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Gaston Middle School 2015-2016

Life Science 7th Grade

Miss Van Well & Ms. Garcia & Mr. Gomes
Dear Parents and Students,
Welcome! I am providing the following information so that you will understand what I expect
from you and also what you can expect from me. It is my sincere hope and expectation that we
will have a successful year together.
This year we will explore LIFE on EARTH!!! I know it sounds like a lot for one year fortunately
there are a few core models that will guide our investigations.
Uni Title
Lab Safety & Scientific Inquiry
Energy of Life
Plant Reproduction
Geologic Time
Body Systems
Animal Reproduction/ Sexual Health/ HIV
Real learning requires thinking about what we see, figuring out what it means, and applying it.
NO ONE CAN DO THIS FOR YOU, but we will work together to make it easier. The secret to
doing well in this class is to participate. Below is a general outline of the process we will use to
explore Science.

Ask questions regarding what we see

Observe and gather information about what we
Draw conclusions and explanations (figure out
what it means)
Describe to others what we learned
Apply what we learned to different situations

Lab Book and textbook

The textbook for this course is Life Science (Holt). However, the content of this course is
developed around investigations that lead us to explore and develop models of how the world
works. As a result, the text will primarily serve as a reference. Since this course does not strictly
follow the textbook, the Lab Book is vital to helping students organize the information developed
throughout the year. All assignments and labs are kept by unit in the Lab Book.
You are required to have the following: Pencils & Highlighters
Lab Book (Will be provided by the school. Replacements must be purchased by students.)
It is recommended that you have the following materials:
Calculator (basic)
Glues Sticks
White Board Marker
Color Pencils
Pencil Sharpener
Large Eraser

The class grade will be based on the percent of total points earned. Points will generally
be assigned as follows: Tests are 50-100 pts.; labs/projects are 20-50 pts.; class
work/homework assignments are 5-10 pts.; Lab Book unit grades are 20-30pts.
Grades are based on what a student understands, after completion of quality work.
Assignments given throughout a unit are vital to helping students build an understanding
of the concepts. Students will be required to complete ALL work (students will not have
any missing work). At the end of a unit students are given 3-4 opportunities to
demonstrate their understanding. These may include individual tests, group tests, and
performance tests.
Assignments, class activities, labs and ATTENDANCE!
Everything we do in class is designed to lead students to understand the content. There is
a strong correlation between active involvement in the class work and understanding the
concepts. Labs and class assignments are central to this course and they are difficult to
Make up work and late work
It is the students responsibility to check for missed assignments the day you return to
class from an absence. Generally, one day is given for each day absent to turn in missed
work. Labs are required to be made-up within a two week period. If a student is
missing three or more assignments, they will have a parent contact and conference with
their teacher to create an action plan to make-up the work.

You are responsible for what we are learning even if you are absent!!!

Classroom expectations: Please see the Gaston school guidelines for detailed school
rules and consequences.
1. Be a good student: here, on time, prepared, participate
2. Be a good human being: respectful, responsible, reliable
3. Be safe: food-free class, follow all safety contracts and instructions
Other stuf
You must be sitting in your assigned seat with backpacks hanging on the seat and
completing the first assignment of the day WHEN THE BELL RINGS. You will be counted
tardy if you are talking, out of your seat, backpack on, not working, or missing your
Please use the bathroom during passing period. I will give one bathroom pass per
semester that can be used for extra credit if not used. Bathroom pass exceptions for
emergencies or medical issues will be addressed on a case by case basis or with a note
from the doctor to the school nurse.
Hands on labs are privileges provided by the teacher for all students to further
understanding science concepts being taught in the classroom. Students will be expected
to accurately use the tools of science (balances, chemicals, specimen, computers, etc) and
to demonstrate good behavior and care while using these tools or these privileges will be

Parent involvement
The involvement of a parent/guardian is CRITICAL to a students success! I encourage
open communication between myself and parents regarding any questions or concerns

that may arise. Please complete the attached form and return it to me (it is students first
grade and due by Wed.!). You may feel free to email me any time.

Anastasia Van Well (106)

Gomes (206)

Barbara Garcia (107)



Student Name _____________________________________________

I have read the 7th Grade Science syllabus.

I understand the expectations and agree to support my student in their
academic success.

Parent/Guardian Name

Best phone number to reach me at _______________________________

Best time to call ____________________________________________________

Parent e-mail _______________________________________________________

Do you have a computer with internet at home? Yes


Something I would like you to know about my student




Parent/Guardian Signature _____________________________________________

(Fill in this section for Second Parent or Parent/Guardian who lives at a
diferent home)

Parent/Guardian Name

Best phone number to reach me at _______________________________

Best time to call ____________________________________________________

Parent e-mail (optional) ___________________________________________

Do you have a computer with internet at home? Yes

Something I would like you to know about my student




Parent/Guardian Signature _____________________________________________

Student Page

Your name __________________________________ Period __________________________

What would you like to learn this year?

What do you like about school?
What do you dislike about school?
Do you feel good about your past work and behavior in school? Explain

School stuff:

What do you consider your best school subject?
What most excites you about going to Gaston?
What is the most annoying thing that teachers do?

What do you need me to know in order for this to be the best year of school yet?

Home stuff:
How many brothers? __________ How many sisters? ___________
Do you have any pets? ________ Describe

List all the cities that you have lived in.
List all the languages spoken in your home.

You stuff:
List your favorites:


Sport to play or watch:

Sports team:

TV show:



What do you like to do in your spare time?
would you like to pursue?

What career

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