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Workshop on dasamsa; (from S.Rath followers)

In rasi chart;

1. Lagna indicates fame, it can show profession for famous people., Planets in ruha lagna or 7th house, if strong can
determine profession by indicating success.
2 .Lagnea (lagna lord) shows the individual in all divisional charts including intelligence, nature and ideals.
3. 10th house From Lagna: How you work, From Moon: What work you like and where you like to work
4. 11th house; From Lagna: Direction (physical) of gain (fortune/ hopes realization), From ruha Lagna: Sources (people)
of income, From Varada Lagna: Nature of profession
To know; 1.Reckoning of Dasa 2.
Principles and Philosophy of Dasa 3.Attitude and Abilities 4.Dasa occupied
by lords of ri charts
5 Directional Strength 6 Effect of Exaltation and Debilitation in Dasa 7 Deities of Dasa
To Do; Draw your Ri chart and mark the Varada lagna, ruha lagna, 10th house, 11th house, planets in them.

In Navamsa;

1.Lagna shows natural abilities and skills, trines (5th & 9th) show acquired skills through learning, 10th house shows
fortune (wealth)
2.Natural benefic planets in/aspecting the 10th house give stable fortunes, natural malefic planets cause fluctuation of
wealth, Well placed 10th lord shows good fortune through its sources (based on natural signification and navma tulya
ri position). If ill placed, losses shall accrue through similar sources.
3. Navma sign/dispositor
Of the 10th lord of ri chart shall show the things/works that benefit the native and
increase his fortune/status. The antarda of the navma dispositor will surely show these benefits if well placed, else
these bring fall in fortune and status
Of the 10th lord from Moon of ri chart shall also show changes in
fortune based on its placement and marks major turning points of career.

Reckoning of dasa; 1.The Sun is the significator of all rjayoga and the giver of work (and wealth as ditya)
2.Every sign is divided into 10 dasa of 3o each. For odd signs the dasa are reckoned from the same sign, counted
zodiacally. For even signs the dasa are reckoned from the sign in the 9th house, counted zodiacally.
3.Divide the longitude (degrees) of a planet by 3 and increase the result to the next higher integer to know its dasa.

For example, if Sun is in Cn 21o14, divide 21.2 by 3 = 7.07; increase the result to the next higher integer 8. The Sun is
in the 8th dasa of Cancer. Cancer is an even sign and the dasa are reckoned from the 9th house from it i.e. Pisces.
Count 8 signs from Pisces to get the position of the Sun in Libra dasa.
Do this for all planets, lagna etc and draw a chart based on the dasa mapped positions. This chart is called the
dasa chart or D-10 chart.
To Do: Draw the dasa chart (D10 chart) for your own horoscope. Ensure that you have properly shown the positions of
the lagna, nine planets (Sun to Ketu), Ghik Lagna and Hor Lagna in the chart.

Principles and Philosophy of Dasmsa; 1. Krya bhva (Action/Karma house)

2. Krakas (Naisargika krakas): of 10th house ; Mercury, Sun, Saturn, Jupiter, of 6th house; Saturn (Service), of7th
house; Mercury (Business)
(Cara karakas): Amtyakraka, Drkraka
3. Artha Trikoa: 2, 6 & 10 houses
4. Kendras (Quadrants) = Time= Lagna kendra ( Present) 1, 4, 7, 10 houses; Paapara ( Future) 2, 5, 8, 11 houses;
Apoklimas (Past), 3, 6, 9, 12 houses.
_Moon is kraka of 4th, Venus is kraka of 7th, Mercury is kraka of 10th
_Natural strength of houses: 10th, 7th, 4th, 1st; Results fructify during the vra of the bhva lord; Weak malefics and
strong benefics in kendra promote a bhva.
Natural malefic Ketu is in debility in the 7th house of
business the native has a big business in real estate
(buildings significator Ketu). The 7th lord Mercury (natural
benefic) is debilitated in the 4th house showing losses in
trading and in his chartered accountancy business/work.
TO DO: Mark the exalted and debilitated planets in your
dasa chart and the planets in quadrant houses. How
does this affect your work?


_1. Guru Kraka of 5 & 9 ka tatva

_2. 9th house protects dharma protects a bhva Dharma of eyes (2nd house) is sight (10th house) Dharma of ears
(3rd house) is hearing (11th house) Dharma of nose (4th house) is smell (12th house) Dharma of marriage (7th
house) is sex (3rd house) Dharma of happiness (4th house) is sleep (12th house) Dharma of spiritual path (4th house)
is moka (12th house) Follow the dharma of bhva and it is protected

_3. Trikoa (Trines) Dharma trikoa (nature trinity) 1, 5, 9 houses Artha trikoa (status trinity) 10, 2, 6 houses Kma
trikoa (desire trinity) 7, 11, 3 houses Moka trikoa (spiritual trinity) 4, 8, 12 houses
Natural strength of houses has been mentioned in books like Laghu Parsari etc. The quadrants, in the rising order of 1st,
4th, 7th & 10th are stronger than the Upacaya in the order 3rd, 6th & 11th (10th has been excluded as it is considered
the strongest quadrant). The Upacaya are stronger than the trine fifth & ninth houses (the ascendant is excluded in this
as it is placed among the quadrants). The 2nd & 12th houses have no strength of their own and depend on the other
house lordship of their owner. The eighth house is always evil and is never stronger than the ascendant. Thus on the
basis of lordship the planets can be placed in the following ascending order of natural strength (influence) in the chart: 2nd, 12th, 5th, 9th, 3rd, 6th, 11th, 8th, 1st, 4th, 7th & 10th house lord. It is evident that the tenth lord is the most
influential planet in the chart as the tenth house is the most potent house for any planet to be placed. This fact should be
borne in mind while analyzing Rjayoga and Duryoga i.e. combinations for prosperity and penury.
Kendrdhipati doa or the negative effect of the ownership of quadrants by natural benefic planets implies reduction in
their beneficence. The benefic owner of a quadrant is still a benefic and does not become a malefic. Similarly, a malefic
planet owning a quadrant will not remain a malefic and that does not imply that the malefic becomes a benefic. This loss
of beneficence of a benefic lord of quadrant is called Kendrdhipati doa. This flaw is annulled if the planet is also well
placed in a quadrant or trine. Similarly, a malefic planet owning a quadrant sheds its malfeasance and will give very good
results if placed in an evil house. If instead, the planet is placed in a quadrant or trine, the loss of malfeasance may not
occur fully. For example if Saturn is the lord of the 10th house for Taurus ascendant, its placement in the 12th house in
debility will give excellent results like power, position and a good career. If the malefic is also the lord of a trine in
addition to its ownership of a quadrant, then it becomes a yogakraka producing auspicious results.

Eight carakraka scheme; is meant for jivtm (animate world living beings). Putrakraka, the significator for
progeny is included as living beings can procreate.
_2. The Eight carakraka are AK;the real self or soul and its mission, AmK karma yoga, work,, BK knowledge, Guru,
siblings, MK; nurture and heal, mother, PK procreate, leadership, children, PiK protect, father, GK oppose, destroy,
relatives, enemies,, DK sustain, spouse, wealth.

The planets can be divided into three groups based on the concept of yogi and avayogi. These are
Group 1: Upper Class: Sun, Rhu and Mercury: All three guas prevail (but more rajas). The nexus between politics (Sun),
criminals (Rhu) and business (Mercury) that represent the upper class in any society. These are the enjoyers of the
power and retain the same ruthlessly using all means and money to control. These three are interdependent on the other
and it is necessary to identify the need of each category.
Group 2: Middle Class: Moon, Jupiter and Ketu: satva gua dominates. Socialists or people in general (Moon), teachers
(Jupiter) and spiritualists or mystics (Ketu) that rule the morality of the middle class with promises of a better life after
death form the core of this group.
Group 3: Lower Class: Mars, Venus and Saturn: some rajas and mostly tamo gua Saturn rules all workers who are
motivated by the need for gratification of desire (Venus).
Mars rules the more skilled workers who use tools and mechanisms or contraptions to do most of their work. In simpler
words, these skilled workers need the implements and machines (Saturn) to do their work. Even warriors ruled by Mars
need arms and weapons (Saturn) to fight.
Venus the goddess of lust and sexuality needs hungry men (Mars) to ogle at her. She complains that they have dirty eyes
but chuckles inside when her gyration hypnotizes and captures the weak minds of the energetic young men.
TO DO: 1. Determine the eight Cara Kraka in your chart and mark the position of the tmakraka in the ri chart.
2. Which planets conjoin the amtyakraka (AmK)? How do these planets affect your profession?

Maraa kraka sthna; Maraa means death; kraka means significator and refers to the carakraka as well;
sthna means position or house.
If the AK
Then the following house from the atmakraka will become the
Planet is; marana karaka sthana= it will destroy the karakas (ex; will
destroy DK if DK is there), will destroy houses if their lord or
arudha is there (include dual lordship)
Sun as AK = the 12th from AK will destroy any karakas (of planet, house or
Moon as
= the 8th & 7th from AK will destroy any karakas (of planet, house
or arudha)
Mars as
= the 4th from AK will destroy any karakas (of planet, house or
Merc as
= the 3th from AK will destroy any karakas (of planet, house or
Jup as AK = the 6th from AK will destroy any karakas (of planet, house or
Ven as AK = the 1st from AK will destroy any karakas (of planet, house or
Sat as AK = the 9th from AK will destroy any karakas (of planet, house or
Rahu as
= the 9th from AK will destroy any karakas (of planet, house or

Raths Research
1.Planets, houses and ruha in
the maraa kraka sthna from the
tmakraka are destroyed.
2.If drkraka, Jupiter or 2nd lord
is so placed then wealth is
destroyed and poverty results.
3.If drkraka, Venus or 7th lord
is so placed then relationships
suffer and spouse maybe

TO DO: 1.Is the amtyakraka or drkraka
in a maraa kraka house from the
tmakraka? If so you need to consider
serious remedial measures for improving your
finances. What about its position from lagna?
Ex; In the chart given, the tmakraka is the
Moon and the 8th house from the Moon is its
Maraa kraka sthna. The drkraka and
2nd lord Rhu is placed in the maraa sthna
from it indicating poverty and many financial

H Signifies
1 Ideals, Principles

At work
Wealth, Money
What we own Finance
Enterprise, short leave,
Time to think
Work environment or area Where to work Office
Knowledge, subordinate
What we know Power
Service, staff, jobs
Who to work
Business, partner, self
Who to work
Retirement, loans,
When to stop
Guide, boss, teacher
Who to listen
Status, success, the work Work definition Status
Colleagues, friends,
Expenses, foreign,

What we
What we are

Who will


The fifth house shows the authority and also the subject over
which we have an authority. For example, if Jupiter is in the
fifth house the native maybe an authority in a vedga like
Jyotia or the Sun so placed can make one an authority in
administration or politics. The Moon gives considerable
knowledge of people and culture. The fifth house is the eighth
from the tenth house representing birth (beginning) and
longevity (time of implementation) of an action (10th house).
Thus, the fifth house rules authority and power that one
enjoys due to skills & knowledge as well as ones Prva Punya.
Since the eighth house indicates transformation and the fifth
house, being the eighth from the 10th house shows the
transformation of work or change of work. His house is seen
for joining new jobs, additional authority as well as the
continuation of rjayoga. The timing of joining a new job is
done from the fifth house. In this manner the houses are to be
examined if they contain planets. If the houses do not have
planets, consider the lord of the house. All these are modified
by aspects of planets.

Houses in Dasa
Cont. of Houses in Dasa ; The lagna lord will show what we want and our nature in work and work related
situations/events. For example the lagna lord in the 9th house makes a person very independent behaving like the boss
and incapable of listening to others while in the 5th house it makes him dependant on subordinates to help in his work.
The fifth lord well placed gives good subordinates while an ill placed fifth lord can give troublesome subordinates.
A careful judgment has to be made between the 6th and 7th houses to determine whether the native shall work for
others (6th house- service) or independently (7th house business). Normally (1) larger number of planets, (2)
association of Karaka, Jupiter or lord of sign (3) Lagna lord in case of tie, helps in the decision. Da can alter the result. If
both are equally strong then the native works for sometime before venturing into business.
All natural significations of houses and signs for ri chart are to be applied to the dasa chart as well.
Directional Strength; Dig bala or directional strength
strenght STRENGTH
_ All planets have digbala in the quadrant houses the
1 pthv (form) &
Mercury & Jupiter
four gyatri sunrise, noon, sunset and midnight
ka (intelligence)
4 Jala tatva
Moon & Venus
_ Digbala is based on the principle of creation & tatva
sunrise (pthv/ka), noon (agni), sunset (vyu) and
7 Vyu tatva
midnight (jala)
1 Agni
Mars & Sun
_ Digbala from lagna shows predominance of tatva while
digbala from ruha lagna shows the physical directions
Rhu is like Saturn and Ketu is like Mars

Examine the role of Venus da in the
career of the native.
Which direction did he travel and why
did Venus give such a fine Rjayoga and
dhana yoga?
Does he work in the Government or
private sector company?
Should he travel to the USA or continue
in Singapore?
What results do you expect in Srya
In which da will he retire?

Dasamsa deities

1.All works (or karma) can be divided into ten groups symbolized by the ten directions eight plane directions, vertical up
and vertical down.
2.The dgpla (also dig-pla) is the administrator (devat) of a direction of work and the fruits of karma (success in a
work) is given by the akti of the dgpla (also called dg-vadhu in the iva tandava stotra).
3.Success is obstructed by the eight kla of the klacakra and it is only through effort and time (kla) that the obstruction
is removed.
iva Tandava Stotra; jabhujagapigalasphuratphamaiprabh
kadambakukumadravapraliptadigvadhmukhe | madndhasindhurasphurattvaguttaryamedure
mano vinodamadbhuta bibhartu bhtabhartari || 4||
Directions & klacakra;

1. Red objectives/ karmic directions of the

2. Blue blocks, obstructions of the
kalacakra (wheel of time)
3. Deities of directions should be
worshipped to overcome the blocks

how to judge career

how to judge career;

1. Amtyakraka Relationship with AK Planets with AmK or aspecting it AmK from 10th house


Drkraka Relationship with AK Planets with AmK or aspecting it AmK from 2nd house
Dasa Position of Moon and other planets in artha trikoa 6th house stronger than 7th house

Government Service

1 The Moon ruling the bureaucracy should be in the artha trikoa (2, 6, 10 houses) or strongly associated with these
2. The 6th house should be stronger than the 7th house. 2. Malefic planets in 7th house also indicate service as they ruin
business prospects.
3. Saturn the significator of service should be strong.
4. Ghik lagna should be examined for power and position enjoyed in the service.

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