Sie sind auf Seite 1von 5

=========================================Making WIMBoot Image (Windows 8.

1 and 1
You can do this tutorial in Windows 8.1 Update 1 and Windows 10 Preview or RTM
Open Command Prompt and Run As Admin
Type the following commands
Md C:\mount\WinRE
md C:\mount\Windows
md C:\MSU
md C:\Images
dism /get-wiminfo /wimfile:"C:\images\install.wim"
Follow this if there is multiple Wim inside
Dism /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:C:\images\install.wim /SourceIndex:x /Destin
(where x is the index number from WIM)
md c:\images\original
move c:\images\install.wim c:\images\original\install.wim
rename c:\images\install1.wim install.wim
Dism /Mount-Image /ImageFile:"C:\Images\install.wim" /Index:1 /MountDir:C:\mount
Dism /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:C:\mount\Windows\Windows\System32\Recovery\w
inre.wim /SourceIndex:1 /DestinationImageFile:C:\Images\winre.wim
Del C:\mount\Windows\Windows\System32\Recovery\winre.wim
Dism /Unmount-Image /MountDir:C:\mount\Windows /Commit
Dism /Export-Image /WIMBoot /SourceImageFile:C:\Images\install.wim /SourceIndex:
1 /DestinationImageFile:C:\Images\install_wimboot.wim
Then Make a bootable USB Windows installation (Windows 8.1 up) and copy the inst
all_wimboot.wim, rename it to install.wim and winre.wim
Make a auto CMD script that makes installation easy
Open Notepad and paste this script:
goto __start
Sample Script: CalculateAndCreateWIMBootPartition.cmd
Use this script to calculate the size needed for the WIMBoot
Images partition after applying your final factory settings.
REM The script starts here
@echo off
echo %date%-%time%:: Start of script %0 ,,,
if "%1" equ "" (
echo This script calculates the size needed for the Images partition and sets i
t up.
echo Usage:
echo CalculateAndCreateWIMBootPartition.cmd ^<letter of Windows volume^> ^<path
to install.wim and custom.wim^> ^<path to winre.wim^> ^<additional free space t
o be added to Images partition in megabytes. If no additional space is needed, u
se 0.^>
echo Example:
echo CalculateAndCreateWIMBootPartition C: C:\Recycler\WIMs\ C:\Recycler\WIMs 3

exit /b 0


--- Constants used to calculate free space --Overhead Ratio: assume 6 MB overhead per 1000 MB size
Per-Partition Overhead: 5 MB per partition


Megabytes-to-Millions Ratio:
This ratio converts values from megabytes to millions of bytes, approximatel
/a mega_million_ratio=205/215
--------- Constants -------------

REM Drive letter of the Windows partition. Example: C:

set user_volume=%1
REM Path that contains install.wim and custom.wim. Example: C:\Recycler\WIMs\
set wimfile_path=%2
REM Path that contains winre.wim. Example: C:\Recycler\WIMs
set winre_wim_path=%3
REM Additional size to be added to Images partition in megabytes. Example: 300
set more_size=%4
echo Check input Windows volume {%user_volume%} is accessible:
echo dir %user_volume%\ /a
dir %user_volume%\ /a
if not exist %user_volume%\ (
echo %user_volume%\ not found. Exiting script.
exit /b 3
echo Check if the install.wim and custom.wim files {%wimfile_path%} are accessib
echo dir %wimfile_path%\ /a
dir %wimfile_path%\ /a
if not exist %wimfile_path%\install.wim (
rename install_wimboot.wim install.wim
if not exist %wimfile_path%\install.wim (
echo %wimfile_path%\install.wim not found. Exiting script.
exit /b 3
echo Check if the winre.wim file {%winre_wim_path%} is accessible:
echo dir %winre_wim_path%\ /a
dir %winre_wim_path%\ /a
if not exist %winre_wim_path%\winre.wim (
echo %winre_wim_path%\winre.wim not found. Exiting script.

exit /b 3
echo --------- Calculate install.wim size ,,,
for %%A in (%wimfile_path%\install.wim) do (
set install_wim_file_bytes=%%~zA
echo install.wim is [%install_wim_file_bytes%] bytes.
set /a install_wim_file_MB=%install_wim_file_bytes:~0,-6%+0
echo After cutting off last 6 digits = [%install_wim_file_MB%]
set /a install_wim_file_MB=%install_wim_file_MB%*205/215
echo Final approximate size: [%install_wim_file_MB%] MB
set /a custom_wim_file_MB=%custom_wim_file_bytes:~0,-6%
echo After cutting off last 6 digits = [%custom_wim_file_MB%]
set /a custom_wim_file_MB=%custom_wim_file_MB%*205/215
echo Final approximate size: [%custom_wim_file_MB%] MB
echo --------- Calculate {%winre_wim_path%\winre.wim} size ,,,
for %%A in (%winre_wim_path%\winre.wim) do (
set winre_wim_file_bytes=%%~zA
echo winre.wim is [%winre_wim_file_bytes%] bytes.
set /a winre_wim_file_MB=%winre_wim_file_bytes:~0,-6%
echo After cutting off last 6 digits = [%winre_wim_file_MB%]
set /a winre_wim_file_MB=%winre_wim_file_MB%*205/215
echo Final approximate size: [%winre_wim_file_MB%] MB
echo Calculate Images partition size ,,,
echo Adding 50MB free space to input size {%more_size%}. This ensures Images par
tition have 50MB free space.
set /a more_size=%more_size%+50
set /a wim_partition_size_MB=%install_wim_file_MB%+%custom_wim_file_MB%
echo Size sum of install.wim and custom.wim = {%wim_partition_size_MB%} MB
set /a wim_partition_size_MB=%wim_partition_size_MB%+%winre_wim_file_MB%
echo Total size of the 3 .WIM files = {%wim_partition_size_MB%} MB
set /a wim_partition_size_MB=%wim_partition_size_MB%+%more_size%
echo Size after adding specified space and 50MB = {%wim_partition_size_MB%} MB
set /a wim_partition_size_MB=%wim_partition_size_MB%+%NTFS_OVERHEAD_BASE%
set /a wim_partition_size_MB=%wim_partition_size_MB%*500/497
echo Final Images partition size = {%wim_partition_size_MB%} MB
echo **************************************************************
echo **************************************************************
echo **************************************************************
echo **************************************************************
echo **************************************************************
echo Pres ENTER key to create partition layout
echo **************************************************************
echo **************************************************************
echo **************************************************************
echo **************************************************************
echo **************************************************************
echo select disk 0 >> dp0dps.txt
echo clean >> dp0dps.txt
echo convert gpt >> dp0dps.txt
rem == 1. System partition (ESP) =================== >> dp0dps.txt

echo create partition efi size=100 >> dp0dps.txt

echo format quick fs=fat32 label="System" >> dp0dps.txt
rem == 2. Microsoft Reserved (MSR) partition ======= >> dp0dps.txt
echo create partition msr size=128 >> dp0dps.txt
rem == 3. Windows partition ======================== >> dp0dps.txt
echo create partition primary >> dp0dps.txt
echo shrink desired=%wim_partition_size_MB% >> dp0dps.txt
echo format quick fs=ntfs label="Windows" >> dp0dps.txt
echo assign letter=c >> dp0dps.txt
rem === 4. Images partition ======================== >> dp0dps.txt
echo create partition primary >> dp0dps.txt
echo format quick fs=ntfs label="Images" >> dp0dps.txt
echo assign letter=m >> dp0dps.txt
echo set id="de94bba4-06d1-4d40-a16a-bfd50179d6ac" >> dp0dps.txt
echo gpt attributes=0x8000000000000001 >> dp0dps.txt
echo list volume >> dp0dps.txt
echo exit >> dp0dps.txt
diskpart /s dp0dps.txt
del dp0dps.txt
echo **************************************************************
echo **************************************************************
echo **************************************************************
echo **************************************************************
echo **************************************************************
echo Pres ENTER key to copy wim's files
echo **************************************************************
echo **************************************************************
echo **************************************************************
echo **************************************************************
echo **************************************************************
echo **************************************************************
echo **************************************************************
echo **************************************************************
echo **************************************************************
echo **************************************************************
echo Copying files...............
echo **************************************************************
echo **************************************************************
echo **************************************************************
echo **************************************************************
echo **************************************************************
md "M:\Windows Images\"
copy install.wim "M:\Windows Images\install.wim"
md C:\Recycler\Scratch
DISM /Apply-Image /ImageFile:"M:\Windows Images\install.wim" /ApplyDir:C: /Index
:1 /WIMBoot /ScratchDir:C:\Recycler\Scratch
C:\Windows\System32\bcdboot C:\Windows
md M:\Recovery\WindowsRE
echo f | xcopy winre.wim M:\Recovery\WindowsRE\winre.wim /h
C:\Windows\System32\Reagentc /SetREImage /Path M:\Recovery\WindowsRE /Target C:\
echo **************************************************************
echo **************************************************************
echo **************************************************************
echo **************************************************************
echo **************************************************************
echo Pres ENTER key to restart
echo **************************************************************
echo **************************************************************

echo **************************************************************
echo **************************************************************
echo **************************************************************
Then save as. And name it as CalculateAndCreateWIMBootPartition.cmd
Also paste it in USB Drive
Plug the USB in device (tablet/laptop/PC) and boot it.
Once booted, press Shift-F10 to appeare the command prompt and type CalculateAnd
CreateWIMBootPartition C: D: D: 0
Then you can now enjoy your OS...:) Install drivers for it.
To add some space enter it in CMD in admin
Dism /Cleanup-Image /Online /StartComponentCleanup
If you want to backup your current installation, boot again in USB and bring CMD
by pressing Shift-F10 and type
DISM /Capture-Image /WIMBoot /ImageFile:"E:\others\install_wimboot.wim" /Capture
Dir:C: /Name:"WIMBoot Windows 8.1 with Update 1" /ScratchDir:C:\Recycler\Scratch

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