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English I Syllabus
Contact Information:
Mrs. Kelsey Stottsberry
Email Address:
Room Number: 106
Planning Period: Mon-Fri 9:10-10:50
Phone Number: (573) 793-2228 ex. 1322
Classroom Website:

No food, drinks, or gum allowed in the classroom, except for water bottles with a lid.

Course Description: (1 unit) grade 9

Prerequisite: None (must be successfully completed prior to advancement to English II)
In this course, students will develop and refine vocabulary, spelling, grammar, and composition skills to ready
them for advancement into English II. Students will also read and evaluate works and elements of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama. The course will address three main types of literature: short story, Shakespearean
Drama, and poetry. In addition, the students will complete an in-depth study of a novel selected by the instructor,
and include a 2-3 page research paper that will tie in with the novel.

Course Objectives:
Throughout this course, students will:

explore and analyze multiple written works by different authors.

identify theme, main ideas, and other literary elements in selected written works.
construct formal and informal written pieces following current MLA guidelines and practicing correct
grammar and spelling usage.
analyze, critique, and identify different types of literature (novels, poems, short stories, plays, etc.)

Grading Scale:
Grades are not weighted in class with the exception of the Quarter Finals and EOC (End of Course) Exams. Each
point is equal to every other point assigned in class.

Late Work:
Late work is unacceptable and will not receive full credit except in extenuating circumstances. When an
assignment is turned in after the class period that the assignment is due, it is considered late and will receive only
50% credit. If the assignment is more than 2 weeks late, it will not receive credit

Quarter Final:

The quarter final is given only once a quarter. It is worth 10% of the points earned each quarter. It is a
comprehensive final that may have any questions regarding any lesson, skill, or concept covered throughout any
previous lessons. Study guides or reviews may be given in class previously to the quarter final.

Daily Points:
Daily points will be earned by students each day for being on time for class, being prepared for class, participating
actively in class activities, and following school and classroom rules and expectations. Points may be taken away
for absenteeism, tardiness, failing to come to class prepared, and failing to follow school and classroom rules and
expectations. This policy is in place to help prepare students for the real world where workers must be present
and on time, must follow workplace rules and expectations, and must act responsibly while fulfilling the duties
required of the job.

Classroom Expectations:
1. Follow directions the first time given.
2. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself at all times.
3. Use respectful language.
a. No put-downs, teasing, cussing, obscene gestures, harassment, or name-calling.
4. Raise your hand and be recognized.
5. Use materials and equipment properly.

Classroom Encouragement: (These dont go in any particular order)


Verbal recognition.
Punch on punch card.
Positive parent contact.
Extra 30 seconds pass time.
Bring a picture in and share OR bring a dessert in and share.

Classroom Enforcement: (In order, unless a sever offense is committed)

First offense: Verbal reminder.
Second offense: Log in log book.
Third offense: 30 seconds after last person leaves room.
Fourth offense: Parent contact.
Fifth offense: Referral to the office

Students must be in their assigned seat when the bell rings. If a student is not in his or her assigned seat when the bell
rings, he or she will receive a tardy and lose daily points. If the student received three tardies, the tardies will be
reported to the office, and the student will be punished as per the student handbook.

Restroom Breaks:
Each student will be given two restroom passes per quarter. If a student needs to use the restroom after using his or
her two passes, he or she will forfeit his or her daily participation points for each additional restroom break.

Honesty and Integrity Policy:

Each student is expected to complete his or her own work. Any plagiarism, copying, or failure to cite sources
correctly will result in a zero on the assignment and an office referral. There are no exceptions.

Special Needs Policy:

Students have different needs and ability levels. If a student has a special need or disability, please come and
speak with me. I will make the necessary accommodations as needed.

Written Work Policy:

In order for students to be successful writers, they must practice correct grammar and spelling no matter the
assignment. Any text abbreviations (LOL, BRB, etc), emoticons ( :), :P, etc.), or incorrect grammar and spelling
may result in lost points on any assignment, including informal writing.

Electronic Equipment (adopted from the Iberia Student Handbook)

Using, displaying or turning on cell phones and other electronic devices is not allowed during the regular school day unless
authorized by the school principal. Beginning with the 2015-16 school year cell phones and other electronic devices are
authorized for use during passing times, lunch times and other times as authorized by the classroom teacher. Students
displaying or using their device during unauthorized times will have their device confiscated. Iberia R-V Secondary School
will not attempt to recover lost or stolen electronic equipment nor can we be responsible for damage to personal electronic

First Offense- Parent must come to school to pick up electronic equipment at the end of the instructional day.
Second Offense- Friday Night Detention 3:20-5:20 and parent must come to school to pick up electronic equipment
at the end of the instructional day.
Third Offense and all other subsequent offenses Friday Night Detention 3:20-5:20 and parent must come to
school to pick up electronic equipment after both detentions are served

***Students are required to have the following supplies for this course:

3-ring folder
Flash drive (thumb drive, USB drive, or any portable storage device) on which to save his or her work
Pencils and pens

Please cut on the line, sign, and return this portion to Mrs. Stottsberry. The signed syllabus is due back Tuesday, August
25th, 2015 for points.

I have read and understand the items on the 9th Grade English Language Arts Syllabus for the
2015/2016 school year, and I agree to the classroom rules and expectations.

Student Name (printed):


Student Signature:


Parent Name (printed):


Parent Signature:


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