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Anna Johnson- 211327073

Inquiry Unit - We come from many places

Year: 4
Term: 3
Duration: 11 weeks, 2 hours per week
Topic: We come from many places
School Name: Kernahan Primary School
In this class of 30 students, 22 have parents who have immigrated from another country, 2
students identifying as aboriginal and 4 students who are refugees, fleeing from Somalia. Most
of this class is considered to be "working at standard", with 3 children below level in Literacy.
The teacher of this class likes to organise opportunities for students to work independently, as
well as in small groups. Where possible, she tries to mix up the groups as much as possible

Having a classroom that is filled with students from a variety of cultural

backgrounds, each with their own history and experiences, I thought it only just
that a unit be developed around the topic of immigration and cultural diversity.
In order to prepare students with the knowledge and skills they will need to
interact in an increasingly multicultural society, it is vital they are given the
opportunity to explore the concepts of immigration, globalisation, the history of
our land and the impacts of living in a culturally diverse country. These ideas
are important to teach as not only will they affect the students at some point in
their lives, but they are happening right now and are only going to become
more prominent.
By working with these students for the past two terms, I have found that due to
the large difference in cultural backgrounds, it has been difficult for some
students to connect with other students. When planning this unit I hoped that
the nature of the content and activities would allow students to get to know
each other to a greater degree, as they find similarities (and differences) with
others that are meaningful. As Neuburger (2008) highlights, through sharing
experiences and valuing differences, pupils can become participants in
constructing a much richer and more genuinely educational experience (p.
28). Coming from families of different cultures, some of these students may
feel their differences prevent them to participating fully in the school
environment. This unit aims to bring these differences to the forefront and
encourage students to be proud of their heritage. Being able to bring their
home life into school gives pupils a sense that their lives outside school are
relevant and valued, and gives school a relevance to their life outside
(Neuburger 2008, p. 27).
This unit aims to help students make sense of the experiences of everyday life
Kernahan Primary
Inquiry- We come from many places

EEO310, Tri 2, 2014

Anna Johnson- 211327073

by relating them to a broader context of ideas, issues and experiences (Gilbert
2011, p. 12). The unit evolves sequentially with a pre-assessment task
establishing students prior knowledge. Students will participate in an excursion
to the Immigration Museum, with pre-activities designed to give them the
knowledge needed to ensure the excursion is effective. The Immigration
Project, which is developed throughout the unit, allows students to investigate
their family history and share their personal experiences with their peers. A
series of activities on Indigenous Australians are wound in to the unit in order
to offer students an insight into the culture of the first people of our land. Tasks
link to the AusVELS curriculum, with a focus on Civics and Citizenship, The
Humanities and The Humanities- History. As much as the unit aims to develop
students understandings of immigration and cultural diversity, it also aims to
build the relationship between students by appreciating their differing
backgrounds and experiences.
Throughout the unit students will complete activities in different groupings,
some independently, others in pairs or small groups. This will encourage them
to work with a range of people with different heritages and who bring diverse
experiences to the task. The unit encourages an inquiry-based approach with
the teacher guiding students through the big ideas of the topic and allowing
them to use their critical thinking skills to develop understandings. The power
of an inquiry-based approach to teaching and learning is its potential to
increase intellectual engagement and foster deep understanding through the
development of a hands-on, minds-on and research-based disposition towards
teaching and learning (Stephenson, 2014). Inquiry learning provides more
freedom to the learner, allowing them to formulate their own path through
tasks. As Alexander & Flutter (2010) state, activities that give children
opportunities to take the lead in their learning enable them to develop a sense
of responsibility and self-confidence (p.283). It is hoped that students enjoy
this informative unit and find the variety of tasks not only engaging but also
valuable in developing them as future citizens of our world.


Who were the First people of our land and what is their history?
Our families have come from different places
We have different backgrounds, interests and experiences
We know stories about people who have immigrated to Australia
What is the impact of immigration on Australian land and culture?
People bring knowledge and skills that help our country grow

Kernahan Primary
Inquiry- We come from many places

EEO310, Tri 2, 2014

Anna Johnson- 211327073

Key Concepts:

Consequences cause and effect


Ordering events
Using historical terms
Sequence historical people and events
Critically identifying accuracy of sources
Identifying and analysing events in time
building to draw inferences from paradigms
about futures.

AusVELS- Linked standards/Domains/Dimensions/Learning Focus:

Kernahan Primary
Inquiry- We come from many places

EEO310, Tri 2, 2014

and Social

Civics &


Civic knowledge


Anna Johnson- 211327073

Level 4: they build on their understanding of

Australian society and investigate some of the
different cultural groups, including Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) communities
that make up the Australian community.
Level 4: They learn about the contributions
that people from diverse groups have made to
many aspects of the Australian way of life.



knowledge &



knowledge &



Historical Skills



knowledge &

and social


knowledge &
Building social

Level 4: They explore the ways that

Australians are connected to other regional
and global communities.
Level 4: Students develop awareness and
understanding of the effects of people's
interactions with their environment and the
ways in which these affect their lives.
Level 4: The Level 4 curriculum introduces
world history and the movement of peoples.
Students examine the impact of exploration
on other societies, how these societies
interacted with newcomers, and how these
experiences contributed to their cultural
Level 4: Sequence historical people and
events (ACHHS081)

code (avc) 1

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Avc 4

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Avc 6

Use historical terms (ACHHS082)

Avc 7
Pose a range of questions about the
Avc 8
past (ACHHS083)
Identify sources (ACHHS216)
Avc 9
Locate relevant information from
Avc 10
sources provided (ACHHS084)
Identify different points of view
Avc 11
Level 3: The role that people of diverse
backgrounds have played in the development
Avc 12
and character of the local community
Level 3: Days and weeks celebrated or
commemorated in Australia (including
Avc 13
Australia Day, ANZAC Day, Harmony Week,
National Reconciliation Week, NAIDOC
week and National Sorry Day) (ACHHK063)
Level 3: Celebrations and commemorations in
other places around the world; for example,
Bastille Day in France, Independence Day in
Avc 14
the USA, including those that are observed in
Australia such as Chinese New Level,
Christmas Day, Diwali, Easter, Hanukkah, the
Moon Festival and Ramadan (ACHHK064)
Level 3: ONE important example of change
and ONE important example of continuity
over time in the local community, region or
state/territory; for example, in relation to the
Avc 15
areas of transport, work, education, natural
and built environments, entertainment, daily
Kernahan Primary
Inquiry- We come from many places
life (ACHHK061)
Level 5: They learn about and interpret their
Avc 16
location relative to other places
EEO310, Tri 2, 2014

Level 4: They develop their skills and

strategies for getting to know and understand
others within increasingly complex situations.

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Anna Johnson- 211327073

Stage of
in this
Tuning In
Activities to
students in
the topic

Planned Learning Experiences

We are one
Read We Are One (Black, 2010). The book highlights the concept that
even though we are all different (we look different, live in different
places, have different interests, feelings) we are all the same.

Our class as one, Jigsaw: After reading the book each student will
receive a blank piece of a jigsaw. They are to write their name in the
middle and then decorate it with words and drawings of what makes
them who they are. They may include their hobbies, representations of
where they have come from, their family etc. Once each student has
completed their individual piece, they are to fit their piece with other
students in order to create a complete jigsaw. The teacher will stick
them all together and place on display in the room. The idea of this
activity is to show students that despite us all having different
backgrounds, interests and experiences we all fit together as one.


Links to
Avc 12

-We are one book by Jennifer Black (2010)

-Blank jigsaw pieces x30

Find Someone Who

Find Someone Who is an engaging, interactive game where
students move around the classroom with a copy of the game card (see
appendix 1) and try and find someone who has done each of the points
on the game card. When a student finds someone who has, they write
their name in that box and then cannot use that point again. The aim is
to find someone different to fill every box.

-Find Someone Who game cards (see appendix


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This activity encourages students to interact with all their peers and to

Kernahan Primary
Inquiry- We come from many places
EEO310, Tri 2, 2014

Anna Johnson- 211327073

approach people they may not often talk to. Additionally they are able
to learn basic facts about each others global experiences.
Once complete, as a whole group you can read out the points and ask
students who is able to identify with each point, allowing them to see
any additional people who they may not have approached who have
had these experiences.
Where do we come from?
Firstly as a whole group, we will discuss where in the world our
parents were born. Using a large map of the world, which will be
displayed in the classroom, students will receive 2 small laminated
photos of themselves (provided by teacher). They are to take turns in
putting their face on the country where their parents were born.

-Large world map

-2 small laminated photos of each student
-Blue Tack

Avc 16

If a childs parents were born in different countries, they are to stick a

second photo of themselves onto the second country. Once all students
have placed their photo/s on, we will look at the map and discuss any
trends. Which countries were the most peoples parents born in?
Which continent?
** If students are unable to locate their country on the map they are to
use an atlas to help them.
Wonder Wall
On a large poster (2x A3 pages) write the word immigration in the
middle. Provide each student with a sticky note. Thinking about the
topic of immigration they are to write one question they would like
answered during the unit. The sticky notes are to be placed around
immigration on the poster. Follow up questions at the end of the unit.
Stories of immigration
Using a laptop each, students are to log onto the website (to right) and
read through some of the personal stories written by immigrants. They
should be encouraged to focus on the countries they are migrating

-Large poster
-Sticky notes


Avc 2
Kernahan Primary
Inquiry- We come from many places
EEO310, Tri 2, 2014

Anna Johnson- 211327073

from and reasons for migration. Students are to select one story and
write a summary of it in their inquiry books.
This activity is aimed to introduce students to the topic of immigration
through real world cases of children. Emphasis should be on
engagement and becoming familiar with the nature of the topic, rather
than specific details of the stories.
My object
Before the commencement of this unit, a letter should be sent home to
parents explaining our inquiry topic and asking for their assistance in
answering their childs investigative questions. Additionally, the letter
will ask parents to help students select an object of significance to
bring to class.
Students are to bring an object that they feel is significant to them. It
may be a photo, an object that represents their family history etc.
Students are to sit in a circle and each child is to show their object and
explain why it means something to them.
First people:
Aboriginal culture
In the background play the Youtube clip of Aboriginal music.
Six pictures that denote important aspects of the Aboriginal culture
will be placed at stations around the room. At each station there will
be a sheet of butchers paper. In groups of 5 (mixed cultures of
students), students are to rotate around the room and visit each station.
They are to view the picture and write any words, ideas that they have
about the item onto the paper. Rotate each group around each station.
The visual stimulus will act as a way of introducing students to the
topic. Students of Aboriginal background will be encouraged to take
leadership in their groups.

-Students inquiry notebook

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Avc 11

-Letter to parents
-Teacher could bring an object of their own to join
in the discussion

Avc 2

* Idea adapted from the Small Object Big Story

program (Museum Victoria, 2014) website

Six pictures (see appendix 2):

-Aboriginal art
-Indigenous flag
-Indigenous clothing

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Avc 4

-Butchers paper x6
-Youtube clip: Aboriginal music

Kernahan Primary
Inquiry- We come from many places
EEO310, Tri 2, 2014

Anna Johnson- 211327073

to find out
that give
insight into
know and
that prepare
them for

KWL chart
Students are to create a KWL chart in their inquiry
books (teacher to model template on board) on the
topic of immigration and the first people of this land.
K- what prior knowledge do students have? W- What do
students want to know and find out throughout the
term? (their wonder wall question can act as a basis), Lthis stage will be revisited at the end of the term, what
have students learnt? Can they answer their questions?

-Inquiry books


This activity is a form of pre-unit assessment.

Whats in your suitcase?
-Begin by asking students if they have ever packed a
bag to go somewhere. Where did you go? How did you
get there? What was in your bag? Establish the
difference between travel and immigration (at this point
a definition of immigration will need to be constructed).
-Watch the video of Cuc Lam and her red suitcase.
-What would you include in your suitcase if you were
migrating to another country? Students think, pair,
share with another student and then collect a
worksheet of a suitcase and independently draw their
contents inside.
-Reflection: as a whole group come back onto the floor
and encourage some students to share their suitcases
and the reasons for their choices. Ask students what
they think the importance of a suitcase is and what
does it represent?

-Cuc Lams suitcase video:

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-Whiteboard and markers

-IWB, laptop to play clip
-Suitcase templates x30

** Designed as a pre-activity for students visit to the

Immigration Museum in coming weeks.

-Australian flag

The flags of our classroom

Teacher shows the class the Australian flag. Discussion


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Kernahan Primary
Inquiry- We come from many places
EEO310, Tri 2, 2014

Anna Johnson- 211327073

of what they think each part represents. Why does each
nation have a flag?
Students are to use a laptop and log onto the website
provided. They are to search for their country and find
its flag. Encourage them to think about its design. They
may also want to investigate some other flags.
Students are to print off their flag in colour (teacher can
do if students unable) and stick them underneath the
whiteboard, side by side as a display showing the
diversity of cultures within our classroom.


-Guest speaker (organised pre-unit)

-Students prepared questions

Guest speaker
A friend of one of the staff members from level 3 has
been organised to come into the class as a guest
speaker. This lady emigrated from Vietnam and arrived
in Australia in \1980. She will share her personal story
including reasons for migration, her journey and how
she has settled in Australia. She has also been asked to
bring in an object of significance- this will connect to
earlier activity.
Before hand, in pairs students will think of one question
(which will be checked by the teacher) that they would
like to ask the guest speaker.
**Hearing a real-life case that students can put a face
to will allow them to create links between what they
have/ will learn and their own experiences.

-Assessment sheets (see appendix 3)

-Family tree template (have spares!)

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Immigration project, getting started (stage 1)

** Read the assessment outline (appendix 3) first.
Throughout the unit students will be using what they
have learnt and extending their skills through
independent research to develop an immigration

Kernahan Primary
Inquiry- We come from many places
EEO310, Tri 2, 2014

Anna Johnson- 211327073

-Firstly read through assessment outline and criteria
with students.
-Students select their buddy- teacher to ensure pairs
are appropriate, based on behaviour etc.
-Each student is to develop 3 questions that they will
use along with the three provided to interview a
member of their family.
1) What is my heritage?
2) Can you tell me about my ancestors? Where did they
come from and when? (Focus on gaining immigration
details for one person).
3) When did my parents arrive in Australia? If they were
born here, ask about another relative who migrated to
Students are then given a copy of a family tree. Teacher
to walk students through it and help them fill in their
names, brothers and sisters, parents etc. (*it is
acceptable for students to only fill in one side if they
have a single parent or can leave some blanks if unsure
of details). At home, they are to interview someone and
fill in rest of family tree as best they can.
In a following lesson, students type up their questions
and answers, as well as ensuring their family tree is

Avc 1

-White paper

First people:
Researchers assistant
We need your help! In pairs, you need to provide a
drawing/descriptive words to your researcher of what
you think Australia looked liked, smelt like, felt like from

Kernahan Primary
Inquiry- We come from many places
EEO310, Tri 2, 2014

Anna Johnson- 211327073

the first Australians perspective. Brainstorm as many
ideas as you can, there are no right answers!

A shared
from which
students will
gather new
about the

The impacts of immigration

-Ask students what impact they think immigration has
had on Australian land and culture. Create shared
-Watch Youtube clip on multiculturalism.
-Prompt discussion on effects on food, lifestyle, people
as a result of having many cultures in the one place.
-Students conduct research on the selected websites.
From the information they have read, create a T chart,
with the headings yes to immigration and no to
immigration. Underneath they write their reasons for

Immigration Project, stage 2

Students are required to create a profile of their country
of heritage. They can present it however they wish, but
it must be appropriate for presenting at immigration
Aspects to research and include:
-Country name, location (map), its history of
immigration, any relevant statistics, flag/symbols,
Excursion to Immigration Museum
Students visit the Immigration Museum and partake in
the Pack your bags program led by museum staff.
Students explore migration and cultural diversity, by
viewing costumes, artefacts and hearing stories.

-Youtube clip- Multicultural Australia

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* Click on chapter 2: opposition to

multiculturalism and immigration to
view the opposing arguments.



Kernahan Primary
Inquiry- We come from many places
EEO310, Tri 2, 2014

Anna Johnson- 211327073

Students then break into small groups and experience a
self-guided activity through the museum. The activities
they complete can be taken home in a miniature
suitcase as apart of the Big Brown Bag option (museum
Victoria, 2014).
First people:
Aboriginal culture
-Students watch part of the first episode of First
Australians (up to 3 mins 30), which gives them an
overview of the first people.
-Split students into 5 groups, each being assigned an
area of Indigenous culture to research (see right). Each
group presents their findings to the rest of the class on

that help
process the
that they

Post excursion, reflection

Students are to write a reflective piece in their inquiry
books, about their visit to the Immigration Museum.
Include points such as what did you see, learn? What
was your favourite part of the visit?
Promotion poster
The Immigration Museum needs you! With a partner
create an advertising poster that promotes the museum
and the Pack Your Bags program. Imagine the museum
is trying to get more visitors to attend the program,
how would you capture their attention? What was
unique about the program and why do you think others
should attend?
Immigration Project, stage 3
The next stage of the project requires students to chart


Teachers Notes:
Activities in program:
First Australians:

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Avc 10

Select from side bars:
-Social Organisation
-Religion & Ceremony
-Inquiry books

Avc 2
Avc 5

-Poster paper
-Laptops- access to museum website

Avc 2
Avc 5

-A4 world map x30

Avc 16
Kernahan Primary
Inquiry- We come from many places
EEO310, Tri 2, 2014

Anna Johnson- 211327073

the journey of their chosen immigrant. This will involve
marking on a map the country they migrated from, the
route they took and their destination. Students should
be encouraged to be as neat and accurate as can be.
-Venn diagram template x15 (few spares)

Avc 1
Avc 15

First people:
Venn diagram
-Firstly the teacher will model what a Venn diagram is
and how to represent your information. Construct one
as a whole class on a topic of your choice (doesnt have
to be related).
-Students will be paired up with someone they do not
usually work with and are to construct a Venn diagram
that compares the life of the First Australians to life as
they see it now.
If students struggle with ideas for comparison, teacher
should prompt. Could include: food, transport, clothing,
housing, landscape, family organisation, daily routine.

and extend

Letter from a migrant

Students are to take on the role of an imaginary
migrant. They are to write a letter home to their family
after emigrating to Australia and having been here for
six months. In their letter they should describe their
new home in Australia, their journey to get here, their
first impressions of their new land, the people and
culture. Encourage students to think about their senses,
what did you see, hear, feel, smell, touch? This will
increase the individuality of their pieces.

-Blank planning paper

-Lined paper x30

Avc 5

Before writing, students should brainstorm ideas and


Kernahan Primary
Inquiry- We come from many places
EEO310, Tri 2, 2014

Anna Johnson- 211327073

develop a plan. This is an independent task and could
act as a piece of assessment.
Celebrations everywhere!
-Show the Youtube clip celebrations around the world.
Create a brainstorm on the board of the characteristics
of celebrations. Emphasise that despite each country
having its own celebrations with its own purpose, they
can all be connected due to their nature.

-Youtube clip

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Avc 14

-Highlight some of important events that are famous in

Australia (ANZAC day, harmony day, Australia day).
-Have students sitting in a circle and go around and ask
students if they can share a celebration that is famous
in the country they originated from.
-Students each choose an event from a list of
celebrations from around the world. Using a piece of
A4 paper they are to represent their celebration in
words and pictures. The teacher will then bind all the
pages to form a Global celebrations book.
Immigration Project, stage 4
In this stage, students are to choose an area of
specialty that they would like to research further about
their country. They can choose from:
They can present their information however they feel
suitable (but it must be appropriate for presentation at
Immigration Night- check with teacher if unsure).


Avc 10

*Findings are not required to be extensive, however

must show understanding through a clear and succinct
overview of the area.

Kernahan Primary
Inquiry- We come from many places
EEO310, Tri 2, 2014

Anna Johnson- 211327073

that help
students put
it all
together and
draw some
about what
they have

Timeline of our class

-On the inquiry display board, tape a strip of paper from
one end to the other.
-Have student in a whole group and place the card
40,000 years ago on the left end of the timeline- this
is when Aborigines were first known to be in Australia.

-Long strip of paper

-Small cards x35

Avc 6

-Give each student a card and ask them to write on the

date when their parent came to Australia (they will
have this answer from their interview questions). If their
parent was born here, write the date another relative
arrived. Students name their card.
-The teacher to write benchmark dates on the timeline
and students are to put their cards on the timeline in
ascending order.
-This will give students a perspective of how long ago
Aboriginal people were the dominant population
compared to when their families arrived.
Link back to beginning of unit
Teacher is to give students back their wonder wall
questions and they are to see if they can answer them.
Share with a friend. Students will also fill in the L
column of their KWL chart. What have they learnt?

Question Ball
Students are to stagger themselves around the room. A
small ball is passed and they are to catch it if they know
the answer by calling out their name.
Possible questions:

-Wonder wall sticky notes

-KWL charts

-Small ball
-List of questions

Kernahan Primary
Inquiry- We come from many places
EEO310, Tri 2, 2014

Anna Johnson- 211327073

-Which country did our guest speaker migrate from?
-What is the definition of immigration?
-How many countries do people from our class come
-What kind of clothing do Aboriginal people wear?
-Name a positive impact of immigration on Australian
Teacher to make up more.
-Students will require their story of immigration
-Venn diagram template x30

Avc 5

Immigration project, stage 5

Students are to join up with their buddy and each of
them needs to create a Venn diagram using the
information they have collected. Students should
compare their personal stories of immigration. In each
circle state each story in dot points and in the middle
identify any similarities. This will allow students to
contrast two real-life cases, noting the similarities and
differences between them.
Immigration project, stage 6

that give
students the
to act upon
what they
have learnt


Students will hold an immigration night for their family
and friends to come and view their presentations of
what they have been learning. Students will have time
in the afternoon to set up their exhibit, which will show
off all the work they have put into their projects.
Students should be situated next to their buddy. This
event will allow students to interact with their
parents/friends and answer any questions they have.

-Students work
-Tables, pin boards etc.
-World map used in tuning in stage- put this up the
front of room.

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Kernahan Primary
Inquiry- We come from many places
EEO310, Tri 2, 2014

Anna Johnson- 211327073

Stage 6 continued
In the lesson following the night, students will reflect on
the project they developed. What worked well? What
would you do differently next time? Students fill in selfassessment.

-Self-assessment form

Aboriginal Culture 2014, Aboriginal Culture retrieved 7 September 2014, < >.
Aboriginal Music by Richard Walley 2009, Youtube, Sharkblock, 21 September, retrieved 6 September 2014, <
Alexander, R & Flutter, J 2010, Re-thinking pedagogy, in R, Alexander (ed.), Final report and recommendations of the Cambridge Primary
Review, Routledge, London, pp. 279-310.
Black, J 2010, We are one, Diamond Clear Vision, California.
Celebrations Around the World 2013, Youtube, Sophie Littler, 23 October, retrieved 7 September 2014, <
Digital Learning 2014, Cuc Lams Suitcase, retrieved 6 September 2014, <
Gilbert, R 2011, Chapter 1: Studies of society and environment in the Australian curriculum, in R Gilbert & B Hoepper (eds.), Teaching society
and environment, 4th edn, Cengage Learning, Melbourne, pp. 2-19.


Kernahan Primary
Inquiry- We come from many places
EEO310, Tri 2, 2014

Anna Johnson- 211327073

Immigration Museum 2010, Onsite Activities, Museum Victoria, retrieved 7 September 2014,
KidRex 2014, KidRex, retrieved 7 September 2014, <
Kidtopia 2014, Kidtopia, retrieved 7 September 2014, <
Multicultural Australia- Embrace (Short Film) 2014, Youtube, hopemissioncentre, 26 January, retrieved 6 September 2014,
Museum Victoria 2014, Origins- Immigrant Communities in Victoria, retrieved 7 September 2014, <
Museum Victoria 2014, Pack Your Bags, retrieved 7 September 2014,
< >.
Museum Victoria 2014, Small Object Big Story retrieved 6 September 2014, <
National Geographic 2014, National Geographic Kids, retrieved 7 September 2014, <
Neuburger, L 2008, The Pleasures of Multi-culturalism: How children learn better in multi-cultural classrooms, English Drama Media, vol. 11, no.
1, pp. 25-31.
Pearson Education 2014, Fact Monster, retrieved 7 September 2014, <
Photius Coutsoukis 2000, All National Flags, retrieved 7 September 2014, < >.
Red Apple Education 2014, Multiculturalisms influence on society, retrieved 7 September 2014, <
SBS 2014, First Australians, retrieved 7 September 2014, < >.
Scholastic 2014, Meet Young Immigrants, retrieved 6 September 2014,
Stephenson, N 2014, Introduction to Inquiry Based Learning retrieved 8 September 2014, <>.


Kernahan Primary
Inquiry- We come from many places
EEO310, Tri 2, 2014

Anna Johnson- 211327073

Tarascio-Agosta, A, Carroll, L & Hollingworth, J 2010, Pack Your Bags, Museum Victoria, retrieved 7 September 2014,
Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority 2014, Civics and Citizenship, retrieved 6 September 2014, <>.
Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority 2014, Interpersonal Development, retrieved 6 September 2014, <>.
Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority 2014, The Humanities, retrieved 6 September 2014, <>.
Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority 2014, The Humanities- Geography, retrieved 6 September 2014, <>.
Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority 2014, The Humanities- History, retrieved 6 September 2014, <>.
Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority 2014, Interpersonal Development, retrieved 6 September 2014, <>.

Appendix 1

Find Someone Who


Kernahan Primary
Inquiry- We come from many places
EEO310, Tri 2, 2014

Anna Johnson- 211327073

Who can name

the capital of

Who can cook


Who can speak


Who can name

5 different

Whose family
is from an
Asian country?

Who has eaten

indian food

Who has been

to Italy?

Who can name

a country
beginning with

Who has/had a
pen pal with

Who enjoys
watching an

Who has been

to visited three
or more

Who has been

on an

Who has a
mum or dad
born overseas?

Who is able to
cook a food
that is famous
in another

Who can name

the capital of

Who has been

on a holiday to

Who can
describe what
the Japanese
flag looks like?

Who can name

the capital of

Who knows the

word for hello
in another

Who has been

on a ship/ocean
liner before?

Who can name

three countries
in Asia?

Who can say

thank you in

Who has seen

Uluru before

Who can
describe a
famous item of
clothing from

Appendix 2


Kernahan Primary
Inquiry- We come from many places
EEO310, Tri 2, 2014

Anna Johnson- 211327073

Appendix 3- Project outline


Kernahan Primary
Inquiry- We come from many places
EEO310, Tri 2, 2014

Anna Johnson- 211327073

~Inquiry Assessment Task~
In the following weeks you will be developing a project based on the
immigration of your family. There are many aspects to this project,
including conducting an interview with a family member to investigate
the migration of one person, developing a country profile that includes
location, important symbols such as the flag, history of immigration and
any statistics. You will also be required to map the journey of your chosen
person. You will then choose a focus area to research (food, clothing,
lifestyle or transport) about your origin country.
You will be given time in class each week to work on this project, but you will also have to conduct
some investigations at home.
At the end of the term, all grade 4s will be hosting an immigration night, where you will be able to
present your project to your parents.
The aim of this task is develop an insight into your chosen country of origin, the nature of immigration
and to learn that our families come from different places with different experiences.
Throughout the project you will have a buddy who you can check in with to share ideas and make
sure youre both on track


Kernahan Primary
Inquiry- We come from many places
EEO310, Tri 2, 2014

Anna Johnson- 211327073

(Preparing to
find out)

(Finding out)


After you have listened and understood the requirements for this project, you will
need to select a buddy who you will work well with. You will then need to develop
some questions that you will ask a family member about immigration. Use the three
provided and write three of your own. You will also need to fill in the parts of your
family tree that you can. Questions and family trees need to be completed at home
this week for homework.
In the next lesson, you need to type up your questions and answers, as well as
ensuring your family tree is presentable.
Next you will need to create your country profile, which you can present how you
wish (remember it must be presentable at immigration night. Poster, PowerPoint,
emaze etc.). Include: the name of your country, its location, its history of
immigration, any relevant statistics, flag/symbols, population.
Chart your subjects journey of immigration on a world map. Ensure you highlight
both the country of origin and country they are immigrating to!
Choose an area of specialty that you are going to research further about your country.
Choose from food, clothing, lifestyle or transport. Present your information however
you feel suitable (check with teacher if unsure).
Join up with your buddy and each of you needs to create a Venn diagram using the
information you have both collected. You should compare your personal stories of
immigration. In each circle state each story in dot points and in the middle identify
any similarities.
Bring all your work together and put the finishing touches on!
2nd September 7pm: Immigration Night. You will each have a space to present your
projects to family and friends!
In the following lesson you will reflect on the project you have developed. What
worked well? What would you do differently next time? Fill in the self- evaluation.


Kernahan Primary
Inquiry- We come from many places
EEO310, Tri 2, 2014

Anna Johnson- 211327073


~Teacher Assessment~

Kernahan Primary
Inquiry- We come from many places
EEO310, Tri 2, 2014

Anna Johnson- 211327073






1. Content of project
2. Research skills
3. Effort- including
presentation at
immigration night
4. Ability to reflect on
own performance

~Self- assessment~
Things I think I did well.

Next time I would.


Kernahan Primary
Inquiry- We come from many places
EEO310, Tri 2, 2014

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