499 Writing for Empowerment
In saying that the theory Ive developed on diversity stresses inclusiveness,
above all else, is not to suggest that citizens of the world should always be joining
hands and singing Kumbaya. I am not so nave as to believe that. And its fine to
disagree and to have strong opinions. In fact having strong opinions is a good
thing. Strong opinions can change the world. It is still possible though to disagree
respectfully. Should I impose my dislikes on to you? Should I cram my religious
beliefs down your throat? The answer is obviously no.
There is a danger in being too politically correct as weve seen in recent
years. The danger, as I see it, is not in being so compassionate as to stifle our free
speech, no the danger is in alienating the people in the majority. I see Christians,
the religion of the majority of Americans, taking offense because they feel
attacked by a vocal minority. At first, it seems ridiculous that the people in power
should complain about being victimized. After all, they seem to be calling all the

Michael Waite
Pacific Oaks College


Human Development (Social Action)

shots. But, when I pause to empathize with them, I notice that they only want
what we all want, respect. We neednt feel obligated to convince the others of our
beliefs. Neither the people in the minority nor those in the majority should dismiss
the other out of hand. Rodney King, someone who at face value wouldnt seem to
be a model spokesperson for civil rights, did say very famously and succinctly,
Cant we all just get along?
HD489 Reflection on Life Experience

In taking this course and reflecting back on the life Ive lived, I see themes
emerging that I never quite put a handle on before. I spent my childhood yearning
to be accepted. I have dedicated a good deal of my adult life working against the
prejudice that I encountered.
This class has put much into perspective by allowing me to look at my life as
an organic whole. These observations have been confusing to me as well. There
have been so many twist and turns in my lifes trajectory that I now see endless
possibilities open to me. I am open to all possibilities and plan to continue on in
my education and remain intent on working toward some greater good.
In examining my life, I found connections between my work as an actor and my
work as a teacher. I understand now that both jobs are about listening and paying
attention to the truth that lies in the subtextual layers of what people are actually
saying. Perhaps, as I continue on I will find a connection that leads me to another

Michael Waite
Pacific Oaks College


Human Development (Social Action)

route. I dont know now what that route will be but I am sure that it will involve
observing, listening, empathizing and helping people to find a voice.

HD 497 Capstone
In reviewing my course work at Pacific Oaks, I am better able to understand
developmental theory, practice, and application. Organizing and building a
website brings an understanding of the whole process into perspective and allows
me to see the experience as a whole entity. The Capstone final project has the
objection of sharing what I have learned with others. Spreading my ideas and
philosophies within my community increases important back and forth
communication. Meaningful dialog is vital to our existence as thinking beings. This
is the essential component I will take away with me from my time at Pacific Oaks.

American Academy of Pediatrics. (2013, May 11). Gender Identity and

Gender Confusion In Children. Retrieved April 14, 2015, from
Aragones, E., Sanchez-Pages, S., A theory of participatory democracy based
on the real case of Porto Alegre. European Economic Review (2008),

Michael Waite
Pacific Oaks College


Human Development (Social Action)

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