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Latin IV/V

Hudson High School

Ms. Filipe
978-567-6250 ext. 0141

Though Latin is considered a dead language, it is alive in our world today in more ways than we
realize! In this class, students will continue to develop their abilities to understand the language.
In addition to learning the Latin language, we will study many aspects of ancient daily life. Along the
way, we will continue to discover how much the ancient world has influenced our world today!
In Latin IV/V, students will:
Be expected to show mastery of the previous outcomes.
Read, understand and discuss important ideas and details in authentic and adapted materials,
such as short stories, poems, and narratives.
Describe story elements of characters, events, and settings.
Give presentations on planned activities.
Identify historical and/or cultural figures from the ancient world.
Identify words in Latin that are used frequently in English.
Compare/contrast cultural traditions.

Respect one another. Respect is essential in order for everyone to work together.
Be prepared. Come to class with all necessary materials, and be ready to work.
Follow teacher directions at all times.
Participate. Do not be afraid to make a mistake or ask questions. Also, never be afraid to ask
the teacher or a classmate for help.
Do not use electronic devices unless given permission to do so. (See Electronic Device Usage

*Please see the HHS Mission Statement goals.

Method of instruction
The method used is a combination of the direct method, sometimes called the nature method, in
which the students learn Latin without the interference of their native language, and the reading
method, in which students learn Latin by reading carefully written stories that gradually build up from
simple sample sentences to complex selections. The focus is upon building reading fluency through
extensive reading.
Independent work and formative assessments are keys.


Behavior Students are expected to be respectful of each other and all staff, both in class and out
of class. Students will adhere to all guidelines and policies set forth in the HHS Student Handbook.
Students will actively participate and contribute in class. Students will work hard and persevere even
when the work is difficult. Students will be proactive in seeking help when they need it.
Group work This class will be a team effort. I encourage you to work in groups, so that you may
discuss topics and better develop new structures. However, you will receive a grade that represents
your individual work.
Materials Bring these to class every day: Three-ring binder (1-1 ) organized with handouts;
writing utensil (blue/black pen or pencil); Latin grammar (provided), English-Latin/Latin-English
dictionary (provided).
Food and Drinks None, except water in a closeable water bottle.
Restroom To leave the room, students must fill out a pass and the sign-out sheet. The pass must
be signed by the classroom teacher, and one student will be allowed to leave the room at a time.
Attendance Students are expected to be present, on-time and to participate in class each day the
class is in session. Unexcused tardiness will result in a warning and then after-school detention.
Subsequent tardiness will result in further disciplinary action (see HHS Student Handbook).
Make-Up Work It is the responsibility of the student to contact me to make up work, tests or
quizzes that were missed due to absence. Handouts from class will be in the appropriate folder in the
classroom. All work must be made up within three days unless prior arrangements have been made.
Extra Help I am available after school on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please let me know that you
are planning to come after school.
Fire Alarm/Lockdown/Emergency Procedures Students will follow instructions in a calm and
orderly manner to ensure their own safety and that of their classmates. In the case of an evacuation,
students will report to teacher once safely outside the building.
Cheating Cheating is a serious academic and disciplinary offence. The schools policy will be strictly
enforced; students guilty of cheating will receive a zero with no opportunity for make-up. The same
policy applies to cheating on a test, quiz, or homework. In addition, school policy states that students
guilty of cheating may be required to serve up to four hours at Saturday School. Parents will always
be notified in cases of cheating. Parents may need to attend a conference with their student and
students teacher(s) in such cases.
Plagiarism Plagiarism occurs on a spectrum, ranging from the accidental failure to cite a source
appropriately to the deliberate copying of anothers ideas or words without giving credit. As a result,
academic and disciplinary consequences for plagiarism are handled on a case-by-case basis. If a
problem arises, parents, students, other teachers and administrators will be involved as needed.
Instances of serious plagiarism will be treated in the same manner as cheating.


While electronic devices can be used as instructional tools, they more often serve as a distraction from
activities in the classroom. In accordance with HHS Electronic Device Usage Policies; Phones, iPods,
MP3 players or other electronic devices may be used during class time only with teacher permission
for a specific academic purpose (i.e. looking up information on the internet). Failure to adhere to this
policy will result in a verbal warning, confiscation of the device, disciplinary action and/or contacting
a parent. Use of an electronic device must be discussed with the teacher prior to taking out the device.

Our year will be divided into two big units:
Unit 1
Topics from the Roman culture and
civilization (house, family, religion, army,

Unit 2
The legacy of Rome in Science and in the

Grades will be broken down into four different categories:

Assignment Type
Essays and projects
At least 1 per term.
Language comprehension tests
At least 1 per term.
Class work and participation*, Other Assessments**
Mid-term/final 1 Interpersonal Performance Assessment 10% + 10%

% Weight

*Class Work and Participation effort, attitude, participation, work done in class that is not graded,
being on-task, etc.
**Other Assessments everything that is graded except for Performance Assessments; i.e., quizzes,
The term weights for averaging course grade will be the following:
Grade Type
Mid-Term Exam
Final Exam

% Weight

Extra Credit and Retakes Extra Credit will not be assigned. Students are expected to put forth
their best effort each day in class and to study before all quizzes and exams. A student may be allowed
to retake an assessment after school if the student demonstrates that he/she has completed all relevant
homework and assignments.


I have read and understand the syllabus and understand what will be expected of me in this
course. I accept these standards and will maintain them.
Students name:



RETURN BY Monday, September 7!

Dear Parents/Guardians,
Please read this document carefully, answer the questions below, sign it and have the student return
it to Ms. Filipe. Thank you.
At home, this student has access to (check all that apply):
Parent/Guardian name (s)
Phone Number:

Email address:



The best way to reach me is phone/email (circle one).

I declare having read and understood all the information stated in the Latin IV/V syllabus.
Parent/Guardians signature:




Comments or information that you may want to share with me about your child:

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