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ravens Iban a Ngan hang TMCP Ngoai Thuong Viét Nam VietcombankY Hotline : $4-4-38245716 BIEN LAT CHUYEN TIEN (Payment Receipt) Ngay, gid giao dich 31/07/2015 10:22:23 Trans. Date, Time Sé Ignh giao dich 3107150001582001 Order Number Tai khodn trich ng 0081000793339 Sé tién trich ng | 2,003,300 VND Debit Account Debit Amount ‘Tai khoan ghi co 0071000806592 Sé titn ghicé 2,000,000 VND. Credit Account Credit Amount Tén ngwoi LUU THI THU HUONG Beneficiary Name Loai phi Phi ngudi chuyén tra. | S6 tién phi 3,300 VND Charge Code Exclude Charge Amount Net income 3,000 VND VAT 300 VND N@i dung chuyén A.Tu chuyen tién Details of Payment Cam on Quy khach da sir dung dich vy cia Vietcombank! Thank you for banking with Vietcombank! Luu y: Bign lai chuyén tién nay khéng thay cho cde cam két eda NHTMCP Ngoai Thuong Viét Nam v cée nghia vu ciia khéch hing duge xe nhan véi bén thir ba This confirmation is not the Vietcombank's commitment regarding the customer's obligation with the third party. Tie ngay 22/12/2011, Vietcombank phéi hop voi Téng cuc thué, Téng Cuc Hai Quan va Kho Bac nha nude trién khai dich vu Nop thué néi dia, Nép thué XNK, Bao lanh thanh toan thué déi voi hang héa XNK théng qua hé théng mang luréi cée diém giao dich cita Vietcombank trén to’n quée hode qua Nei g tre tuyén VCB-iB@nking cia Vietcombank. Moi thong tin chi ti , truy cp website www. hoge lign hé Trung tam Dich vu hips vietcombark com wnlBanking/Accourts/TransferPrint. aspx rr ravens Iban a Khach hang 24/7 1900 54 54 13/ 043 8243 524. From 22nd December 2011, Vietcombank together with General Department of Taxation, General Department of Customs and the State Treasury offer a series of domestic taxes payment servic import and export duties payment service, import and export duties payment guarantees service through the Bank's wide branches network and transaction offices or our VCB-iB@nking channel. For further information, please direct your inquiries to - Our website: www.vietcombank, - Our 24-hour Customers Service: 1900 54 54 13 or 04 3824 3524 hips vietcombark com wnlBanking/Accourts/TransferPrint. aspx

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