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Allen Deepak-Meditationen Gratefiulness:

Deepak CHOPRA-Meditations:
Day 11

Day 11 - Nature's Generosity Is Waiting

Question 1 of 4
List three things that you would like to have in more abundance. Instead of money or possessions,
focus on things that cultivate inner abundance, such as kindness, intimacy, love, affection,
appreciation, self-worth, joy, and satisfaction.
Vertrauen & Zuversicht innere Ruhe & Zentriertheit Offenheit des Herzens
Question 2 of 4
Moving down the list, write down one activity for each attribute that will help cultivate that
particular kind of inner abundance. For example, you could offer a kind word or compliment to
someone you know who needs it, or leave a simple note of appreciation for a loved one.
Vertrauen & Zuversicht: Immer wieder ja sagen!
innere Ruhe & Zentriertheit: immer wieder mal anhalten, Augen schlieen, ausatmen
Offenheit des Herzens: andere Menchen wertschtzen & ihnen das mitteilen
Question 3 of 4
Write down the names of people that most contribute to your inner abundance. Reflect on how to
connect with them more often.
Susanne - sie immer wieder einfach umarmen
Elias - ihm Zeit widmen
Hans Heisz - ihn anrufen & ihn treffen
Reha - bei ihr sessions nehmen
Richi - anrufen und hinfahren
Jenny - treffen
Marianne - anrufen - treffen
Osho-Center Wien!
Silvia Bruckner - Musik machen zam mit Hans Heisz
Johnny & Filip!!!

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