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Making Connections

Readers make connections between


what they know and what they read.

We make connections with:
our life e xperience
othe r books and sto ries
universal c oncepts,
such as, love, anger.....

This book belongs to

Our prior knowledge can change


and develop:
We read more and say to ourselves ... I know this
now ... read more ... I know this now .....


cre ate
read. This


Predicting & Re-predicting

visual images of what they

involves all our senses.

Readers anticipate and predict ahead

of time ideas and events before
they appear in text.

What we: see

Forming and testing hypothesis.




To do this we:

touch or feel
Also our:
feelings and emotions.

Draw on our prior knowledge

Find evidence in text illustration, a word,

a sentence, a phrase, title, cover, headings and

To: connect to charac ters, make text alive

and vibrant.

sub-headings, glossary, index, contents page...

As we read more we may change our predictions

based on more information.







techniques to paint a pictu re.

Ask y our self: Wh at d o I see? (Wha t w ord /s t ell me

tha t?)
(Ask yourself th e sam e quest ion for a ny of t he senses).

Asking Questions

Analysing & Synthesising

Readers build meaning by using what they

already know and the implied knowledge that
the author has not stated explicitly.

This is done: before, during and after reading as

they interact with text.

Usually go together and readers make text their

Analysing = examine, question, probe ideas from your
own viewpoint.
Synthesising = combining new ideas to form your
own conclusions.
Readers do this by:
Identifying ideas and

These might be questions about:


To clarify unknown vocabulary

About a feature of text type,

such as

Does that look right?

Linking ideas to prior

knowledge & experiences

Words used does it make


Comparing ideas and

creating new knowledge


Forming summaries and

Critically look at the

text re: authors style, perspectives & language

- Information presented in a diagram


- Information within the text

Identifying cause and effect relationships

Comparing and contrasting

Identifying points of view and bias

Im wondering ....



Readers determine what informatio n is

important and can give a br ief retell of
what they have read.
Readers do this by:

Determining key words, facts, idea, opinions and

decide which bits to retell and which to discard.

Sequencing or ordering the ideas or events.

Justifying importance of ideas finding evidence

in text.

Condensing the ideas to capture the essence of

Readers build meaning by using what they

alr eady kno w and the implied kno wledge
that the author has not stated explicitly.
Like a detective readers use the c lues they find
in text (the words, sentences, phrases) which is
the evidence and these clues help them to read
between the lines.

the text.
The evidence confirms their

the Main Idea

Identifying the Authors

Purpose or Point of View

The reader determines the main idea

in the text.
This can be the big ide a, the theme, key

Readers think about what the author is

saying and why.

Readers need to:

Distinguish between the topic and the main
idea eg. the story may be about a bike race but the

By thinking about:

main idea may be about persistence.

Is this relevant?

Interpret the authors purpose this may

be obvious or it may be hidden you will
have to infer.
Make links with prior

Where does the author

stand on this?

What words tell us that?


Make predictions re:

Search for evidence


What are the authors

personal experiences and perspectives on this

main idea

Is this true or opinion?


Why are they saying this?

Scan go over quickly (surf on the top)

Skim go into more detail
(dive in and look more closely).

Readers can then evaluate text make

judgements on their understanding of the text,
their knowledge and their values.

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