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Roll Call: 4:00

Delta Upsilon: 0
Kappa Alpha Order: 4
Lambda Chi Alpha: 6
Phi Delta Theta: 3
Pi Kappa Alpha: 6
Sigma Chi: 4
Kappa Sigma: 4
Sigma Beta Rho: 0
Sigma Nu: 0
Old Minutes: Available on the UTC IFC Website.

Guest Speakers: None

Advisor Report: Aubrey- Introduction as new Dean of Students.

Officer Reports:
-VP of Records (Tyler Pelot): No report
-VP of Finance (Kyle Hixson): No report
-VP of Recruitment (Daniel Henson): This summer we didnt have as many guys sign
up as we originally planned. All of them signed up these past two weeks. Rush is
next week, August 21 -29, and the last Recruitment 101 is tonight at 7 in the
Raccoon Mountain Room. You can show a video tonight if you have one for a visual
aid. Preferably on a flash drive or send to email. Rush marshals (3) should be at
Recruitment 101 tonight so we can meet with them and go over the schedule. Rush

shirts will be handed out on the August 21 st in the Roland Hayes Auditorium. They
will wear them to the baseball game so we can identify them as Potential New
Members. The schedule is posted around campus and on the website. We
are going to include every chapters house events so guys can go on the website
and see what the events are for the week. We will be stopping by houses to check
through Rush Week around 7-8 every night. Keep telling guys to come out so we can
get more numbers.
-VP of Judicial Affairs (Austin Wilson): In the process of adding a by-law for
punishments with chapters that have a numerous semesters below the GPA
-President (Caleb Davis): We will have extra rush shirts and they are only $10.

Chair Reports:
-Community Service Chair- We want to do something that will impact our school
community. We will do a community service where fraternities will compete. This
includes a high heel relay race, collecting different items, and participating in
womens events. The partnership is related to any victim of abuse and is located
near campus. Relevant hope is giving homeless meals and will be delivered to
homeless camps in Chattanooga. Jimmy Turner is the opportunity leader so you
should get in contact with him. Submit your community service to FSLA org sync
-Homecoming: Theme is Scrappys Top 100 and will be held on Halloween.

-Intramurals: Ping Pong will have sign ups on September 3. This is the last day you
can sign up and it is $25 to register per team. You can go through the intramural
department to sign up.
Old Business: None
New Business: New member dues will be due next meeting (September 2) which
is $12 per new member. The list will be sent out to all chapter presidents. Right now
there are only 4 guys who have signed up that do not meet the GPA requirements.
December 2 will be new IFC elections and the 18 will be voting. This includes slate
voting and how we will conduct that when the time comes. We didnt have lists last
spring due to miscommunication and the date to send in lsist is noon next Friday.
there will be a large fee if it is late.
Chapter Reports:
-Delta Upsilon: None
-Kappa Alpha Order: We are excited for rush and raised $7500 through Tilt. Thanks
to those that donated.
-Lambda Chi Alpha: Philanthropy week is September 13-20, and their ELC will visit
two weekends after that. Revising by-laws because they expire in the next two
-Phi Delta Theta: Transitional period for executive committees
-Pi Kappa Alpha: None
-Sigma Chi: This summer they got The Peterson Award and they havent received in
33 years. Ramping up for rush and getting a community service project/workshops
worked up.
-Kappa Sigma: House renovations went well this summer and they sent a group to

-Sigma Beta Rho: None

-Sigma Nu: None

Meeting adjourned at 4:20 PM

Next Meeting: September 2, 2015

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